


录入者:yishuijing 人气指数:次 发布时间:2021年06月17日


Speech on SAIP-QZQZ Graduation Ceremony

of Year 2021

By Principal



Good evening!

Ladies and gentlemen,


Today, we are holding the graduation ceremony of the 2021 Sino-US partnership program of Quanzhou No.7 Middle School with a sense of hope, excitement and blessing, to witness students' new journey in life. Here, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the graduating students! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers who have worked hard in the school and the parents who have supported the school for the past several years!


Three years ago,you were admitted into No.7 Middle School in your best youth time. Three years,more than 1000 days and nights, all the bits and pieces will gather into your memory, which will be engraved into your youth memorial book which is worth recalling all your life. In the past three years, you have achieved enormous knowledge and improved your diverse abilities,which has laid a solid foundation for your future . I suggest that we give our warmest applause to you, cheer for growth and cheer for the future!

选择来到中美班和出国留学的道路将给你们的人生带来许多改变, 你们将有更好的机会培养你们的国际视野,获得看问题的不同视角, 培养独立能力。毕业意味着暂时的告别,同时也是新的人生阶段的开启,今天你们将离开母校,作为校长,我对大家满怀期望:

Your choice to SAIP and study abroad will bring you plenty of changes. You will have a better opportunity to develop your global awareness, cultivate different perspectives towards problems, nurture your independence .Graduation means a temporary farewell, but also the beginning of a new stage of life. Today you will leave your loved high school. Being principal, I would like to give you some advice:


First, I hope you will stick to your dreams and work hard. Your dreams start here in Quanzhou No.7 Middle School.You should have firm beliefs and lofty ambitions and grow up as those who are firm in heart and dare to work hard. You should develop yourselves as people who are concerned about the future and make difference. No matter which university you enter and what kind of work you will do in the future, we hope that you will never forget you are Chinese people and once a member of No.7middle school. Keep in mind the school motto of "patriotic, gratitude,diligence, excellence" and the spirit of "unity and cooperation,dedication, hard work, pioneering and innovation" of No.7 Middle School!


In addition, I hope you will live up to the times and move forward. Year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 90th anniversary of the founding of Quanzhou No.7 middle school. Knowing the history of CPC and our school and your participation in a series of activities will fill your life with the Hot Red. I hope you will cultivate your national feelings, keep up with the pace of the times, and move forward with the trend.You should not only be the beneficiaries of the new era, but also be the pioneers of the new era!


What’s more, we expect you to be kind and nice. You should conserve your inner kindness, treat others with sincerity and integrity, stay simple and naive, keep the awe of life, fill your life with sunshine; However busy your life is, don't forget to pause for a while to the sounds of nature and feel the true meaning of your life. Climate change, infectious pandemic and diseases have brought us many difficulties and changes. The development of science and technology and the rapid spread of information have brought us opportunities and challenges. We need to pay attention to the internal and external trends and make timely changes to keep up with the trend of the times.


Students of 2021, the sea is wide, waiting for you to face the ups and downs, looking forward to your courageous strives and success, No matter how far you go, the school always stays with you, the door of it is always open for you. I hope you often come home to have a look!


Finally, I wish all parents and teachers good health and family happiness! I wish all studentsa bright future and your dreams coming true!
