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第一轮复习Book1 unit3-4

录入者:netlab  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2008年01月26日

Unit 2 (SBI Units 3 ~ 4)









consider means transportation board simply destination

 experience vacation nature basic equipment simple

 backpack tip spider raft poisonous cellphone paddle

 stream  normal  excitement  adventurous handle

 similarity particular poison separate eco-travel task

 combine responsibly unpack unforgettable king host

 scale disaster finally rescue advance upon seize

 swallow drag struggle fight flow fright shake stair boom

 strike destroy tower national deadline fear note

 opportunity article Buddha agent temple touch naughty





















1means of transportation交通工具

2get away from    逃离

3get close to    靠近

4watch out for    注意,当心

5protect sbsth from    保护、保卫某人 (某物)

6as with    正如……一样

7combinewith    把……和……结合起来

8see sb off    为某人送行

9on the other hand    另一方面

10as well as    也,还,而且

11take place    发生,产生

12on fire    失火

13pull sb up    把……往上拽

14hold on to    抓住,不放手;不出让

15get on one’s feet    站立起来

16look into    调查;浏览;注视……的


17a look of fright    惊恐的表情

18just roundaround the corner  非常近

19go through    通过,经受,仔细检查

20up and down    来回地,上下地,起伏地

21on holiday    在度假

22travel agent    旅行社代理人




2.定语从句 (关系代词whowhomthatwhich




1The namewhitewatercomes from the fact that

 the water in these stream and rivers looks white

 when it moves quicklywhitewater是根据这些河



















2As with bikingyou should always think about

 your safety and wear good clothes.正如徒步旅行一



3The next moment the first wave swept her down

swallowing the garden.转眼间,头一股巨浪把她掀


4He was standingholding on to a tree that grew

 against the wall.他站在那里,抓住一棵靠墙长着




  1What do you have to consider before you decide which

means of transportation you will use?在你决定要使用哪种


    ▲considerthink about考虑,思考。后接名词、代词、动

名词、“疑问词 + 不定式或宾语从句。



    (1) consider + sbsth + (to be)  + nadj.

    (2) consider + sbsth + (as)  + n

    (3) consider + sbsth + to have done

    (4) consider + clause

    (5) consider + it + adj + to do


    (1) They considered themselves (to be) very important


       (2) He will be considered (as) a weak leader.他会被认


    (3) He is considered to have invented the telephone.人


       (4) We consider that you are not to blame.我们认为你


       (5) Do you consider it wise to interfere?你觉得干预是


    ▲means of transportation交通工具



    Every means hasAll possible means have been tried.每

(所有可能的) 方法都尝试过了。

  by means of借,用,通过什么的方式

  by all means当然,必定;务必,尽一切可能

  by no means决不,一点也不


  l  by means of by all means by no means 

  (1) By no means should you leave your baby alone at


  (2) Thoughts are expressed by means of words

  (3) — Can I use your dictionary?

     By all means

  2What do you think adventure travel is?你认为冒


  do you think在句中做插入语,放在疑问词之后,其后

的句子应保持正常语序。常用的插入语还有:do you

knowdo you believedo you supposedo you expect等等。


    (1) When do you think the new overpass will be


    (2) Who do you believe is fit for the job?你认为谁适合


    3get away from逃离


    keep away from远离,不接近

    break away from挣脱,脱逃,革除 (习惯、思想方式或


    take away from  夺走,抢走

    run away from  突然从……跑开

    be away from  离开 (表示状态)

