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五年高考 时态和语态

录入者:netlab  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2010年02月01日

2010届高考英语总复习(五年高考)(三年联考)精品题库:第四章 语法练习分类汇编   第七章 动词的时态和语态  

第一部分  近年高考题荟萃  



1. (09安徽28)   

 The play           next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.  

A. produced                              B. being produced  

C. to be produced                          D. having been produced  


2  (09北京24)  

 For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _____ on his own farm.  

A. grown            B. being grown       C. to be grown        D. to grow  


3. (09北京27)  

 The way the guests _____ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service  

A. treated            B. were treated        C. would treat        D. would be treated  


4. (09北京28)  

  All of them try to use the power of the workstation ___ information in a more effective way.  

A. presenting         B. presented          C. being presented     D. to present  


5. (09北京34)  

  ___ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.  

A. Being bitten       B. Bitten             C. Having bitten      D. To be bitten  


6. (09福建32)   

    not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.  

A. Reminding                 B. Reminded             C. To remind         D. Having reminded  


解析 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语the manager,非谓语动词与句子主语是被动关系,且其表示的动作在谓语动词set out之前已经发生,非谓语动词用过去分词,选B  

7. (09福建34)   

 In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,    the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.  

A. marking            B. marked               C. having marked      D. being marked  


解析  考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做状语,其后有宾语,故与逻辑主语是主动关系,且表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时进行,用现在分词,选A  


When he        the door, he found his keys were nowhere.  

A. would open                 B. opened                    C. had opened              D. was to open  

答案 D  

解析  考查非谓语动词。动词不定时的用法。句意为:当他要打开门的时候,他发现他的钥匙不见了。动词不定时表示将要发生的动作。  


At the age of 29, Dave was a worker,        in a small apartment near Boston and ______ what to do about his future.  

A. living; wondering                                           B. lived; wondering  

C. lived; wondered                                             D. living; wondered  

答案 A  

解析  考查分词的用法。句意为:29岁的大卫,是一个工人,住在一间小公寓在波士顿附近,不知怎么办关于他的未来。现在分词作定语修饰a workerand 为并列连词,连接相同的成份。  

10. (09湖南29)   

  Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it       .  

A. reusing                        B. reused                     C. reuses                     D. to be reused  


解析  考查动词不定时的用法。句意为:现在人们有时把他们的废物分开,以便很容易被重复利用。重新再利用是指将来发生的动作,而且是被动的。故选D  

11. (09湖南31)  

  Please do me a favor — ______ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.  

A. to invite                       B. inviting                    C. invite                      D. invited  


12. (09江西22)   

 _________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.  

A. Giving            B. Having given       C. To give           D. Given  


解析  本题考查非谓语动词。如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they these teenager soccer playersgive 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players……  

13. (09江西34)   

 The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.  

A. forced            B. forcing            C. to be forced        D. having forced  


解析  本题考查非谓语动词的用法。 现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws ,相当于which forces ……...  

14  (09海南30)   

The children all turned         the famous actress as she entered the classroom.  

A. looked at                  B. to look at          C. to looking at           D. look at  


解析  句意为:当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。turn to 表示转向,求助的意思。  

15. (09海南35)   

 Now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people happy with the decisions           ?  

A. taking                        B. take                        C. taken                       D. to take  


解析  考查with +宾语+宾语补足语的用法。句意为:现在,我们已经讨论了问题,是人们最满意的决定? take the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动  

16. (09山东22)   

 We are invited to a party _________in  our club next Friday.  

A. to be held          B. held              C. being held         D. holding  


解析  本题考查非谓语动词的用法,由next month可知时间是在将来,party是被举行,故选A  

17. (09陕西12)   

I still remember      to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.  

A. to take            B. to be taken         C. taking             D. being taken  


解析  考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词做remember的宾语,而remember后用非谓语动词做宾语时,可以用v-ing形式,v-ing表示的动作已经完成,也可用动词不定式,表示的动作还未发生,根据后文的saw可知此处非谓语动词动作已经完成,且与逻辑主语是被动关系,用v-ing的被动式,选D  

18. (09上海31)   

 A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____all four people on board.  

A. killed             B. killing            C. kills              D. to kill  


19. (09上海33)   

 With the government’s aid, those _____ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.  

A. affect             B. affecting           C. affected          D. were affected  


20. (09上海35)   

 Bill suggested _____ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.  

A. having held        B. to hold            C. holding           D. hold  


21. (09四川4)   

 Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.  

A. seated             B. seating            C. to seat            D. seat  


解析 考查非谓语的用法。remain后可接adj, v-ing, v-edto be done 等多种形式做表语,在该题中可以把seated视为一个形容词,所以正确答案为A  

22. (09四川2)    

He told us whether _________ a picnic was still under discussion  

A. to have            B. having            C. have              D. had  


解析  考查非谓语的用法,分析句子可知whether +to do sth. 做了宾语从句的主语, He told us 后省略了宾语从句的引导词that  

23. (09四川10)   

 ________ many times, he finally understood it.  

A. Told              B. Telling            C. Having told      D. Having been told  


解析  考查非谓语的用法。tell与主语之间的关系是被动和完成的关系,所以用having been done来表示被动和完成。  

24. (09天津4)  

  ______ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.  

A. Competing         B. Having completed   C. To have completed  D. To complete  


25. (09天津9)   

 _____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.  

A. Being encouraged                       B. Encouraging  

C. Encouraged                           D. Having encouraged  



 _______and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.  

A. the; a                     B. Tired                        C. Tiring                      D. Being tired  



There is a great deal of evidence _______ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.  


A. indicate                    B. indicating                  C. to indicate                D. to be indicating  

28. (09重庆25)    

Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.  

A. comparing           B. compares          C. to compare          D. compared  


29. (09重庆29)   

 With the world changing fast, we have something new ______ with all by ourselves every day.  

A. deal                  B. dealt                C. to deal              D. dealing  


30. (09全国Ⅱ16)    

They use computers to keep the traffic         smoothly.  

A. being run          B. run               C. to run             D. running  


解析 考查非谓语动词Ving,这儿构成(keep sth. doing  

31. (09江苏26)   

 Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year,       reduce unemployment pressures.  

A. help                    B. to have helped        C. to help              D. having helped  

答案  C  

32 (09江苏32).  

Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school,        the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.  

A. Attend               B. To attend              C. Attending            D. Having attended  





Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?  

Yes since she         the Chinese Society.  

A.has joined              B.joins               C.had joined            D.joined  

答案  D  

解析  since用作连词,引导时间状语从句时,从句中谓语动词常用一般过去时。  


The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front            to arrive.  

A.is expected             B.is expecting        C.expects               D.will be expected  

答案  A  

解析  “冷锋被预计要到来”是指现在“预料”而不是明天,故用一般现在时的被动语态。  


If the weather had been betterwe could have had a picnic.But it         all day.  

A.rained                  B.rains                 C.has rained            D.is raining  

答案  A  

解析  考查一般过去时的用法。本题的精妙之处在于用一个虚拟语气if...had been better...could have   



The director had her assistant                  some hot dogs for the meeting.  

A.picked up                             B.picks up             C.pick up                                   D.picking up  

答案  C  

解析  考查have sb. do sth.结构。句意为:主任让她的助手为会议准备一些热狗(食物)。“让某人去做某事”,其中的不定式应该省略to  


If their marketing plans succeedthey                   their sales by 20 percent.  

A.will increase                         B.have been increasing   C.have increased                  D.would be increasing  

答案  A  

解析  句意为:如果他们的市场运作计划成功,那么他们的销售将会增加百分之二十。条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,主句必须用一般将来时。  


Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya?  

Who                     it?

A.writes                                  B.has written           C.wrote                               D.had written

  答案  C  

解析  由于“写书”这一动作应发生在“读书”之前,且本句中并没有强调具体动作的情况,故该题空格处应表示一般过去的动作,用一般过去时态。  


The hotel wasnt particularly goodbut I                   in many worse hotels.

