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录入者:lgr  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2020年09月25日





It was a Sunday morning. Betty woke up earlier than usual. She couldn’t sleep any longer because she was so excited that her uncle Mark was taking her to the beach. She had always loved going surfing with her uncle. She put her swimming suit on and took quickly that she had prepared the night got before and went outside to wait. She jumped up and down with joy when she saw her uncle’s red jeep turn the corner down her street.

Uncle Mark got out of the car and helped Betty get in. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes!” replied Betty. Uncle Mark could see the excitement in her face. Suddenly he said seriously, “Well, before we go, I have to let you know that a shark appeared recently where we're going to surf today.” Scared and shocked, Betty couldn’t say a word. “Haha! I'm kidding you,” Uncle Mark burst out laughing. Betty laughed too. She knew Uncle Mark liked teasing others. “Let’s go and have some breakfast, I know just the place,” Uncle Mark said. They went                to a breakfast shop and ate some tacos (炸玉米饼).

After breakfast the two of them went down to Pacific Beach and got their surfboards ready. “First you have to wax(打蜡)the bottom,explained Uncle Mark. “I know. I’ve watched you do it before!" Betty said as she took the wax from Uncle Mark's hand. It took about 15 minutes to wax the bottom of their boards. When Betty finished, Uncle Mark looked it over to make sure it was done well. “Nice job, Betty, you wax your board like a true surfer.”

Finally, they were ready to get into the water. They carried their boards down to the beach and went out into the water. Betty was overly excited and tried to rush to catch a wave. Predictably, she crashed and had to start over. Next was her uncle's turn. He stood up on his first try and smoothly surfed the wave before jumping into the water. Betty cheered for her uncle's perfect run.





All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot.


“Help! Help!” Betty screamed in horror.



All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot. She began to panic. She tried to climb on top of her surfboard and look to see what was swimming below. She turned around and saw a giant shark fin circling her. Before Betty could call out to her uncle, the shark attacked her surfboard. Luckily the shark missed her but now she was stuck in the water.

“Help! Help! Betty screamed in horror. Hearing Betty's scream and seeing the shark, Uncle Mark was quick to act. By the time he arrived, Betty was exhausted from keeping herself afloat without a surfboard. Uncle Mark told Betty to grab onto his surfboard. He swam crazy and quickly brought them both back onto the shore. Betty was crying but felt safe as she knew Uncle Mark would always be there protecting her.