    4watch out for注意,当心


    watch out警戒,提防

    watch (out) for sth注意,监视,当心

    watch (over) sth照顾,照看,保护

    watch one’s step小心走路;留意不犯错

    5Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.戴上帽






    put on用于穿衣服、鞋、袜,戴帽子、手套等,强调穿


    have on强调穿的状态,相当于be wearing,不用于进



若宾语为物,则须用此结构:be dressed in

    ▲protect sbsth fromagainst保护……免受……之舌


    stopprevent…(from) doing  阻止某人做某事

keep...from doing    阻止某人做某事

    save…from    使……免遭……

    6The name "whitewater" comes from the fact that the

water in these streams and rivers looks white when it

moves quicklywhitewater是根据这些河流在快速流淌时所


    句中that the water in these streams and rivers looks white

when it moves quickly是同位语从句,说明fact的内容,其中




    (1) Word came that they had won the game.有消息传


    (2) They expressed the hope that they would come and

visit China again.他们表示希望再次访问中国。


(1) There is much chance ____ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race(2006天津)

  Athat    Bwhich    Cuntil                   Dif

【题解】A that引导同位语从句,解释chance的内容。

(2) Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ____ he had to meet his uncle at the airport(2006重庆)

    Awhy    Bthat    Cwhere               Dbecause

【题解】B that引导的同位语从句解释reason的内容。

(3) A warm thought suddenly came to me _____ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday    (2006安徽)

    Aif    Bwhen    Cthat            Dwhich

【题解】C that引导同位语从句解释thought的内容。

(4)  — It’s thirty years since we last met

    — But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _____ we got lost on a rainy night(2006四川)

    Awhich  Bthat    Cwhat Dwhen

【题解】 B that引导的同位语从句解释story的内容,中间believe it or not为插入语。

    7As with hikingyou should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.正如徒步旅行一样,你应该时刻考虑你的安全并且要穿合适的衣服。

    as with hiking为省略用法,相当于as is the case with hiking,意思是正如徒步旅行一样as with已成为一个固定的结构,意为“正如……一样”。例如:

    As with drawing a pictureyou should be patient and careful in doing this job.正如画画一样,在做这个工作时你应该耐心、细致。


    as to  关于,至于 (used to start talking about sb or sth)

    as usualbefore  像往常一样

    as ishas been said  正如所说的那样

8How are you getting to the airport?你打算怎样去机场?

该句用现在进行时表将来,表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,这种用法多见于一些动词或短语,如:gocomeleavegetarrivemeettakesee offtake offreturnstartflystay等。例如:

    (1) I’ve won a holiday for two weeks to FloridaI’m taking my mum.我赢得了一个去佛罗里达州两个星期的假期,我打算带上我妈妈。

    (2) How long are you staying in Guangzhou? 你打算在广州待多久?



  (1) 此刻正在发生或进行的动作。

  (2) 表示目前一段时间发生或进行的动作。例如:

  I’m working on my new novel these days.这些日子我正忙于写一本新的小说。

  (3) 多与alwaysall the time等连用表示赞赏、埋怨、厌烦、不满等语气。例如:

  You are always throwing things around.你老是把东西到处乱扔。

  She is always thinking about others.她总是考虑别人。

  9.感官动词 + 宾语 + 宾补


  Flora heard somebody shouting.弗洛拉听见有人在喊。

  She looked around and saw Jeff running.她环顾四周看到杰夫在跑。

    注意:此结构中强调动作的全过程宾补用省to的不定式 (若句子变为被动语态则加to) ;强调动作正在进行宾补用doing的形式。例如:

(1) Seeing the sun _____ above the surface of the seawe let out a shout of joy

    Ato rise  Bto raise  Crising                Draising

(2) — Carl works hard

   — So he doesHe is often seen _____ heavily before his teammates have even arrived

  Ato be sweated          Bsweated

  Cbe sweated                 Dsweating

  10Before she could moveshe heard a loud noisewhich grew to a terrible roar



    (1) Someone called me up in the middle of the nightbut they hang up before I could answer the phone.有人在半夜打了我的电话,但我还没来得及去接电话就挂了。