A.was staying                          B.stayed               C.would stay                       D.had stayed

答案  D  

解析  由句中的worse可知该句是表达比较的含义,故本题句意应为:这家旅馆并不特别好,但是我住过比它更差的旅馆。由于“The hotel wasnt particularly good”中的时态是一般过去时态,所以stay这一动作应发生在描述情况之前,故须用过去完成时态。  


No decision           about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.A.will be made         B.is made             C.is being made         D.has been made  

答案  A  

解析  句意为:直到所有的候选人都被面试过后,才会作出下一步的任命。从句中使用了have been interviewed,这是用现在完成时代替将来完成时,故主句使用将来时。  


He                     football regularly for many years when he was young.  

A.was playing                          B.played               C.has played                        D.had played

答案  B  

解析  由句中regularly可知是过去某个时间内经常性、习惯性的动作,故用一般过去时。  


Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?  

YesI did.You knowmy brother            in the match.  

A.is playing             B.was playing         C.has played            D.had played  

答案  B  

解析  句意为:——你昨天看篮球赛了吗?——看了。你要知道,我的弟弟在那场比赛中上场打球。故此处应该用过去进行时态。  


I like these English songs and they          many times on the radio.  

A.taught                 B.have taught         C.are taught            D.have been taught  

答案  D  

解析  句意为:我喜欢这些英语歌曲,它们在收音机里已经被播放过多次了。此处用现在完成时态表示结果,且应该用被动形式。  


 Do you think we should accept that offer?  

Yes we should for we           such bad luck up till now and time            out.  

A.have had;is running                            B.had;is running        

C.have;has been run                              D.have had;has been run  

答案  A  

解析  句意为:——你认为我们应该接受那个提议(帮助)吗?——是的,我们应该接受,因为迄今为止我们一直运气不好,而且时间就要用光了。因为有时间状语till now,所以第一个空应该用现在完成时态;根据句意,时间应是“就要用光,快用光了”,所以第二个空用现在进行时态,表示时间一点一滴地在流逝。  


 I called Hannah many times yesterday eveningbut I couldnt get through.Her brother          

on the phone all the time!  

A.was talking            B.has been talking    C.has talked        D.talked  

答案  A  

解析  句意为:昨天晚上我给汉娜打过很多次电话,就是打不通。她的哥哥一直在电话上说个不停。此处用过去  



Do you have any problems if you            this job?  

WellIm thinking about the salary...  

A.offer                  B.will offer          C.are offered       D.will be offered  

答案  C  

解析  句意为:“如果你被提供给这份工作的话你有什么问题吗?”“噢,我正在考虑薪水的问题……”在if引导的条件状语从句中,应用一般现在时态来代替一般将来时态。  


The moment I got home I found I                   my jacket on the playground.  

A.had left                              B.left                 C.have left                    D.was leaving

答案  A  

解析  found为一般过去时态,而leave发生在find之前,故leave须用过去完成时态。  


The message is very important so it is supposed            as soon as possible.  

A.to be sent             B.to send             C.being sent        D.sending  

答案  A  

解析  be supposed to do sth.表示“理应做某事”,是习惯搭配,而且sendthe message之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用被动语态形式。  

17. (08四川7)  

The telephone            but by the time I got indoorsit stopped.  

A.had rung               B.was ringing         C.rings             D.has rung  

答案  B  

解析  由句意“电话响着,但我进入室内时停了。”可知,该题表达的时间与过去有关,而与现在无关。由此,排除CD两项。而如果选A项,则与后面it stopped在逻辑上存在错误。


Judy is going to marry the sailor she            in Rome last year.  

A.meets                  B.met                 C.has met           D.would meet  

答案  B  

解析  考查定语从句。根据时间状语last year可知,用一般过去时。


He           as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the Olympics.A.regarded                B.was regarded        C.has regarded      D.had been regarded  

答案  B  

解析  考查regard...as 把……认为是……。


Teenagers            their health because they play computer games too much.  

A.have damaged           B.are damaging        C.damaged           D.will damage  

答案  B  

解析  根据because引导的原因状语的时态,可知前面的时态。


I dont believe youve already finished reading the book I           it to you this morning!A.would lend                B.was lending         C.had lent          D.lent  

答案  D  

解析  根据句意“我认为你还没有读完这本书——我今天早晨刚把它借给你”可知,是对过去事情的一个描述。


Whats that noise?  

Oh I forgot to tell you.The new machine          .  

A.was tested             B.will be tested      C.is being tested   D.has been tested  

答案  C  

解析  根据一对一的问答可知,“机器正在被检测”,故选C项。


So far this year we          a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.  

A.saw                    B.see                 C.had seen          D.have seen  

答案  D  

解析  so far一般与现在完成时连用。


We first met on a train in 2000.We both felt immediately that we         each other for years.A.knew                 B.have known          C.had known         D.know  

答案  C  

解析  句意为:我们于2000年在火车上第一次相遇。我们两人都立刻觉得我们好像已认识了好多年。that从句中know的动作发生在句子谓语动词felt之前,因此从句谓语动词应用过去完成时态。


Have you got any job offers?  

No.I           .  

A.waited                 B.had been waiting    C.have waited       D.am waiting  

答案  D  

解析  句意为:“有人给你提供工作了吗?”“没有,我正在等着。”用现在进行时态表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。


They are quietarent they?  

Yes.They are accustomed            at meals.  

A.to talk                B.to not talk         C.to talking        D.to not talking  

答案  D  

解析  be accustomed to 习惯于,to为介词,后接名词或动名词。由句意可知表示否定意义,故选D项。


Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.  

I think so.He          for it for months.  

A.is preparing                                   B.was preparing         

C.had been preparing                             D.has been preparing  

答案  D  

解析  由句中“for months”与“will”可知,prepare的动作应发生在过去而且到目前还在继续,故用现在完成进行时。


By the time he realizes he           into a trapitll be too late for him to do anything about it.  

A.walks                  B.walked              C.has walked            D.had walked  

答案  C  

解析  由句中realizesitll be可知应用现在的时态,故排除BD两项,由句意可知空白处强调已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时。











  I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I          there several years ago.  

A.are going               B.had been            C.went                  D.have been  

答案  C  

解析  句中ago是一般过去时的标志。  


  Tomyou didnt come to the party last night?  

I           but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.  

A.had to                  B.didnt             C.was going to          D.wouldn’t  

答案  C  

解析  have to不得不,be going to do sth.表示按计划或安排要做某事。根据but可知,此处应选择C项。  


 How can I apply for an online course?  

Just fill out this form and we         what we can do for you.  

A.see                    B.are seeing          C.have seen             D.will see  

答案  D  

解析  此处为“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构,在and之后的句子常用一般将来时态。  


  With the help of high technologymore and more new substances                in the past years.  

A.discovered              B.have discovered     C.had been discovered   D.have been discovered  

答案  D  

解析  in/during the past years所在句子要用现在完成时态,substances是“被发现”,故用被动形式。  


They became friends again that day. Until then they         to each other for nearly two years.  

A.didnt speak                                   B.hadnt spoken  

C.haven’t spoken                             D.haven’t been speaking  

答案  B  

解析  到过去某个时间为止所完成的动作用过去完成时态。  


 I have got a headache.  

No wonder. You         in front of that computer too long.  

A.work                   B.are working         C.have been working     D.worked  

答案  C  

解析  考查动词的时态。由“I have got a headache”可知,空处应用现在完成进行时表示动作“从  



Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine Schoolwhere she           

English for a year.  

A.studies                 B.studied             C.is studying           D.has been studying  

答案  D  

解析  句意为:Cathy正在Sunshine School的课堂上记语法规则的笔记,她已在那儿学了一年英语。此处  



  I         there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.  

A.would be                B.have been           C.had been              D.will be  

答案  C  

解析  when引导时间状语从句,从句用了一般过去时  

态,而主句be there动作应发生在set之前,即过去的过去,故应用过去完成时态。  


Did you see a man in black pass by just now?  

Nosir.I           a newspaper.  

A.read                    B.was reading         C.would read            D.am reading  

答案  B  

解析  just now判断应用过去时态,又由语境“穿黑衣服的人路过时,我正在看报,所以没看见他”知空处要用过去进行时。  


Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?  

Yeshe did.He         his old friends for a long time.  

A.didnt see            B.wouldnt see       C.hasn’t seen          D.hadn’t seen  

答案  D  

解析  for a long time与完成时连用,且前一句中用一般过去时,因此此处应用过去完成时态。  


   Danny            hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.  

