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teaching plan and reflection

录入者:netlab  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2008年01月25日

A  Teaching Plan for an Open Class


Subject: Unit 20  Archaeology

Instructor : Wu Yanyu(吴艳玉)from NO 7 Middle School

Teaching type: Listening and speaking

Students: class 1, senior 2

. Teaching Objectives:

1 .Knowledge Objectives:

a) To get students to be familiar with some information about archaeology.

b) To master useful words and expressions about curiosity.

2 .Ability Objectives:

a)To develop students’ listening strategies ability, including metacognitive strategies,cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies.

b) To practice expressing curiosity about archaeologicl finds.

c) To learn to appreciate archaeologicl discoveries

3. Emotional Objective:

By learning about the archaeological finds at home and abroad the students will come to realize the importance of archaeology  and they are cultivated to love archaeology and love our country.

二.Teaching focus:

1. To listen to some facts about the excavation of the king of Stonehenge.

2.  To learn to express curiosity about archaeology.

三. Teaching difficult points

1. To cultivate students’ listening strategies

2. To listen to get the gist of the listening material.


四. Teaching methods:

1. The Communicative Language Teaching

2. Task-based Teaching

3. Situational Language Teaching

4. PPPpresentation-practice-production

     五. Theories appliedthe theory of constructivism; focusing on situation ,cooperation and meaning ; the theory of schemata

六.Teaching Aids: Multi-media device and traditional instruction appliances

七.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 .Lead-in

  1A duty report linked to the Stonehenge.

2. Questions: China is a country with  an ancient civilization .It has a long history and brilliant culture.In which ways can we learn about its history and culture?

Step 2. warming up

   Have a team competition to get close to archaeology so as to enrich and activate the students’schemata about archaeology .

Step 3. Listening

1. Pre-listeningin groups

a) Make a prediction about the detailed information of the coming listening material.

b)Guess the main idea of based on the questions given.

c) Provide some key and new words

2. While-listening

Task 1  Listen to and watch the video clip once. Focus on the Exercise 1 in groups.

Task 2  Listen to nd watch the video clip again and complete the multiple- choice in groups.

3. Post-listening

Task 3  Suppose you are the archer- the king of Stonehenge who has come back to life. Make an self-introduction individually within a group according to the video clip you have heard.

Step 4. Speaking

1.       pre-speaking:

Task 1: Listen to an English song “Lemon Tree”and complete the lyrics, using I wonder; I wonder how I wonder why.

Task 2: Talk about the theme of the song to lead in the topic of curiosity.

2.       while-speaking :pair working

Task I : Present the useful expressions about how to express curiosity.

Task 2: Situational dialogue in pairs, one act as an archaeologist who has discovered the Mawangdui Han Tombs and the other act as a journalist sent to interview the archaeologist using the patterns about curiosity.

Step 5.Homework

Write a passage to express your understanding of the importance of archaeology  according to the questions given.

Step 6 Assessment

1. The students’ on-the-spot feedbacks are ranked first in assessing the efficiency of this lesson. After-class survey is also necessary and useful.

2. I will compare real teaching with teaching plan. Reflect on what should be refined and refreshed.





Mark your performance in the blanks to see how well you did in the following items.

5= Excellent    4= Good    3= Satisfactory

2= Unsatisfactory   1= Poor








Team competition






Visual listening














I learnt _______________________________________

I’d like to know more about ____________________________________________________________________________________________

I’m still not sure about ___________________________




Time distribution for this lesson



1. lead-in


2 warm-up


3. listening


4. speaking


5. Homework


6 assessment



Teaching reflection:

 From the teaching of this lesson , I ponder a lot over the class atmosphere and teaching effect. Firstly, practising listening through visual divice with a more authentic listening material for the students is really a communicative language teaching, which I think can better inspire and motivate the students’ interest and enthuziasm in the class time.  Secondly, Playing some beautiful English song is helpful to enliven the class atmosphere so as to arrest the students’ attention and make the class dynamic rather than static. Meanwhile, English songs can serve as a genuine listening matters and the lyrics of the songs are genuine language learning materials which are easy to read and remember. They are effective supplementary teaching materials. Thirdly, team work, group work and pair work must be combined so as to lower the difficulty level of the listening task because two heads are better than one. Also, students’ team spirit can be shaped and more importantly, they learn to be cooperative , which is an essential quality for a successful social being.But there are also some problems. The major one is that students are not so well-prepared that they fail to perform their tasks perfectly. Another paradox is the limited time and the large size of class. It is almost impossibe for every student to get a chance to perform their speaking in public, which may inhibit the development of every student. Anyway, I will continue to explore how to improve the students’ listening and speaking competence via video clips ,English films and English songs.