    (2) Howeverbefore she could think twicethe water was upon her.然而,她还没回过神来,洪水便逼了过来。



before的翻译很灵活,除上述用法外,如果放在表示一段时间的词之后,还可译为“……之后,才……”;若用于“It + be

否定形式 + long + before…”,则译为……不久就……


(1) The American Civil War lasted four years _____ the North won in the end    (2005广东)

    Aafter    Bwhen    Cbefore   Dthen

【题解】C 此句意思是美国内战持续四年以后北方才终于赢了”。

(2) — How long do you think it will be _____ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

  — Perhaps two or three years    (2006福建)

    Awhen    Buntil    Cthat                Dbefore

【题解】D before表示……之后,才……,此句意思是“你认为中国还要过多久后才能向月球发射一艘载人的宇宙飞船”。

(3) — Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?

   — He rushed out of the room _____ I could say a word  (2006四川)

    Abefore    Buntil    Cwhen   Dafter


  11Jeff shoutedseizing her arm.杰夫抓起她的胳膊喊着。

    seizing her al'n1现在分词短语在句中做伴随状语,和句子主语之间是主动的关系。本文在后面还出现过此用法,例如:

    He was standingholding on to a tree that grew against the wall.他站在那里,抓住一棵靠墙长着的树。

    There she stoppedlistening to the strange soundswhile the whole house moved.她在那儿停下来,听着奇怪的声音,同时整座房子都在晃动。


(1) Don’t sit there _____ nothingCome and help me with this table    (2006湖北)

    Ado    Bto do    Cdoing                  Dand doing

【题解】C doing nothing在句中做伴随状语,由于句子为祈使句,故省略了主语youyoudo之间是主动的关系,故选doing

(2) My cousin came to see me from the country, _____ me a full basket of fresh fruits (2006安徽)

  Abrought    Bbringing  Cto bring                   Dhad brought

【题解】B bringing me a full basket of fresh fruits在句中做伴随状语,由于主语my cousinbring之间是主动的关系,故用bringing

(3) Whenever he was asked why he was late for classhe would answer carelesslyalways _____ the same thing (2006江苏)

    Asaying  Bsaid  Cto say                    Dhaving said

【题解】A saying the same thing在句中做伴随状语,由于主语hesay之间是主动的关系,故用saying






(4) “You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted____ away (2005全国)

  Arun    Brunning Cto run             Dran

【题解】B 现在分词短语running away在句中做伴随状语。

    12The next moment the first wave swept her downswallowing the garden.转眼间,头一股巨浪把她掀翻在地,吞噬了花园。

    swallowing the garden现在分词短语在句中做结果状语。


    Before they reached the housea new great wave camesweeping down treesand sweeping them down too.他们还没来得及到达房子,又一股巨浪冲来,掀翻了树,也把他们掀翻在地。


(1) European football is played in 80 countries _____ it the most popular sport in the world

    Amaking  Bmakes  Cmade                 Dto make

(2) The bird flu sweeping through Asia has jumped from birds to humans at least 20 times so far _____ 16 persons

  Akilled    Bkill    Cto kill                    Dkilling

(3) A computer virus hit the US Department of State_____ the performance of the government information technology system

  Ato affect         Baffected

  Caffecting            Dhaving affected

(4) The long-lasting meeting ended in failure _____ no


    Ato reach    Bwould reach

    Creaching Dreached

【题解】(1) A(2) D(3) C(4) C此四题均考查现在分词短语做结果状语。

  13pull sb up……往上拽  例如:

  The mother pulled up the boy but he wouldn’t get up.母亲往上拉那个男孩,但他不愿起来。


    pull up还可表示“(车辆等) 停下,使停下。例如:

    The driver pulled up when he came to the traffic lights.司机遇到交通灯时把车停下来。

  He pulled up his car at the entrance.他把汽车停在入口。

    14hold on to“抓住,不放手;不放弃拥有,不出让


    The boy held on to the bush until someone climbed down the cliff to rescue him.这男孩抓住那矮树,直到有人爬下悬崖去救他。

  You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该掌握你的石油股份。


  hold on    别挂电话;坚持

  hold up    举起;耽搁,延误


hold back    阻挡;抑制;退缩

hold out    伸出;坚持;维持

hold together  (使) 团结


(1) How long will our food supplies hold out?