A.works                  B.is working          C.has worked            D.worked  

答案  C  

解析  考查动词的时态。句意为“丹尼努力工作来实现他的梦想,现在,他大受欢迎了。”work动作从过去开  



   Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?  

YesI have.I guess it         now.  

A.has graded             B.is graded           C.is being graded       D.is grading  

答案  C  

解析  now可知应用进行时态;作业是被打分数(评阅),故应用被动语态形式。  


   At the end of the meetingit was announced that an agreement            .  

A.has been reached     B.had been reached    C.has reached         D.had reached  

答案  B  

解析  “达成协议”的动作发生在was announced之前,故用过去完成时。  


The house belongs to my aunt but she            here any more.  

A.hasnt lived       B.didnt live        C.hadnt lived       D.doesnt live  

答案  D  

解析  考查动词的时态。句意为:这所房子是我阿姨的,但她(现在)不住这儿了。指的是现在的  



   Johna friend of minewho got married only last weekspent $ 3000 more than he          for the wedding.  

A.will plan              B.has planned         C.would plan            D.had planned  

答案  D  

解析  plan表示的动作发生在spend这一过去动作之前,故应该用过去完成时。句意为:我的朋友约翰上周  

结婚了,婚礼花去了3 000美元,超过了原计划。  


              leave at the end of this month.  

I dont think you should do that until           another job.  

A.Im going to;youd found                   B.Im going to;youve found  

C.Ill;youll find                           D.I’ll;you’d find  

答案  B  

解析  be going to do sth.按计划将要做某事。此句意为:我打算在这个月末离开。——我认为在你没有找到另一份工作之前你不应该离开。  


 The father as well as his three children         skating on the frozen river every Sunday  

 afternoon in winter.  

A.is going               B.go                    C.goes                  D.are going  

答案  C  

解析  as well as+n./pron.短语结构不影响句子的主谓关系,即句子的主语应是the father;由every Sunday afternoon in winter可知应用一般现在时态。  


   I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phonefor I sometimes want   

to make sure if he           home for dinner.  

A.come                   B.comes                 C.has come              D.will come  

答案  D  

解析  根据句意,应用will come表将来。  


 My friendwho           on the International Olympic Committee all his lifeis retiring next month.A.served                    B.is serving          C.had served            D.has served  

答案  D  

解析  考查动词的时态。根据时间状语all his life判断,此处应用完成时态。根据主句的谓语动词is retiring知,应用现在完成时态。  


 Ladies and gentlemenplease fasten your seat belts.The plane            .  

A.takes off              B.is taking off       C.has taken off         D.took off  

答案  B  

解析  考查动词的时态。动词gocomeleave及词组take off等用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。  


In a room above the storewhere a party         some workers were busily setting the table.A.was to be held            B.has been held       C.will be held          D.is being held  

答案  A  

解析  考查动词的时态与语态。根据“some workers were busily setting the table”判断,聚会还没举行,应用将来时态,且整个句子用了过去时,故用过去将来时态。  


I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he            on it for more than an hour.  

A.has been working                             B.will have worked      

C.will have been working                       D.had worked  

答案  A  

解析  主句为一般将来时态,时间状语从句需用一般现在时或现在完成时,因此选A.  


I have to go to work by taxi because my car          at the garage.  

A.will be repaired     B.is repaired         C.is being repaired   D.has been repaired  

答案  C  

解析  考查动词的时态与语态。根据句意“我不得不乘出租车去上班,因为我的车正在修理厂修理。”可知此处应用现在进行时的被动语态。  


I            in London for many yearsbut Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to   


A.lived                  B.was living          C.have lived            D.had lived  

答案  A  

解析  考查动词的时态。根据后一句判断,我已回中国了,因此在伦敦住了多年是过去的事了,故用过去时态。  


Although the causes of cancer        we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.A.are being uncoveredB.have been uncoveringC.are uncovering        D.have uncovered  

答案  A  

解析  由后半句的not yet可知,uncover这一动作仍在进行中,而uncoverthe cause of cancer构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以uncover须用被动语态。  



The flowers were so lovely that they          in no time.  

A.sold                    B.had been sold       C.were sold     D.would sell  

答案  C  

解析  由“were so...”可知此处用一般过去时态;flowers应该是“被卖光”,故用被动形式。  


Is there anything wrongBob? You look sad.  

Ohnothing much.In factI         of my friends back home.  

A.have just thought                               B.was just thinking     

C.would just think                                D.will just be thinking  

答案  B  

解析  你现在看起来很伤心”,表示你在说话之前的表情,因此此处应用过去进行时态。  


I got caught in the rain and my suit          .  

A.has ruined                                      B.had ruined  

C.has been ruined                                 D.had been ruined  

答案  C  

解析  ruin表示的动作发生在got caught之后,故排除BD两项。此处表示被动,所以C项正确。  


It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.  

Oh dont mention it. I       past your house anyway.  

A.was coming              B.will come           C.had come              D.have come  

答案  A  

解析  句意为:“你让我搭便车回家真是太好了。”“噢,不用客气,反正我当时正好经过你家。”此处用过去进行时表示过去某个时间内正在进行的动作。  


Did you tidy your room?  

NoI was going to tidy my room but I           visitors.  

A.had                     B.have                C.have had              D.will have  

答案  A  

解析  由“Did”和“was going to”可知是过去发生的事情。  


Ouch! You hurt me!  

I am sorry. But I           any harm. I         to drive a rat out.  

A.didnt mean; tried                             B.dont mean; am trying  

C.haven’t meant; tried                           D.didn’t mean; was trying  

答案  D  

解析  考查时态。由语境可知第一个空用didnt mean,表示“不是故意做了某事”;第二个空用过去进  



  As the years passedmany occasionsbirthdaysawardsgraduations         with Dads   


A.are marked              B.were marked         C.have marked           D.had marked  

答案  B  

解析  as从句用一般过去时态,主从句时态应一致。  


When I called you this morningnobody answered the phone.Where           ?  

A.did you go              B.have you gone       C.were you              D.had you been  

答案  C  

解析  this  morning为确切的表示过去的时间状语,因此应用一般过去时。A项表示动作,而此处应表状  



I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.  

Impossible.She          TV with me in my home then.  

A.watched                 B.had watched         C.would watch           D.was watching  

答案  D  

解析  考查动词时态。句意为:“我昨晚8点钟在公园看见简和她男朋友了!”“不可能。她当时正在我家和我一起看电视。”此处时间状语为then,指的是at eight yesterday evening,指过去某一时间点正在进行的动作,故应用过去进行时态。  


   Has your father returned from Africa yet?  

Yes but he       here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.  

A.was                    B.has been              C.will be               D.would be  

答案  A  

解析  由句中的sent可知此处应用一般过去时,强调事情发生在过去。  


            you         him around the museum yet?  

Yes.We had a great time there.  

A.Have;shown             B.Do;show             C.Had;shown             D.Did;show  

答案  A  

解析  此处表示说话者询问对方“有没有带领他参观博物馆”的结果,故用现在完成时。  


   Your job          open for your return.  


A.will be kept           B.will keep           C.had kept              D.had been kept  

答案  A  

解析  keep the job/the position open使工作、职位等处于空缺状态,由句意“随时欢迎你回来工作”可知用将来时。  


  Where did you put the keys of the car?  

OhI         I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I         in.  

A.remembered;come                              B.remembered;was coming  

C.remember;come                                D.remember;was coming  

答案  D  

解析  remember是说话者说话时的思维活动,应用一般现在时。remember宾语从句的内容发生在以前,故用过去时态。  


 It is said that the early European playing cards         for entertainment and education.  

A.were being designed    B.have designed       C.have been designed    D.were designed  

答案  D  

解析  句意为:据说早期欧洲的扑克牌是为娱乐和教育的目的而设计的。很明显应用一般过去时态。  


This machine         .It hasnt worked for years.  

A.didnt work           B.wasnt working C.doesnt work             D.isnt working  

答案  C  

解析  考查动词的时态。根据第二句可知,这台机器已经多年不转了,由此判断前一句是说这台机器目前的  



The moment the 28th Olympic Games           openthe whole world cheered.  

