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A.which B.that C.it D.whom 5.There is no dictionary_____you can find everything. A.that B.which C.where D.in that 6.This is one of the best books_______. A.that have ever been written C.that has written B.that has ever been written D.that have written 7.He wrote a letter to me,telling me everything__ _ _he saw on the way to the Paris. A.what B.that C.which D.where 8.Is oxygen the only gas_____helps fire burn? A.that B./ C.which D.it 9.Is there anything_____to you? A.that is belonged B.that belongs C.which belongs D.that belong 10.The scientist and his achievements______you told me about are admired by us all. A.which B.that C.who D.whose 11.Which of the books______were borrowed from him is the best? A.which B.what C.that D.whose 12.Do you know who lives in the building______there is a well? A.in front of it B. in front of whose C.in front of which D.in front which 13.I�ll never forget the day____I joined the League. A.on which B.in which C.which D.at which 14.The woman_____my brother spoke just now is my teacher. A. who B.to whom C.to who D whom 15.Jeanne was her old friend,____she borrowed a necklace. A.from who B.from whom C.to that D.to whom 16.His glasses,_____he was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke its leg. A.which B.with which C.without which D.that 17.China has many rivers,____the Changjiang River is the longest. A.which B. in which C.among which D. one of which 18.This is the very knife_____I used to cut apples yesterday. A.that B.by which C.which D.with which 19.The speed____which you drive your car mustn�t too high. 20.In the park there are many flowers,the colour_____which is bright and nice. 21.The little girl is reading a book,_____which there are many pictures. 22.What were the things_______which he was not too sure? 23.They held a meeting,____which the hospital director made a speech. 24.The book,_____which he paid 6 yuan,is worth reading. 25.Is this the man____whose house the police found the lost coloured TV? 26.The villagers dug along tunnel______which they could go to the fields without being found by the Japanese soldiers. 27.Wu Dong,_____whom I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much. 28.The stories about Long March,_____which this is one example,are well written. 29.They held a meeting,____which the hospital director made a speech. 30.A.Pisa is a city, ___ has a leaning tower. B.Pisa is a city,____there is a leaning tower. a.which b.that c.where d.there 31.A.This is the place____we visited last year. B.This is the place____we worked last year. a.which b.where c. in that d.there 32.A.The news____he told us was very exciting. B.He has brought us the news____our team has won the game. a.what b.as c.that d.where 33A.It is in a box____I have hidden my money. B.We�ll go___we are needed. a.that b.in which c.where d.in it Correct mistakes: 1.I saw some trees leaves of which were black with disease. 2.Here is the pen you lost it yesterday. 3.The girl told me the news is not here now. 4.This is the village where my father worked in three years ago. 5.The reason why he gave us sounded a little strange. 6.He is the only one of the students who know French. 7.I�ll never forget the day on which I spent with you. 8.Which was planned,we met at the railway station. 9.This is the teacher with whom we�ve learnt a lot. 10.Is this farm we visited last year?     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