(2) We were held up by the traffic jam


(3) When danger cameno one held back


    (4) How much longer do they think we can hold onout?


    (5) You should hold on to your hatotherwiseit may be

blown away by the strong wind


    (6) The country needs a leader who will hold the nation



    15get on one’s feet站起来,() 经挫折后而复元

    The industry will need time to get on its feet again.工业


    16She fought for her lifeand finally pulled herself up


    fight for为了……而战


  fight against……作战;为反对……而战

  fight with  ……作战;与……并肩作战

    17Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s face with a

look of fright.杰夫和弗洛拉相互看着对方,都露出惊恐的


  ▲looked into each other’s face注视着对方的脸

  look into

  (1) 调查,检查

  (2) 浏览(书等)

  (3) 注视……的内部或深处  例如:

  He looked into the boxthe minorher eyesher face.他

注视着箱底 (镜子、她的眼镜、她的脸)


    The building around the corner caught fire last nightThe

police are now ____ the matter    (2006湖北)

    Aseeing through    Bworking out

    Clooking into            Dwatching over

【题解】C此处look into表示调查

    ▲a look of fright惊恐的神色 ( = a frightened look)

    fright n惊骇


    die of fright    惊骇致死

    take fright (at sth)  (因某事物) 吃惊

    give sb a fright    使某人吃惊

    gethave a fright  感到吃惊

  frighten vt    使吃惊,使惊骇

  frightful adj    可怕的,令人恐怖的

  frightening    令人害怕的,令人恐怖的

  frightened    感到害怕的,感到恐怖的

  18Tree after tree went downcut down by the water

which must have been three metres deep.洪水想必深达3


    ▲tree after tree

    介词after前后接相同的名词时,相当于“one + 名词 +

after another”,意为一个接一个,名词前不用冠词。例如:

    He sent me letter after letter to invite me to his home.他


    ▲cut down by the water过去分词短语做状语,和句



    The garden that was once so beautiful was completely

destroyedswept away by the wild water(swept away by the

wild water是过去分词短语做状语) 这花园曾经是那么的



(1) The discdigitally _____ in the studiosounded

    fantastic at the party that night    (2004上海)

    Arecorded              Brecording

    Cto be recorded        Dhaving recorded

【题解】A disc与录制之间为被动的关系,故用过去分词


(2) _____ and happyTony stood up and accepted the

    prize    (2006全国I)

    ASurprising           BSurprised

    CBeing surprised      DTo be surprising

【题解】B surprised表示感到惊讶,和形容词happy


(3) _____ with so much troublewe failed to complete the

    task on time    (2006四川)

    AFaced  BFace  CFacing          DTo face

【题解】A根据be faced with的结构可以确定过去分词短


    ▲must have been three metres deep

    must have done对过去发生事情的肯定推测“一定

……”。(参看Unit l重点突破11)

    19go through通过,经受,仔细检查。例如:

    (1) The police went through the pockets of the suspected


    (2) — The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying

    wild animals for l 3 years before she returned

        — Ohdearshe must have gone through a lot of

    difficulties!天哪,她一定经历了很多困难! (


    20Grammar — 关系代词whowhomthatwhich















    (1) 当先行词为alleverythingnothinganything


  All that can be done has been done.一切可以做的都已


       (2) 当先行词被veryallnoanylittlemuch

someeverythe only等修饰时。例如:

    This is the very watch that I lost yesterday on my way


    (3) 当先行词被序数词修饰时。例如:

    This is the first birthday present that I have received


    (4) 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。例如:

    This is the most interesting book that I’ve ever read.这是


    (5) 当先行词既有人又有物时。例如:

    We talked about the old classmates and courses that have

made a deep impression on us.我们谈论了那些给我们留下




  The child whose parents died in the road accident is now

taken care of by his uncle.那个父母亲丧生于车祸的小孩现


    The room whose window faces south is mine.那个窗户朝



(1) Look out! Don’t get too close to the house ____ roof is

    under repair    (2006福建)

    Awhose    Bwhich  Cof which Dthat

【题解】A  先行词house在从句中担任roof的定语,


(2) — Do you have anything to say for yourself?