A.declared            B.have been declared      C.have declared   D.were declared  

答案  D  

解析  考查时态和语态。句意为:宣布第28届奥运会开幕的那一刻,世界人民沸腾了。the 28th Olympic   



 I was giving a talk to a large group of peoplethe same talk I          to half a dozen other   


A.was giving             B.am giving               C.had given         D.have given  

答案  C  

解析  考查时态的用法。因前一句的时态是过去时,而我给其他六个组做报告发生在给许多人做报告之前,故用过去完成时态。  


 Isnt it time you got down to          the papers?  

A.mark                   B.be marked               C.being marked      D.marking  

答案  D  

解析  本题考查动词短语及非谓动词的用法。get down to“着手干某事”。to为介词,因此后面应接名词和  



Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree          they can be  

controlled on purpose.  

A.with which             B.to which                C.of which          D.for which  

答案  B  

解析  to a degree有点,稍微。句意为:“人的面部表情与动物的不一样,他们可以故意地稍微控制一下。”  


Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to          since the flood hit the area   

last Friday.  

A.have been missing      B.have got lost           C.be missing        D.get lost  

答案  A  

解析  由句意可知“失踪”这一动作仍在持续中,故须用进行时态;又由since知应用完成时态。  


   Although medical science         control over several dangerous diseaseswhat worries us is that   

some of them are returning.  

A.achieved               B.has achieved            C.will achieve      D.had achieved  

答案  B  

解析  考查动词的时态。本句是以一般现在时为基础,可由“worries”推出,故D项首先排除。由句意 “尽管医学已经成功控制了几种危险的疾病,但令我们担忧的是,有些疾病正在发生反弹”可知“achieve  



   The construction of the two new railway lines        by now.  

A.has completed                                      B.have completed            

C.have been completed                                D.has been completed  

答案  D  

解析  by now这个时间状语来看,应用现在完成时;从文意来看,应用被动语态;从主谓一致来看,主语  

the construction,谓语动词应使用单数形式。  


My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He            there for a few months and then went to   


A.worked                 B.would work          C.would be working      D.has been working  

答案  A  

解析  考查一般过去时的基本用法。句中并列连词and连接两个发生在过去的顺承的动作,时态应该一  



I dont suppose the police know who did it.  

Wellsurprisingly they do.A man has been arrested and            now.  

A.has been questioned    B.is being questioned C.is questioning        D.has questioned  

答案  B  

解析  考查动词的时态和语态。根据句中的时间状语now提示,此处应用一般现在时或现在进行时,故排除AD两项;由“a man”与“question”之间存在被动关系可知,此处应用被动语态,故B项现在进行时的被动语态最为符合。  


The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She          before.  

A.hasnt flown          B.didnt fly         C.hadn’t flown         D.wasn’t flying  

答案  C  

解析  hadn’t flown动作发生在was nervous之前。  


Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026           off at 1820.  

A.takes                  B.took                C.will be taken         D.has taken  

答案  A  

解析  飞机、火车等按时刻表运行,表达时用一般现在时表将来。  


You look very tired.           well last night?  

Nonot really.Im tired out now.  

A.Do you sleep           B.Were you sleeping   C.Did you sleep         D.Had you slept  

答案  C  

解析  从题中的last night可知空处应使用一般过去时态。  


   Sarahhurry up!Im afraid you cant have time to          before the party.  

   A.get changed            B.get change              C.get changing      D.getting change  

答案  A  

解析  get+过去分词。该结构含有被动之意,get changed换衣服。  


Lets keep to the point or we               any decisions.  

A.will never reach                  B.have never reached        C.never reach               D.never reached  

答案  A  

解析  考查特定句式结构里面时态的运用。 “祈使句+or(or else/otherwise)+分句”句式结构,在or(or else/otherwise)后面的分句里面常用一般将来时,其他三个选项都不符合这一句式的时态要求。  



第二部分 各地联考题汇编  


                                      1. 09北京市东城区高三二模)

I have to go to school by bus today because my bike        .

    Ahas been repaired                            Bis repairing          

Cwas repaired                                  Dis being repaired

答案  D  

    2. 09北京市东城区高三二模)

I      the saxophone at regular intervals for many years when I was a child.

    Aplayed             Bwas playing         Chas played           Dhas been playing

答案  A  


—Do you really believe him? He is always changing his mind.

    —But this time, it seems that he         to go.

    Awill decide       Bdecides                Cdecided               Dhas decided  

答案  D  


You really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshineYou ______ overworked

    during the last two weeks

    Ahave been    Bwere               Chad been           Dwould be

答案  A  


Ann ______ here any moreShe left last month

    Awon't work    Bdoesn't work       Chasn't worked      Disn't working

答案  B  


If your order is ready, the T-shirt ______ to you as soon as possible

    Ahas delivered   Bis delivered        Cwill deliver        Dwill be delivered  

答案  D  


The stone under her feet rolled; and as she was        into the river, she called out for help.

    Abeing jumped     Bjumped                Cpulling                 Dbeing pulled  

答案  D  


I thought I         my cell phone somewhere. But it is on the back seat of my car.

    Ahad lost           Bwould lose           Chave lost             Dlose

答案  A  




Have you got your result of the final?

    Not yet. I was told that the papers         .

    Awere still being graded                      Bwere not grading

    Chave already been graded                  Dhave not grading

答案  A  


—I         some photos to be developed. Are they ready yet?

    —Yes. Here you are.

    Aleft                Bwill leave             Chave left              Dhad left

答案  A  


At minus  130°C , a living cell can      for a thousand years.

    Apreserve         Bbe preserved        Cbe preserving       Dhave been preserved

答案  B  




—Let Mr. Stephen in, please? He         me.

    ­   —Yes, Sir. In the meeting room.

    Ais expecting    Bhas expected        Cexpected             Dwas expecting

答案  A  


I used to go camping a lot, so it won’t be the first time I          in a tent.

    Ahave slept   Bhad slept           Cwas sleeping      Dslept

答案  A  


With the effects of global warming, trees          their leaves much later in the year.

    Aare losing     Bhave lost            Clost                Dwere losing

答案  A  


To her disappointment, what she had devoted herself to _______ in nothing but failure.

    Aresulting       Bresults             Chas resulted        Dresulted  

答案  D  

    16. 09山东省聊城市高三二模)

The Bank of China, having so far woven its network in 27 countries, ______ its business in Brazil in June 2009.

    A. has started     B. was starting        C. will start             D. started

答案  C  

17. 09山东省临沂市高三二模)  

    Five of the 12 bronze animal heads ____   to China, with seven other ones still issing.  

A. returned                         B. had returned ....  

C. have been returned                 D. have returned ....  

答案  C  


Here’s the key to my car.  

    Thanks, but I must know where you _________ it.  

    Awill park    Bpark             Chad parked        Dparked  

答案  D  


And the horses ______ up to the finish lineThey're neck and neck…neck and neck all the way. Oh and the Italian horse Mamma Mia ______ the race! 高考资源网  

    Acome; is winning               Bhave come; wins 高考资源网  

    Care coming; won                 Dare coming; wins  

答案  D  


They _____ of the terrible situation in Thailand, otherwise they wouldn't have gone there for sightseeing.

Awouldn't hear  Bdidn't hear      Chaven't heard      Ddon't hear

答案  B  


Have you found the problem with the computer ?


    Ais checked

       Bis being checked

Chas checked

       Dwas being checked

答案  B  


By the time you arrive in Londonwe         in Europe for two weeks

    Ashall stay    Bhave stayed    Cwill have stayed    Dhave been staying

答案  C  


As If or got to place the fish in the icebox yesterday, it has          now

Agone off     Bgone out      Cgone down       Dgone away

答案  A  


Luckilythe loss         greatotherwiseour company would have closed down

       Aisnt         Bhadnt been   Chasnt been    Dwasnt

答案  D  

26. (09天津市南开区高三年级质量调查(二))

   Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad ____________ at an annual rate of 3. 9 percent, from 800,  000 in  1975 to 3. 5 million in 2008.

A. grew             B. grows                    C. have grown            D. has grown  

答案  D  


If I hadn’t been caught in the heavy rainI could have been back by 7 o’clock

What a pity! Stella          here to see you.

            Ais                  Bwas                    Cwould be             Dhas been

答案  B  


Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science          that women who drink more than two cups of coffee are more likely to have heart disease than those who don’t.

