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录入者:lgr 人气指数:次 发布时间:2021年11月02日




1be fond of 喜欢

2have a taste for爱好;对……有兴趣

3come to like逐渐喜欢

4develop an interest in ...培养在……方面的兴趣

5have a preference for偏爱……

6enjoy popular music喜欢流行音乐

7increase one’s interest in ...提高某人对……的兴趣

8be popular with ...……的欢迎

9appeal to吸引

10take advantage of利用

11have an eye for ...……有鉴赏力

12get relaxed and refreshed放松而又精力充沛

13reduce my stress from my work


14be of benefit to ...……有好处

15participate in参加

16take regular exercise经常锻炼

17enrich one’s life丰富某人的生活

18surf the Internet上网

19chat online在线聊天

20play musical instrument弹奏乐器

21play the guitar/piano/violin弹吉他/弹钢琴/拉小提琴

22go sightseeing/camping去观光/野营

23take up开始从事(某职业等)

24vary from person to person因人而异

25attract one’s interest/attention引起某人的兴趣/注意



1I enjoy my hobby.It offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative.Meanwhile, it provides me with a source of pleasure.


2As for my hobby, I’m keen on playing football, which makes it possible for me to make more friends with the same interest.


3My favorite hobby is reading books and newspapers, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.我最喜欢读书看报,这已经成为我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。

4I join the basketball team, where I not only learn the importance of teamwork but also strengthen my body, which is of great benefit to my mental as well as physical health.我加入篮球队,从中我不但学会了团队合作的重要性,还增强了我的体质,这对我的身心健康大有益处。

5Watching TV can bring us a lot of pleasure and teach us a lot of knowledge, but spending too much time on it may do harm to our eyes and make us tired.So we should do sports at times when we are free from work.看电视能给我们带来很多快乐,同时也教会我们许多知识,但在这方面花太多时间又会伤害我们的眼睛,使我们感到疲劳。因此在工作之余我们应该偶尔锻炼一下身体。

6Fishing is my favorite, for it is both fun and instructive, which has helped me improve my power of controlling myself.钓鱼是我的最爱,因为它既有趣又有教育意义,钓鱼有助于提高自我约束力。



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I Like Reading

Reading is my favorite hobby.I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my life.As we all know, books are the source of knowledge.I benefit a great deal from reading.There are a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, literary books and so on.But what interests me most is literary books, especially those by famous writers.For one thing, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons.For another, they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun.Isn’t it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading?



1. tendency n. 趋向,倾向

2consistent adj.连续的;一致的,始终如一的

3vivid adj.鲜艳的,活跃的;生动的

4convey vt.表达,传达(思想、感情等);运送;搬运

5collection n. (常指同类的)收集物;收藏品

6preference n.喜爱;偏爱

7subscribe v.订阅,订购(书、报刊等)(to);捐助,赞助;签署

8addicted adj.沉溺于某种嗜好的;上了瘾的

9outgoing adj.外向的;友好的

10refreshing adj.使人精力充沛的;令人耳目一新的

11amateur n.业余爱好者

12antique n.古董

13attraction n.吸引;爱慕

14backpack n.双肩背包

15ball n.舞会