   — Yesthere’s one point _____ we must insist on


    Awhy    Bwhere  Chow D./

【题解】D先行词point在从句中担任insist on的宾语,故



(1) All _____ is needed is a supply of oil

    Athe thing Bthat    Cwhat        Dwhich



(2) In fact the Swede didn’t understand the three questions

     _____ were asked in French

    Awhere    Bwho    Cin which        Dwhich



(3) Finallythe thief handed everything _____ he had stolen

    to the police

    Awhich    Bwhat    Cwhatever      Dthat



(4) His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone _____ family

    was poor.

    Aof whom Bwhom  Cwhose      Dof whose



(5) Is this museum _____ some German friends visited


    Awhich  Bthat    Cwhere        Dthe one

【题解】D此处定语从句缺少先行词,故加上the one做先



(6) Is this the museum _____ some German friends visited


    Awhat    Bthat    Cwhere     Dthe one

【题解】B先行词the museum在定语从句中做宾语。

(7) There was a teapot shaped like a Chinese duckout of

    mouth the tea was supposed to come

    Awhich    Bthat    Cits         Dwhose

【题解】D先行词a Chinese duck在定语从句中做mouth 的定语,故选D

(8) On the bus I saw a student _____ I thought was your brother

    Awho    Bwhom  Cwhich       Dwhoever

【题解】A由于I thought为插入语,故定语从句缺少主语,先行词为人,故选A



1His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _____ from home and earn some money on his own

  Arun away    Btake away  Ckeep away Dget away

【题解】D题意为她的妈妈原以为离家自己赚钱对锻炼他的性格有好处”,只有get away from home离家的意思。其他词组的解释参看“重点突破3”



2The computer is _____ to be one of the great inventions in the twentieth century

  Aconsidered    Bagreed

  Choped                Dexpected


3It’s too bright in the sunYou’d better wear a pair of dark glasses to _____ your eyes _____ the sun

  Astopfrom    Bprotectfrom 

Ckeepfrom      Dprotectfor


4It wasn’t long _____ the rain stopped and the sun came out again

  Awhen    Buntil  Cbefore           Dsince


5Is this CD player _____ you bought in the supermarket the day before yesterday?

  Athat    Bwhich  Cthe one          D./

【题解】C此题考查定语从句,因句中缺少先行词,故需加the one充当先行词,至于引导词,因为在从句中做宾语,故可以省略。

6I have already told you the way _____ I worked out the problemWhich of the following is wrong?

  Ain which    Bwhich    C./       Dthat

【题解】B 此题考查定语从句,the way做先行词时定语从句的引导词可以是thatin which或者省略,而此题选错误选项,故选B

7My brother was so angry at all _____ he had done _____ he couldn’t control his temper

  Athatthat      Bwhichthat

  Cthatwhat       Dwhatwhat


8It’s really time for me to go home but I’m enjoying myself so I _____ here a bit longer

Ahave stayed       Bstayed

 Cstay                     Dam staying


9 _____ many other developing countriesChina needs bring in advanced science and technology from developed countries

  AAs    BAs with  CWhich is the case with DAs like

【题解】B 根据题意,像其他发展中国家一样,中国需要从发达国家引进先进的科学与技术”,as with表示正如……一样”,符合题意。

10Do you remember those days _____ we spent along the seashore very happily?