           Ashowed           Bhas shown           Cwill show            Dis showing

答案  B  


I realized strength and courage aren’t always __________ in medals and victories, but sometimes in the struggles we went through.

         A. measured       B. praised                   C. tested                D. increased

答案  A  

    30. (09江西省临川一中高三下学期期中考试)

The new dictionaries are very useful. They ________ well and ________ already .

    A. sell; have been sold out             B. sold; had sold out 

    C. sell; sell out                              D. are sold; have been sold out

答案  A  


Don't try to call John at 1130 tomorrow morning because he        class at that time

    Ais going to attend                Bwill attend

    Cis to attend                     Dwill be attending  

答案  D  


Unfortunatelywhen I got to her flatshe ______SO we had only time for a few words

     Ajust left         Bhad just left     Chas just left   Dwas just leaving  

     答案   D  


By the end of last year,another new theme park          completed in that area

     Awas being       Bwould be       Chas been     Dhad been  

答案   D  


Kate       on her now novelwhich is supposed to come out next month

     Ahas been working                  Bhad worked      

Cwill be working                    Dwas working

答案   A  

35. 09江苏省南通市高三一模)  

   Profits in his company went up by 25% last year, and ___  ___ so far this year though the  

financial situation is bad.   

A. haven’t decreased                  B. didn’t decrease    

C. haven’t been decreased              D. weren’t decreased  

答案   A  

36. 09江苏省南通市高三一模)  

 Mr. White works with an import and export company, but he ____   __ for this industrial fair,     since he is on leave.   

      A. has worked         B. works        C. has been working    D. is working  

答案   D  


How long have you been in this office?

Just a few minutesI ______ here together with my cousin  

Ahave walked         Bhad walked   Chave been walking    Dwalked

答案   D  

38. 09北京市东城区高三一模)

 Tom, can you answer my question?

     Er, I’m very sorry, Miss Evens, I ________about something else.   

A. had thought         B. was thinking    C. will think           D. have thought

答案   B  

39. 09北京市东城区高三一模)

Jeff, you look so excited today.

     Sure I am, I ______ a good job in a big company, you know.   

A. offered             B. will offer       C. have been offered    D. was offered

答案   C  


 My daughter ______ in a restaurant for the summer, but she doesn’t like very much.

A. worked            B. is working        C. was working         D. works

答案   B  


He has been receiving phone calls from joumalists since he became famousThey       

           to know what will become of his life in the futare

           Ahave wanted      Bare wanting        Cwant            Dwanted

答案   C  


Why not come over at the weekend?The children      seeing you again    

   Aenjoyed        Bwill enjoy       Cwould enjoy     Dhave enjoyed

答案   B  


he Amazon valley is very important to the natural balance of the earthForty percent of the  world’s oxygen     there   

Aproduces        Bhas produced       Cis produced        Dhas been produced 

答案   C  


MrGreen was out of town last weekHe         a medical conference

   Awill attend       Bhad attended      C was attending   Dwould attend

答案   C  


If a computer crashesyou will lose the file you_________on if you don’t save it early enough.  

   Aare working      Bwork            Cwill work        Dworked  

答案   A  


May I have some more coffeeplease?  

   Im sorrybut there  doesnt  seem to be            

A1eft any         Bany left           Cleaving any      Dany leaving  

答案   B  


Stella, you       things about, Look, what a mess in your room!   

A always throw                           B have always throw

C are always throwing                     D have always been throwing

答案   C  


Ring me at 5 am? Nobetter not so early! I           

I got it  

   Awill sleep         Bsleep           Cam sleeping       DwiJl be sleeping  

答案   D  


Because of the Russian gas limit to Europe, attempts       to use botanical fuel as a source of power.   

       Ahave made           Bhaving made            Care being made   Dwill be making  

答案   C  


Have you finished your essay?  

   Half       when you come back.   

     Ahas been done                                           Bis done  

     Cbe done                                                    Dwill have been done  

答案   D  


Why are you so excitedJohn?

Our class got the first prize in the singing contest at lastwhich we         _______forward to

 Ahave been looking                  Bhad been looking

 Clooked                            Dhad looked

答案   A  

52. 09日照市高三模拟考试)

 My stomach       me. I thought it was going awaybut now its getting worse and worse

Awas killing        Bis killing         Ckills             Dkilled

答案   B  


The number of students admitted annually to this school       from more thart 2 000 in  the year 2.000 to some 3000 last yeat  

Aincreases       Bhas increased       Cis increasing        Dincreased

答案   B  


Hardly had all the points that the teacher taught         down when the bell rang

   Ato aken         Btaking            Ctaken             Dbeen taken  

答案   D  

55. 09南京市高三第一次调研测试)

 —Isn’t it amazing that I met Francis at the Christmas party?

    —Really? For how many years ______ each other?

    A. didn’t you see    B. haven’t you seen    C. hadn’t you seen        D. don’t you see

答案   C  

56. 09南京市高三第一次调研测试)

 ­­ Hollywood star Sharon Stone’s words on Sichuan earthquake ______ her image. Nobody in

China ______ her any more.

A. destroyed; would like                               B. has destroyed; likes

C. destroyed; will like                                    D. had destroyed; liked

答案   B  


I really 1ike this song as it is often heard______ everywhere in China

    Asinging       Bsung              Chaving sung        Dto sing

答案   B  


P1ease stop to have a restYou ____the washing machine the whole morning,

    Ahave repaired                       Bwere repairing   

Chave been repaired                   Dhave been repairing

答案   D  


Dont ring me up between 3 and 4I ______  an important talk with the boss then

   Ahave had       Bhave              Cwould have        Dwill be having  

答案   D  


I like British culture very muchand I once went to London.

   How long          there?

   Adid you stay                         Bhave you stayed

   Cwere you staying                     Dhad you stayed

答案   A  

61 09安徽省黄山市高中毕业班第一次质量检测)  

This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

       —YesI know him very well ,He      in Africa with animals for ten years

       A has worked        B.had worked      Chas been working      Dworked

答案   D  

62. 09安徽省黄山市高中毕业班第一次质量检测)

The chief engineer hopes they     everything ready before we     the project next month

A .will have got ; start                   B are getting ; start  

C will be getting ;will start               D have got ; shall start

答案   A  

63. 09石家庄市高中毕业班第一次模拟考试)  

 He got "Jay Chou II" after the singing competition and the name ______ever since.

A. was used                                               B. is used

C. had been used                                         D. has been used

答案   D  




1. (08潍坊市高三第二次教学质量检测)  

  It        hard nowotherwise we could have a barbecue on the beach.  

  A.rained                  B.is raining            C.rains                 D.would rain  

  答案  B  


  Why did you leave the water running in the sink?  

  Heavens!I guess I       to turn it off.  

  A.forgot                  B.have forgotten        C.will forget           D.had forgotten  

  答案  A  


  None of them      the thin girl could keep her end up and came out first in the international   


  A.have predicted          B.would predict         C.were predicted        D.had predicted  

  答案  D  


  His fathera famous university professorwho is said to have started his teaching career in Australia  

          in Nanjing University for more than twenty years.  

  A.has worked              B.worked                C.is working            D.will work  

  答案  B  


  Astronomers       more bad news for the former planet Pluto recently.  

  A.had announced           B.have announced        C.were announced        D.are announced  

  答案  B  


  I       my son to Laos for sightseeing.  

  I would rather you didn’t do thatfor the bird flu        several lives there.  

  A.took;claimed            B.am taking;has claimed C.took;had claimed      D.will take;claimed  

  答案  B  


  I’m sorrymy mind     .What       you     ?  

  You are always absent-minded in class.  

  A.am wandering;do;say                             B.wandered;had;said  

  C.wandered;did;say                                D.was wandering;did;say  

  答案  D  


  We should get together next week.  

  Sounds like a plan!I        you a call.  

  A.will give               B.would give            C.have given            D.give  

  答案  A  


  Gina has a sweet tooth and loves meat more than anything else.  

  No wonder she       weight so fast.  

  A.gains                   B.gained                C.had gained            D.is gaining  

  答案  D  


   Have you ever visited the Opera House?  

   Yes.When I was in SydneyI        it twice.  

