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录入者:netlab  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2008年01月24日



1. agree with sb./what sb. said 同意某人/某人的话

2. agree to (a plan/suggestion…) 同意(计划、建议等)

3. agree to do sth   同意做某事

4. agree on sth. with sb. 和某人就某事达成共识

5. as soon as possible 尽可能快

6. all the year round  整年 7. as a result  结果

8. as well 也,还   9. at the same time  同时

10. above all  首要的   11. after all 毕竟

12. at one’s own expense 自费

13. absence of mind             心不在焉

14. in the last/final analysis    总之;归根结底

15. make/fix an appointment with sb 与某人约会

16. keep/break an appointment      ()

17. make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图干……

18. pay attention to sth./doing sth. 注意…(to为介词)

19. sth. draw/attract one's attention 引起某人的注意

20. call sb.'s attention to sth.    叫某人注意某事

21. stand at attention             立正


22. because of  由于      23. break out  爆发

24. on the basis of….          根据,以……为基础

25. beyond belief                难以置信

26. in behalf of…                为帮助某人

27. on behalf of sb                      代表某人
为了某人(on sb. 's behalf)

28. be of benefit to              对……有裨益

29. for the benefit/good/interest of  为……的利益

30. make the best of…        尽量利用

31. make a bid for                投标;企图得到


32. be crowded with… 拥挤着….

33. change one’s mind 改变主意34. come true 实现

35. take sth. into account/consideration
   =in consideration of  
体谅,考虑…, 顾及

36. take care of…               照顾;处理

37. by chance (accident)      偶然

38. free of charge                 免费
   in charge of…               
   in / under the charge of  

39. at one's own choice        任意地,随意地
   by choice                      
   have no choice but to do 
   take one's choice            

40. in /under no circumstances无论如何不,决不
   in / under the circumstances


41. come into collision with…

   in collision                     

42. keep sb. company         陪伴某人,与某人作伴
   in company with…         

43. beyond/without compare 无与伦比
   bear/stand comparison with   
   by comparison               
   in comparison with (to)  
   compared to/with…      

44. show concern for sb              对某人表示关心

45. draw/reach /come to /arrive at a conclusion得出结论

   in conclusion                  最后

46. in condition        健康状况好;保存得好

out of condition   健康状况不好;保存得不好

   on condition that             如果;在……条件下

   on no condition               绝不;无论如何都不

47. in confidence                  秘密地

48. come into conflict with    与……冲突

   in conflict with               与……冲突(矛盾)

49. in connection with          与……有关系;关于

50. for conscience sake        为了问心无愧

   in all conscience              凭良心;公平地

   on one's conscience        内疚,问心有愧

51. in consequence of …/  as a consequence of…

   be of no consequence / importance to sb


   take the consequences     承担后果

52. on no consideration         决不;无论如何都不

53. in contradiction to           与……矛盾

54. make an important contribution to


55. sth. suit one's convenience某事对某人来说十分方便

convenience food            便利食品

   at one's convenience 在方便的时候及在适宜的地方

   sth. be convenient to sb. 


   It is convenient to sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事

56. credit account                信用帐户

   be to sb.'s credit = do sb. credit

= do credit to sb. (sth.)       使某人值得赞扬

57. do / cause damage to              对……造成损害


58. deal with 处理  59. do a good deed 做好事

60. dream of… 梦想 61. day by day 日复一日

62. devote…to… 奉献于 63. in danger  处于危险中

64. make/do a deal with sb与……做买卖;与……订密约

65. get/run into debt      负债   in debt      负债

   out of debt              不欠债  pay off debts 还清债务

66. on the decline                        在下降

   decline to do sth.                   拒绝做某事

67. by degrees                                   逐渐地

   to a degree                            有点,稍微,多少有些

   to what degree                       到什么程度



69. make a/the difference             起作用,关系重大

   make some (no) difference有些(没有)关系或影响

70. in all directions / in every direction  向四面八方

   work under the direction of  在……指导下工作

71. be at a disadvantage               处于不利地位

72. sell at a discount of 15%             8.5折出售

73. draw a distinction between 把……和……区分开来


74. earn one’s living =make a living 谋生

75. encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事

76. ever since 自从以来77. be eager to do 渴望做

78. cause and effect                    因果

   come into effect                     生效,实行

   bring sth. into effect        实施

   have an effect on = affect sth. 对……有影响

   be of no effect                无效

   take effect                      起作用

   in effect                         实际上,事实上

79. make a good effort          作很大的努力

   make every effort to do sth… 尽一切努力做某事

   spare no effort to do sth. 不遣余力,尽力

80. make an entry  入场81. in evidence引入瞩目,显眼

82. set an example to sb.              为某人树立榜样

83. in exchange for               交换;调换

84. on exhibition                   在展览

85. come into existence         开始存在,成立

   in existence                    存在的

86. beyond expectation         出乎意料地

   in expectation of…        预料

87. spare no expense            不惜费用

   at one's (own) expense    自费

   at the expense of………为牺牲;归 ……付费(负担)