Awhen    Bwhere  Cwhich    Don which

【题解】C此题考查定语从句,先行词those days在定语从句中担任spent的宾语,故选C

11We thought of selling the old furniturebut we decided to ____ itIt might be of some use

  Ahold on to  Bkeep up with      Chold on   Dkeep up

【题解】A此题考查词组hold on to,表示不出让

12 — Ohit’s youI didn’t recognize you

  I _____ my hair cut and I _____ new glasses

Ahadwas wearing                Bhave hadam putting on

 Chadwore                              Dhave hadam wearing

【题解】D have my hair cut表示理了发,此处可用一般过去时或现在完成时;第二空指“现在戴着眼镜”,强调现在的状态,故用am wearing,所以选D项。

13Along with the letter was his promise _____ he would visit me this coming Christmas

  Awhich    Bthat    Cwhat Dwhether

【题解】B that引导同位语从句,解释promise的内容。

14Hai Yan is a famous Chinese novelist _____ writings are thought highly of

  Awhose    Bwho    Cwhich Dwhom


15The supermarket has so little parking space _____ is really a problem

  Awhich    Bwhat    Cit Das

【题解】A此题考查定语从句的用法,此处用which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面一句话the supermarket has so little parking spacewhich在此相当于and this

16A lot of coal miners died on the job last year _____ the local government to shut nearly 500 small mines in Shanxi Province alone

  Aforcing           Bto force

  Cforced                Dhas forced


17“Well done!” the teacher patted the shoulder of the student _____ with a smile on his face

  Asatisfying       Bhaving satisfied

  Csatisfied            Dbeing satisfied

【题解】C satisfied“感到满意地,做伴随状语。

18In the floods they were very frightenedThey looked ____ each other’s eyesunable to speak

  Aat    Bin    Cinto            Don

【题解】C look into 表示注视……的内部或深处

19  _____ Diana was in such a hurry?

— I don’t knowShe might have been running to catch the bus



  ADo you think why    BWhy do you think

  CWhy you think           DWhy not think

【题解】B do you think在句中用做插入语,放在疑问词why之后,故选B

20The _____ boy was last seen _____ near the East Lake

  Amissingplaying    Bmissingplay

  Cmissedplayed Dmissedto play

【题解】A missing是形容词,意为“失踪的”,做boy的定语。句中last强调发生的时间,即最后一次当时的情况,故第二空用doing强调动作正在发生。


Miss Wenter was watching TV when the program suddenly stopped. "Sorry to   1     the program. Now we are requested to

__2___ an important notice from the police station. At about

nine this evening, a lady named Mrs. Humney was 3 and killed. Anyone who can supply any clue is requested to report to the 4 thank you. " The terrible news made the lonely girl 5 with fear. She couldn’t help looking around, but she didn’t notice that a man was already 6 behind the door to the veranda (阳台) .

All of a 7 the man appeared before Miss Wenter. The girl really didn't know what to do. "Don't ask for trouble, just put your jewelry on the table, then think over 8 I shall be safe to stay up here for the night," said the robber. That made Miss Wenter even more 9 , but she tried to 10 herself.

Just then came the whistle of a police car. In a little while, someone rang the doorbell. The robber said with a gun 11      the girl’s back, " Go to the door and say that you’ve gone to bed. Never let him in. "

12  , the girl had an idea. "Oh, who are you?" she said.

"Is there anything      13     ?" asked the policeman.

"No, there isn't. Good night!"  Immediately she added loudly,   "  14 , my  elder brother extends his    15
greeting to you. "

"Thank you. Good night," Bull replied in the same  16 .

A few minutes later the sound of the police car going 17 could be heard. " It’s well 18 , " the robber said with a smile. Then he rushed to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window was broken. The policemen hurried into the room from the veranda. They quickly put handcuffs on the robber.