   A.have visited               B.visited           C.had visited           D.would visit  

   答案  B  


   Has Ingrid handed in her paper yet?  

   I’m not sure.She      on it last week.  

   A.was working                B.has worked        C.worked                D.had worked  

   答案  A  


          the baseball match might be put off.  

   Yeswellit all depends on the weather.  

   A.I had been told            B.I’ve told        C.I’m to be told       D.I’ve been told  

   答案  D  


   Where were you at lunch time? I      a seat for you in the dining hall.  

   A.saved                      B.was saving        C.have saved            D.had saved  

   答案  B  


   I’ve been told that John      from his journey to Indis.  

     What about visiting him tonight?  

Great.I’ll call for you at 6:30 p.m.  

   A.had come back              B.is back           C.came back             D.coming back  

   答案  B  


   Have you called Mr.Johnson?  

   Yeshe        back before tomorrow noon.So he can attend our meeting on time.  

   A.expected                   B.is expected       C.is expecting          D.is to expect  

   答案  B  


   Some Olympic officials have come to China to see how Beijing     for this year’s games.  

   A.prepares                   B.will prepare      C.is being prepared     D.is prepared  

   答案  D  


   Where      you put my dictionary?  

   I left it on your desk when you        to Tom.  

   A.did;spoke                                      B.have;were speaking  

   C.had;were speaking                              D.had;spoke  

   答案  B  


   What did you do last SundayPeter?  

   WellI        to see a friend of minebut in the end I stayed at home doing nothing.  

   A.was going                  B.has gone          C.went                  D.had gone  

   答案  A  


   I seem to have too much trouble with my new worksir.  

   I don’t think so.You      very well.  

   A.are doing                  B.will do           C.will be doing         D.had done  

   答案  A  


   Perhaps an e-pal is someone I make friends with on the Internet.Am I right?  

   Yesyou       it.  

   A.guessed                    B.were guessing     C.have been guessing    D.are guessing  

   答案  A  
























  It’s a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal        

  A.serves                      B.served            C.is served             D.to be served  

  答案  C  


  There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party.You ought to have comebut      ?  

  A.why not                     B.how is it going   C.why didn’t you       D.why don’t you  

  答案  C  



  Ohdamn!Both my legs are nearly to give out.I      for hours like a dog.  

  A.have walked                 B.walked            C.have been walking     D.am walking  

  答案  C  


  She ought to stop working.She has a headache because she      all day long.  

  A.has been reading            B.had read          C.is reading            D.read  

  答案  A  


  Julia became quite cross when Mike        upfor she had stood in the rain for half an hour waiting   

  for him.  

  A.turned                      B.would turn        C.was turning           D.had turned  

  答案  A  


  Tian Lianga famous diver on the Chinese diving team       two Olympic gold medals in four   


  A.has won                     B.will win          C.had won               D.won  

  答案  D  


  Sorry to have interrupted you.Please go on.  

  Thenwhere was I?  

  You     `you didn’t adapt to the way that the people lived there.  

  A.had said                    B.said              C.were saying           D.had been saying  

  答案  C  


  May I speak to your manager at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon?  

  I’m sorry.He       to Shanghai by then.  

  A.will have flown             B.had flown         C.can have flown        D.has flown  

  答案  A  


  The dustmen will continue strike if the demands they      put forward are turned down.  

  A.did                         B./                 C.had                   D.would  

  答案  B  


          Mr.Black        this week?  

   No.He is on holiday.  

   A.Has;worked                 B.Does;work         C.Did;work              D.Is;working  

   答案  D  


   World War      when Anthony started school in 1942.  

   A.had been fought            B.was fighting      C.was being fought      D.was fought  

   答案  C  


   They met one day in college while she was reading a book in the library and he       down   

   beside her.  

   A.was sitting                B.sat               C.had sit               D.sits  

   答案  B  


   I        in a foreign trade company for five years.StillI don’t regret having given up the   

well-paid post.  

   A.worked                     B.have worked       C.was working           D.had worked  

   答案  A  


   Kobe Bryant hopes to play for the Chicago Bullsbut so far the two teams        to a trade.  

   A.didn’t agree              B.don’t agree      C.haven’t agreed       D.hadn’t agreed  

   答案  C  


   Have you completed the project?  

   I’m sorry to tell you that we     it when we found how much it        .  

   A.have abandoned;costs                           B.abandoned;cost  

   C.had abandoned;cost                             D.abandoned;would cost  

   答案  D  


   When you arriveI       in reception for you.  

   A.wait                       B.am waiting        C.am going to wait      D.will be waiting  

   答案  D  


   Where is your new home now?  

   In the new developed zone.But I        downtown for five years.  

   A.have lived                 B.had lived         C.lived                 D.was living  

   答案  C  


   Mr.Alcott told me that four fifths of the houses     .  

   A.have been sold out                             B.had been sold out  

   B.were sold out                                  D.was sold out   

   答案  B  


   The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small black box which        placed under  

   the minister’s car.  

   A.has been                   B.was being         C.had been              D.would be  

   答案  C  


   How’s that? Who broke the glass?  

   Wellit       me.I was doing my homework the whole evening.  

   A.hasn’t been               B.hadn’t been      C.weren’t              D.wasn’t  

   答案  D  


   He was on stage many times.Todayhoweverhe isn’t as calm as he       .  

   A.grew                       B.stayed            C.appeared              D.became  

   答案  C  


   Did you tell Julia about the result?  

   OhnoI forgot.I     her now.  

   A.am going to call           B.will call         C.call                  D.am to call  

   答案  B  


   Did you finish your projectMarie?  

   No.I was going to type it out but I        visitors.  

   A.had                        B.have              C.have had              D.will have  

   答案  A  


   Little Tony is generally healthybut every now and then he      a cold.  

   A.has caught             B.is catching       C.will catch            D.catches  

   答案  D  


   Late again! Where        

   SorryI       in the heavy trafficor I would have been here earlier.  

   A.were you;have got stuck                        B.have you been;have got stuck  

   C.were you;got stuck                             D.have you been;got stuck  

   答案  D  








  What are you going to do this afternoon?  

  I am going to the cinema with some friends.The film     quite earlyso we      to the   

  bookstore after that.  

  A.finished;are going                              B.finished;go  

  C.finishes;are going                              D.finishes;go  

答案  C  


  I     to help you to do homework but I couldn’t spare any time.I     a composition last night   

  and I’ll finish it today.  

  A.wanted;wrote                                    B.had wanted;was writing  

  C.have wanted;wrote                               D.wanted;have been writing  

  答案  B  


  The first edition     in 1955 and     a best seller ever since.  

  A.was published;had been                          B.had been published;had been  

  C.has been published;has been                     D.was published;has been  

  答案  D  


  No sound and no voice     for a long while.  

  A.have heard              B.has heard             C.have been heard       D.has been heard  

  答案  D  


  You’ve gone through all your money? I        you were well-off.  

  A.think                   B.thought               C.have thought          D.am thinking  

  答案  B  


  You knowI       looking for a job for three months and this is my first interview.  

  A.am                      B.was                   C.will be               D.have been  

  答案  D  


  Why are all the shoes sold at half price?  

  The shop        .  

  A.has closed down         B.closed down           C.is closing down       D.had closed down  

  答案  C  


  I didn’t go to Mary’s party last night because my car broke down.  

  You could have borrowed mine.I      it.  

  A.hadn’t used            B.wasn’t using         C.didn’t use           D.wouldn’t use  

  答案  B  


  The careless driver is        for the traffic accident that       yesterday.  

  A.to blame;happened                               B.to blame;was happened       

  C.to be blamed;was happened                       D.to be blamed;happened  

  答案  A  


   He was planning to go abroad but his parents     that they wouldn’t agree unless he could   

   borrow money from the bank by himself.  

   A.were deciding          B.have decided          C.decided               D.will decide  

   答案  C  


   Mike is said     in the restaurant when he was drunk yesterday.  

   A.to have been staying the night                 B.to stay up a night  

   B.to have stayed the night                       D.to be staying up a night  

   答案  C  


   Tomwhy did you make no reply to me when I called your name in the street just now?  

   SorryJim.I       to my wife on the phone.  

   A.was talking            B.talked                C.am talking            D.had talked  

   答案  A  


   I want to buy that kind of cloth because I       the cloth       well.  

