ࡱ> 574'` RbjbjLULU8".?.?~~~8 D$6 h":-4| ~0D,"(""[PXD   too ...to...SWUOeh:y[ bNwStoo ...to...SW/f-Nf[S_-NN*N8^(uvSW +TIN/f *Y& & N*Y& & l g& &  8^(uegh:y&T[OY My brother is too young to go to school. b__*Y\N؏ N Nf[0 He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. Nэ_*Y_bv N NN0 FO/f (WN NQy`QSWh:y[ Nh:y&T[ 1. tooTcv͋/fglad, pleased, ready(u_v `?av) eager anxious delighted thankful satisfied willing happyI{e ُ{|͋/fh:y_``~ v SWh:y[ُetoovS_Nvery 0OY Tom was too glad to hear from his friend yesterday afternoon. (f)Y NHS dlY6e0R gSvegOa0R^8^ؚtQ Mary is too willing to study Chinese. s=N_PNaf[`NIl0 Lei Feng was too ready to help others. PNa.^R+RN0 John is too willing to play football with his classmates after school. ~^8^PNa>ef[TT Tf[Nw"t I m too eager to go home. b_PNaV[0 2. S_tooMR goR͋but, only, allI{͋Ope SWh:y[0ُeonly (but, all)toovS_Nvery veryl͑0OY Kate is but too ready to help her classmates when they have difficulty with their studies S_ Tf[f[`N gVe Qyr^8^?aa.^_ Coming across his good friend she was only too excited to jump up. vPG}Y gS yYoR_Nweg0 I shall be only too ple*   vx  hjn\^̾~h{ hmQjhmQUh5GhTCJOJQJo(h`dCJOJQJo(hCJOJQJh`dh`dCJOJQJh`dh`dCJOJQJo(hHGh`dKHUh5GCJOJQJo(h5Gh5GCJOJQJh5Gh5G5CJOJQJaJ(* & ~ r Z t  . b r :gd5G$a$gd5Gased to come. b_ؚtQegN0 We are but too glad to do so. b_ؚtQُ7hr^0 They are all too satisfied to take the opinion of others. NN[+RNcv‰p_na0 30tooMR g&T[͋not neverI{e SWh:y[OY It s never too late to mend. Nebr *g:NZf_N0 It s not too late to learn. f[`N:Ne NZf0 He thinks that spoken English is not too difficult to learn. N:NSv^ Nf[0 This lesson is not too hard (for us) to understand . ُbN Nt0 4. toMR g&T[͋note SWh:y[OY Tom is too wise not to make plane models by himself. dlY_jf ]6R\Oޘ:g!jW0 She was too careful not to have found the bus stop. yY_~_ N[O~b0R}lfzv0 You are too clever not to learn English well. `O_jfN[f[}Y0 5.S_it\Ob__;N wckv;N/fR͋ N[_(w)e dketoovS_Nvery ُyS_h:y[aIN0OY It s too important to learn English f[`N틈_͑0 6.can not...tooa:N e`7h_N NǏR0& & }Y ~g؏S(ucan never  can not... enoughegfbc0OY We can not thank you enough bN`7hao`O_N N{ǏR0 You can never be careful enough. `O\_}Y0     F8TnDnl j^  VD^ gd`d WD`gd`dgd`dgd5G  VD^ gd`d &dPgd5G6182P:p{ ( 9!S"S#S$S%S N@N cke $1$a$$CJKHPJ_HaJmH nHsH tH$A@$ ؞k=W[SOBi@B nfh?AFHJMY%&/089BCJKPknqvz 09klsGO")q}&6t)*+3GQSUV]ghzYz09 lsGO")q}&6t453 7.Tr\^`\o(. U\U^U`\hH) \^`\hH. \^`\hH. A \A ^A `\hH)  \ ^ `\hH.  \ ^ `\hH. -\-^-`\hH) \^`\hH.7N         WA& hMqIgA& _/<TIIg<T[,c,8WW[,c,8WhMq_/ ,a5G{ 34c;}6>mQi\`dTu)/@[(pp pUnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;[SOSimSun 1h F F++!-!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 0 00000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[SS2QHX?5G2_o(u7b_o(u7b Oh+'0\   $ 0<DLT ΢ûNormal ΢û5Microsoft Office Word@캃@@+՜.+,0 X`t|  ΢й'   !"#%&'()*+-./01236Root Entry FB81Table"WordDocument8"SummaryInformation($DocumentSummaryInformation8,CompObjm  FMicrosoft Office Word ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q