"Miss Wenter, your greetings were so good that it made us take   19    right away,"  said Sergeant Bull,   "because we’ve already known that your   20   was killed in a robbery half a year ago. "

1. A. stop       B. share     C. interrupt     D. control


2.A. obey

B. make

C. introduce

D. broadcast

3. A. robbed

B. hurt

C. wounded

D. stolen

4. A. public

B. police

C. hospital

D. family

5.A. cry

B. shock

C. fall

D. shake

6. A. hidden

B. sitting

C. seated

D. staying

7. A. while

B. time

C. period

D. sudden

8. A. that

B. whether

C. where

D. what

9. A. careful

B. anxious

C. strange

D. terrified

10. A. protect

B. help

C. calm

D. express

11. A. at

B. against

C. behind

D. beyond

12. A. In a hurry

B. Once in a


C. At the same time

D. In a flash


13.A. new

B. important

C. unusual

D. upset

14. A. Instead

B. However

C. Otherwise

D. Besides

15. A. warm

B. deep

C. kind

D. real

16. A. wound

B. manner

C. speech

D. voice

17.A. out

B. on

C. along

D. away

18. A. answered B. refused

C. done

D. said

19. A. care

B. action

C. risk

D. step

20. A. sister

B. brother

C. mother

D. father



  1C interrupt表示中断。由下文可知因一重要新闻要播报,所以中断了电视节目。

  2D broadcast意为播报





  7D all of a sudden是固定搭配,意为突然,忽然


  9D  抢劫犯的话语让Miss Wenter更加恐惧。terrified“恐惧的,受惊吓的


  11B against紧贴着,靠着。

  12D in a flash一瞬间。

  13C  由常识可知警察此时应问有没有不正常的事情。

  14D besides“而且,表示递进的关系。

  15A extend one’s warm greeting to sb向某人问好。

  16B in the same manner用相同的方式。

  17D go away走开,离开。从下文可知抢劫犯以为警察已经离开了。


  18C well done是习惯搭配,意为干得好

  19B take action采取行动。




Italian Lakes and Greek Islands (12 days)

Prices starting from $1,999

Your tour begins in Milan, Italy, and moves on to the pretty Italian Lake District and the attractive resort (胜地) of Stresa, your home for two nights. Collette Vacations has carefully chosen the Costa Victoria as your home away from home for your 7-night journey along the waterways of the Mediterranean. The cruise ship is filled with entertainment areas and very good living conditions. It will take you to the places of your dreams.

You’11 spend 4 days touring Greek cities you’ve always heard about. In Katakolon, you will have the only unguided tour to nearby Olympia on the whole journey. Then with a local guide you will visit the Greek islands of Santorini, which is often related to the story of the lost city of Atlantis, and Mykonos, a wonderful island with beautiful beaches.

Your journey ends  in Verona,   home of the  love story Romeo and Juliet, with a fun-filled farewell dinner — a perfect ending to a pleasant journey.

12 Days, 25 Meals: 10 Breakfasts, 6 Lunches, 9 Dinners

Day 1              Overnight flight to Italy

Day 2-3                  Regina Palace, Stresa, Italy

Day 4-10                  Costa Victoria (Costa cruises)

Day 11              Hotel Leopardi, Verona, Italy

Day 12              Leave for home

Please Note:

Leaving date

Price for one person

April 7

$ 2 099

June 2

$2 199

October 6

$ 2 099

November 3

$ 1 999

1.  How is the journey planned?

A. It starts and ends in Italy.

B. It starts and ends in Greece.

C. It starts in Italy and ends in Greece.

D. It starts in Greece and ends in Italy.

2. What can be inferred from the travel plan?

A. The price may get lower than those in the plan.

B. The prices include three meals a day.

C. The price is the highest in summer.



D. The prices include entertainment service.

3. What does the underlined part "the Costa Victoria" most probably refer to?

A. A famous hotel.            B. A beautiful resort.

C. A comfortable ship.                        D. A long-distance bus.

4. Tourists will travel on their own in_________.

A. Stresa    B. Olympia    C. Mykonos    D. Verona



    1A细节理解题。从第一段第一句话可知是从意大利出发,由最后一段可知在Verona结束了这次旅行,由Day 11可知Verona属于意大利,故选A

    2C理解判断题。从表格可看出费用最高的是June 2,这个季节是夏季,故选C

    3 C  理解判断题。由第一段第二句话Collette Vacations has carefully chosen the Costa Victoria as your home away from home for your 7-night journey along the waterways of the Mediterranean。可知the Costa Victoria是一条船。