   A.have told;washed                               B.have been told;washes  

   C.have been told;washed                          D.was told;washed  

   答案  B  


   How is your collection going?  

   I need one more stamp before my collection     .  

   A.is completed           B.will be completed     C.has finished          D.will be finished  

   答案  A  


  You’d better not phone the manager between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening;he      an important   

meeting then.  

   A.will have              B.would have            C.will be having        D.will have had  

   答案  C  


   When       the next train leave for Bostonplease?  

   Usually at 13:15but because of a small accident on the lineit      at 13:45.  

   A.does;is going to start                         B.will;starts  

   C.does;will start                                D.will;is to start  

   答案  C  


   The number of university graduates taking the civil servant examination      rising these  

 yearswhich reflects the fierce job competition.  

   A.keeps                  B.is keeping            C.has been keeping      D.kept  

   答案  A  


   Over 30000 people      in the huge earthquake that occurred in India.  

   A.have killed            B.were killed           C.killed                D.are killed  

   答案  B  


   Are you glad that you came to Washington?  

   Yesindeed.I      going to New York or Bostonbut I’ve never regretted  my decision.  

   A.have considered        B.am considering        C.had considered        D.was considering  

   答案  C  


   Although he      computer technology for only two months when he was at schoolhe       a good command of it now.  

   A.had learned;had got   B.has learned;has got   C.learned;gets          D.learned;has got  

   答案  D  


   It is certain that you were in a great hurry;you     your jacket inside out.  

   A.wore                   B.had worn              C.were wearing          D.are wearing  

   答案  D  


   When did you make your first trip to the USA?  

   As early as the 1990sbut I       there for only a few months.  

   A.stayed                 B.were staying          C.had stayed            D.would stay  

   答案  A  


   Where has he been recently?  

   He     in Guangzhou on business for a week last month.  

   A.have been              B.was                   C.had been              D.had gone  

   答案  B  


   What was the weather like when you were on holiday?  

   Fine.It        sunny every day until Wednesday.  

   A.is                     B.was                   C.will be               D.would be  

   答案  B  


   So how long have you been here?  

   Just a couple of days actually.I’m on a big journeyyou know.I       all the places of interest here.  

   A.am visiting            B.visited               C.have visited          D.will visit  

   答案  A  






























  Jane told the policeman that her gold necklace        .  

  A.was stolen of           B.was robbed            C.had been stolen from  D.had been robbed of  

  答案  D  


  I was now attracted by books.By the end of that summerI     over twenty novels.  

  A.will have read          B.have read             C.had read              D.has read  

  答案  C  


  I     him very wellbut I haven’t seen him this week.  

  A.have known              B.had known             C.know                  D.knew  

  答案  C  


  Don’t use my handkerchief to wipe the tablegentleman.  

  OhI’m very sorry.I       clearly.  

  A.didn’t see             B.hadn’t seen          C.wasn’t seeing        D.can’t see  

  答案  A  


  She is not always so friendly.I wonder what she       .  

  A.is wanting              B.has wanted            C.wants                 D.will want  

  答案  C  


  HelloJimI       to see you today.Sonia said you     ill.  

  OhI’m OK.  

  A.didn’t expect;were     B.don’t expect;were    C.haven’t expected;are D.am not expecting;are  

  答案  A  


  I wish I had succeeded in the competition.  

  Yeah.I know.But           hard?  

  A.did you work            B.do you work           C.had you worked        D.have you worked  

  答案  A  


  I’ll come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow evening.  

  I’m sorrybut by then my performance      and I       reporters in the meeting room.  

  A.will end;will meet                              B.will have ended;will be meeting  

  C.will be ended;am going to meet                  C.is to end;will meet  

  答案  B  


  I’m afraid I     you with a great many questions.Thank you a lotsir.  

  A.bother                  B.have to bother        C.would bother          D.have bothered  

  答案  D  


   Thousands of Palestinian people      their lives for the peace of their own country.  

   A.have been laying down                          C.have lain down  

   C.have been laid down                            D.were laying down  

   答案  A  


   How can we decide where to spend our holiday if you      your mind?  

   A.constantly change                              B.will constantly change  

   C.are constantly changing                        D.have constantly changed  

   答案  A  


   Helloyou       5678234.I’m sorry but I am unable to answer your questions right now.  

   A.reached                B.are reaching          C.have reached          D.had reached  

   答案  B  


   Did you ask Tom where      for the summer vacation?  

   NoI didn’tbut I will.  

   A.he went                B.had he gone           C.he goes               D.was he going  

   答案  A  


   Although he      in that city for 15 yearshein 2006returned to Paris.  

   A.lived                  B.has lived             C.would live            D.had lived  

   答案  D  


   He ran into a tree on his way home.  

   I suppose he       too fast.  

   A.drives                 B.was driving           C.drove                 D.had driven  

   答案  B  


   Are you planning to go to her party?  

   Nounless     .  

   A.being invited          B.invited               C.inviting              D.having been invited  

   答案  B  


   Wowyour homework looks great!  

   I      it on my computer.  

   A.did                    B.do                    C.will do               D.had done  

   答案  A  


   In our childhoodwe     that wasting was shamefulwhich we seldom mention now.  

   A.told                   B.tell                  C.were told             D.are told  

   答案  C  


   Did you know more about the mine accident?  

   Ohsorry I had no idea.I        the Rescue Center now.  

   A.will be phoning        B.am to phone           C.will phone            D.phone  

   答案  C  


   I went to the supermarket yesterdaybut I didn't see you there.  

   I      doing the old business a year ago.  

   A.have stopped           B.stop                  C.had stopped           D.am stopping  

   答案  A  


   To his disappointmentthe opinion he had stuck      out wrong.  

   A.to turn                B.to turnign            C.to turned             D.to be turned  

   答案  C  


   All the workers except Jack      to work at home.  

   A.allow                  B.allows                C.are allowed           D.is allowed  

   答案  C  


   He treasured a notebook in which     his bank account password and his friends’ addresses.  

   A.wrote                  B.recorded              C.was written           D.were recorded  

   答案  D  


   Hi!Where are you going?  

   What’s wrong?  

   The road repairs       .  

   A.haven’t completed                             B.weren’t completed      

C.haven’t been completed                        D.didn’t complete  

答案  C  


   Do you smoke?  

   NoI don’t.But I used to.It’s two years since I     .  

   A.smoked                 B.didn’t smoke         C.have smoked           D.began to smoke  

   答案  A  


   Many representatives were in favor of his proposal that a special committee      to investigate the incident.  

   A.were set up            B.was set up            C.be set up             D.set up  

   答案  C  


   Would you like to go to the cinema with me tomorrow afternoon?  

   I’d like toMumbut I       to a party by Jane.It is her birthday.  

   A.am invited             B.was invited           C.will be invited       D.have been invited  

   答案  D  


   I don’t smoke nowbut I        for almost ten years.  

   A.ever smoked            B.have ever smoked      C.had ever smoked       D.was ever smoking  

   答案  A  


   Jessica ought to rest.She has a headache because she     too long.  

   A.work                   B.is working            C.had worked            D.has been working  

   答案  D  


   His earlier concert in Shanghai        a big success.It was the first time the Taiwan singer  

         a concert on the mainland.  

   A.is;held                B.was;held              C.had been;would hold   D.was;had held  

   答案  D  

















  We didn’t find Smith attending the lecture.  

  No one      him about       a lecture the following day.  

  A.told;there to be        B.had told;there to be  C.told;there was        D.had told;there being  

  答案  D  


  I     that there would be somebody to meet me at the station but there wasn’t any.  

  A.told                    B.have told             C.has told              D.was told  

  答案  D  


  Tom was thrilled      as captain of our school football team.  

  A.to choose               B.to be chosen          C.to have been chosen   D.to have chosen  

  答案  C  


  In my opinionUS President George W.Bush     madfor he wants to send more troops to Iraq.  

  A.has grown               B.has gone              C.turns                 D.became  

  答案  B  


  If it     too much troubleI’d love a cup of tea and some cookies.  

  A.wasn’t                 B.hasn’t               C.isn’t                D.weren’t  

  答案  C  


  This plan will be prevented       .  

  A.carrying out                                    B.from carrying out   

C.being carried out                               D.from being carried out  

答案  D  


  You didn’t lock the back door.  

  You are wrong.I     .  

  A.have locked it          B.lock it myself        C.did lock it           D.do lock it  

  答案  C  


  Debra and George got married last month.Did you go to their wedding?  

  No.I        .Was it an expensive one?  

  A.wasn’t invited         B.haven’t been invited C.hadn’t invited       D.didn’t invite  

  答案  A  


  The old woman spoke to the girl againraising her voice a bitbut still     no answer.  

  A.received                B.receiving             C.had received          D.to receive  

  答案  A  


   Why did you put the wood near the fire? It’s dangerous!  

   Don’t worry.Wet wood won’t       easily.  

   A.burn                   B.burnt                 C.be burnt              D.be burning  

   答案  A  


   Any fashion news about skirts?  

   Yes.This season’s short skirts have gained popularity nowalthough they      to be shocking   

   at first.  

   A.had been thought       B.were thought          C.are thought           D.had thought  

   答案  B  


   The Chinese government     in specific to prevent and control HIV/AIDShas increased HIV testing  

   and monitoring among the general public.  

   A.involving              B.involved              C.having involving      D.to be involved  

   答案  B  


   How is business?  

   Soyou know in warm weatherfruit        long.  

   A.doesn’t keep          B.is not kept           C.is not keeping        D.can’t be kept  

   答案  A  


   With ticket prices risingTV        over as the typical way of watching a game for the young and the old.  

   A.has taken              B.had taken             C.was taken             D.is taken  

   答案  A  


   In this country a medal with ten thousand dollars        gains success in science and technology   

   every two years.  

   A.is given to whoever                            B.are given to anyone who  

   C.gives to whomever                              D.give to everyone  

   答案  A  


   This river has changed its course many times.It      always located where it     at present.  

   A.isn’t;is              B.isn’t;will be        C.wasn’t;is            D.wasn’t;has been  

   答案  C  


   What a hot day!  

   We     such hot weather for almost ten days.  

   A.have been having       B.are having            C.have had              D.had had  

   答案  C  


   How soon       ready to leave?  

   OhI’m afraid I can’t go until it       raining.  

   A.are you;stops          B.will you be;will stop C.are you;will stop     D.will you be;stops  

   答案  D  


   Look!How long      like this?  

   Three weeks!It’s usual here that rain     without stopping these days fo the year.  

   A.has it rained;pours                            B.has it been raining;pours   

   C.is it raining;is pouring                       D.does it rain;pours  

   答案  B  


   Jimmy needs to improve his technique if he       gold at 2008 Olympics.  

   A.wins                   B.is winning            C.will win              D.is to win     

   答案  D  


   With the fact that he is a green hand        into accountI think he has done pretty well indeed.  

   A.taken                  B.taking                C.was taken             D.has been taken  

   答案  A  


   Jackie Chan        the film The Myth this Junebut I don’t know whether he has finished it.  

   It has been released.  

   A.had made               B.made                  C.has made              D.was making  

   答案  D  


   HiVerahave you checked the account yet?  

   CertainlyI       it five times even though you told me to do it twice.  

   A.checked                B.will have checked     C.have been checking    D.had checked  

   答案  A  


   Would you care for a cup of coffee?  

   I      one.Thank you just the same.  

   A.have had               B.had                   C.would have            D.will have  

   答案  A  


   Jack and David are brothers.  

   OhI      why they looked so alike.  

   A.was wondering          B.wonder                C.have wondered         D.will wonder  

   答案  A  




第三部分 创新预测题精选  

1.Why are you looking so worried?  

  Last weekI sent an e-mail to my motherasking for my pocket moneybut no reply      .  

  A.was received            B.has been received     C.has received          D.is received  

  答案  B  

2.A Chinese TV series with the theme of anti-Japanese war during the Second World War       on   

  Pyongyang’s television screensdrawing great attention from viewers.  

  A.is broadcasting         B.has broadcast         C.is being broadcast    D.has been broadcast  

  答案  C  

3.Betty promised me to come round to keep you company today.  

  But she     .I’ve been alone all day.  

  A.won’t                  B.hadn’t               C.hasn’t               D.doesn’t  

  答案  C  

4.Sorry for being lateCathy.I was held up in the traffic.Never      the traffic would be   

so heavy.  

  It’s all rightJoe.I      the newspaperanyway.  

  A.have I expected;am reading                      B.did I expect;have been reading  

  C.would I expect;read                             D.had I expected;have read  

  答案  B  

5.Are you still very busy?  

  YesI      the report for the manager and it won’t take long.  

  A.have just finished                              B.am just finishing  

  C.had just finished                               D.am just going to finish  

  答案  B  

6.Recentlyone thousand teenagers from fifteen different countries     to sing an Olympic song  

  on the Great Wall.  

  A.gathered                B.gather                C.are gathering         D.have gathered  

  答案  D  

7.The Olympic Games in the year  2008        in Beijing of China,which      known to us all.   

  A.is to hold;are          B.is to be held;was     C.are to hold;is        D.are to be held;is  

  答案  D  

8.People all over the world     the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics at 8 p.m. on August 82008.  

  A.will be watching        B.will be watched       C.are watching          D.watch  

  答案  A  

9.Susan     up in a small village with no TV or radiowhich caused her to develop a love of reading.  

  A.grew                    B.had grown             C.grow                  D.was growing  

  答案  A  

10.When you arriveI       in reception for you.  

   A.wait                   B.am waiting            C.am going to wait      D.will be waiting  

   答案  D  

11.She       to meet some new friendsbut she met nobody interesting.  

   A.would hope             B.had hoped             C.has hoped             D.was hoping  

   答案  B  

12.If the building project to be completed by the end of this month     the construction company    

   will be fined.  

   A.has delayed            B.will be delayed       C.is delayed            D.will have delayed  

   答案  C  

13.I was told that her father       to the post office when I arrived at her house.  

   A.just went              B.has just gone         C.had just gone         D.had just been going  

   答案  C  

14.Why does Mary look so upset?  

   Because she        by her classmates in front of many students from other classes.  

   A.has been laughed       B.has laughed at        C.was laughed           D.has been laughed at  

   答案  D  

15.Why haven’t I seen Mr.Smith lately?  

   Ohbecause it is two weeks since he       here.  

   A.lived                  B.got                   C.has lived             D.had got  

   答案  A  

16.The library along with bookstores           reading materials.It’s open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00   

p.m. on weekdays.  

   A.provides               B.is providing          C.has provided          D.provided  

   答案  A  

17.Who do you think     if you find the product recommended by a movie star in an ad.unsatisfactory?  

   A.is to blame            B.is to be blamed       C.to blame for          D.to be blamed for  

   答案  A  

18.Have you ever read J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter”series?  

   Yes.While in BritainI        them a couple of times.  

   A.have read              B.read                  C.had read              D.would read  

   答案  B  

19.I had wanted to help you last night but I couldn’t spare any timefor I            a composition which I have to hand in this morning.  

   A.wrote                  B.had written           C.was writing           D.have written  

   答案  C  

20.Did he get any prize at the music festival?  

   Yesbut it was the first time that he     a Grammy.  

   A.has been awarded       B.was awarded           C.had awarded           D.had been awarded  

   答案  D  

21.Why are the Woods selling their belongings?  

   They       to another city.  

   A.had moved              B.have moved            C.moved                 D.are moving  

   答案  D  

22.Cold winters in Europe       almost entirely by 2080 because of the continuously global warming  


   A.are disappearing       B.have disappeared      C.will have disappeared D.will be disappeared  

   答案  C  

23.Which hotel are you in?  

   I      in a hotel.A friend I met on the train from the south       to put me up for a couple of   


   A.haven’t stayed;has offered                    B.am not staying;offered  

   C.am not staying;is offering                     D.do not stay;offers  

   答案  B  

24.Have you seen Jack in his office?  

   Yeshe        the report on the market research since eight this morning.  

   A.has preparing for                              B.has been preparing  

   C.prepared                                       D.is going to prepare  

   答案  B  

25.You      much more easily in a foreign companyon condition that you have a good spoken command of English.  

   A.will promote           B.promote               C.will get promoted     D.are promoted  

   答案  C  