  4B细节理解题。由第二段第二句话In Katakolonyou will have the only unguided tour to nearby Olympia on the whole journey.可知答案。


TOKYO—An express train traveling through strong winter winds derailed (脱轨) in northern Japan, killing four people and injuring more than 30, officials said Monday.

Five cars of the six-car express train derailed Sunday evening, three of them toppling onto their sides in Yamagata, about 180 miles north of Tokyo. The train was going from northern Akita to Niigata.

The injuries of the survivors did not appear to be life-threatening, Yamagata police spokesman Yoshikatsu Oe said. It was unclear how many passengers were on the train, but Oe said most of the injured were in the first two cars. The dead included two men and two women. One of the men was pulled from the wreckage (残骸) early Monday and was believed to be the last body on the train.

Rescuers planned to lift the wreckage later in the day to see if any other passengers remained beneath.

Transport Ministry Official Hiromi Mishima said it was not known what caused the derailment and officials were assessing the extent of the damage. Railway operator JR East Co. President Mutsutake Otsuka apologized for the accident at a news conference Monday morning and promised a thorough investigation. Yakagata police official Yasuhiro Sugiu said there had been high-speed wind warnings for the area. Public broadcaster NHK (日本广播协会) quoted a train conductor as saying a strong wind hit the train just before the accident.

Winds in the area were about 48 mph, Kyodo News agency reported.

Japan in recent days has suffered from unusually heavy snowfall, and storms have led to the death of eight people. But snow did not appear to be a factor in Sunday's crash.

Authorities said they did not know how fast the train was going. Speed was believed to be a factor in an April 25 train wreck that killed 107 people and injured more than 500 others in Amagasaki, western Japan. That accident was Japan's worst train wreck since 1963.

5. The best title for this passage would be_______.

A. Train Derails in Japan

B.  Strong Winds Cause Disaster

C. Terrible Car Accident

D. Terrible Accidents in the Past Years

6. How many people were killed in the train accidents mentioned in the passage?

A. 119.                            B. 105.

C. 107.                            D.111.

7. The accident took place_______.

A. on a Monday morning in northern Akita

B. on a Sunday evening in Yamagata

C. on a Monday morning to the north of Tokyo

D. on a Sunday evening in Niigata

8.  From the report we learn that_______.

A. a strong wind resulted in the accident

B. the high-speed of the train led to the disaster

C. the heavy snowfall caused the trouble

D. the cause of the derailment is still unclear




  6D计算题。northern Japan火车脱轨造成4人死亡,Amagasakiwestern Japan火车脱轨造成l07人死亡,两次共死亡111人。


    8D细节理解题。根据第五段第一句中的it was not known what caused the derailment可知事故的原因还不清楚。



    Each year there is an increasing number of cars as

millions of new cars are produced in America. Americans will not live without cars
However, some have realized the serious problem of air pollution by cars. It is necessary to find ways to solve the problem of air pollution.

One way to clean the air is to build a new kind of clean car. That’s what several of the large car factories are trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.

Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else. Engineers are now working on it. Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that can please man.

To prevent the world being polluted by cars, Americans have to make some changes in the way of their life. They have to cut down on the number of their cars and are encouraged to travel and go to work by bike. But this change does not close down — many workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down. And the problem of their pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.

Americans may live a happy but sad life for a long time because of the car problem.

