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录入者:lgr 人气指数:次 发布时间:2020年05月30日



【2018·江苏】29. _______ you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.

A. Once B. Unless C. If D. When


【解析】考查连词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:除非你睡得好,否则一两个晚上之后,你会失去专注、计划和保持动力的能力。A. Once一旦;B. Unless除非;C. If如果;D. When当……时候。故选B。

【2018·天津】4. Let's not pick these peaches until this weekend ___________they get sweet enough to be eaten.

A. ever since B. as if C. even though D. so that


【2018·北京】2. _________ we don’t stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone.

A. Although B. While C. If D. Until



【2017·北京】28. If you don’t understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people _______ you figure it out.

A. because B. though C. until D. since


【2017·北京】25. ______ birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes.

A. Once B. If C. Although D. Because


【2017·北京】22. —Peter, please send us postcards ______ we’ll know where you have visited.

—No problem.

A. but B. or C. for D. so


试题分析:A. but 但是 B. or 或者 C. for 因为 D. so因此 句意:Peter,请给我们寄明信片,因此我们就会知道你们去哪游览过,根据语境可知前后句之间是因果关系,故用so,选D。

【2017· 江苏】23. Located _______ the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.

A. why B. when C. which D. where



【2016·北京】27. My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, ________ he’s in his nineties.

A. as long as B. as if C. even though D. in case



试题分析:题目考查状语从句。句意:即使是九十多岁了,我的爷爷仍然时不时地打打网球。A.as long as只要,引导条件句;B.as if似乎,引导方式状语从句或表语从句;C. even though即使,引导让步状语从句;D.in case以防,引导目的状语从句。这里是转折关系,故选C。

【2016·北京】35. I am not afraid of tomorrow, ________ I have seen yesterday and I love today.

A. so B. and C. for D. but


【2016·江苏】26.______some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.

A. Because B. If C. Unless D. While


【2016·浙江】5._______online shopping has changed our life , not all of its effects have been positive.

A. Since B. After C. While D. Unless





【2015·北京】25.He is a shy man,___he is not afraid of anything or anyone.

A.so B. but C.or D. as



试题分析:句意:他是一个害羞的人,但是他并不害怕任何事和任何人。A. so因此;B. but但是;C. or或者;D. as作为。根据句意,前后句表示转折,因此选择but。

【2015·北京】32. _____the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.

A. Until B. Unless C. Once D. Although



试题分析:句意:一旦农田被毁坏,将需要许多年的时间才能得以恢复。A. until译为到……为止,直到……才,在……以前;B. unless译为如果不,除非;C. once译为一旦,一经……便;D. although译为虽然,然而,尽管。结合句意,故选C

【2015·浙江】9.a single world can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.

A. Just as B. Even though C. Until D. Unless



试题分析:句意:正如一个单词可以改变句子的意思那样,一个句子也能够改变一个段落的意思。A意为正如, B意为尽管,用于让步状语从句, C意为直到, D意为除非。分析逗号前后表达所使用的结构句式是相同的:world 对应 sentence, a sentence 对应 paragraph. 这正好是一种对应,也就是正如的关系,此外,如果把BCD选项代入进去翻译,可以发现这种翻译是不正确的。所以答案是选A。

【2015·四川】6.There is only one more day to goyour favorite music group play live.

A. since B. until C. when D. before




9.【2015·陕西】20. I believe you will have a wonderful time hereyou get to know everyone else.

A. though B. as if C. once D. so that



试题分析:句意:我相信一旦你了解这里的每个人,你将玩得很愉快。though虽然;as if好像;once一旦;so that为了。所以选C。

【2015·江苏】26.It is so cold that you can’t go outside _____ fully covered in thick clothes.

A. if B. unless C. once D. when



试题分析:句意:外面太冷了,你不要出去,除非用厚衣服完全裹起来。A项“如果”;B项“除非”;C项“一旦”;D项“当……时候”。“unless fully covered”为“连词+省略结构”,补充完整为“unless you are”。故选B项。“连词+省略结构”省略了从句的主语(与主句主语一致)和主语后的动词be。考生应根据前后句意判断出前后逻辑关系,然后选择正确答案。同时,考生要注意归纳这类连词:when, while“表示时间”;if, unless“表示条件”;once“表示时间或条件”;though/although, even if(though)表示“让步”。

【2015·安徽】34.______ he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.

A. Where B. As C. In case D. Now that



试题分析:句意:曾经让他感到想放弃的地方,现在他决心继续前进。A那里;B尽管,当,因为,随着;C以防;D既然。where表示地点,引导让步状语从句;as引导让步状语从句常用倒装,即tried as he has;in case表目的;now that表原因。这里指让他感到想放弃的地方,故选A。

【2015·湖南】33.________ the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it.

A. If only B. After C.Although D.In case




【2014·北京卷】_______ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.

A. As B. When C. Even though D. In case



试题分析:本题考查状语从句,考查方式为辨别状语从句的种类。句意:尽管那个森林公园很远,但是还是有许多游客每年到这里游览。根据题干信息,应该是“即使(尽管)那个森林公园很远,每年还是有很多人去参观。”由此判断,从句为让步状语从句,应选连接词even though。本题选C。In case用于引导目的状语从句,表示“以防”、“以免”。根据句意选C。

【2014·天津卷】4._______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.

A. unless B. Although C. Before D. Once



试题分析:句意:一旦你开始更健康的饮食,控制体重就会变得容易得多。Unless除非;Although尽管;Before 在……之前;Once 一旦。Unless相当于if not,引导条件状语从句;Although引导让步状语从句,不能和but连用;Before引导时间状语从句;Once引导具有条件意味的时间状语从句。根据语境和词义可知选D。

【2014·山东卷】2. I don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting.

A. although B. unless C. until D. once




【2014·江苏卷】21. Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed.

A. though B. as C. since D. unless



试题分析:考查连词词义辨析及语境理解。A. 虽然,尽管;B. 正如;C.自从;D. 除非 。根据句意判断可以知道前后句之间为转折关系,故用连词though连接。句意:虽然历史不可改变,但是吸取教训来面向未来。故A正确。

【2014·安徽卷】25.The meaning of the word "nice' changed a few tinesit finally came to include the sense "pleasant."A. before B. after C. since D. while



“在…之前”,这个连词的翻译比较灵活,这里根据句意翻译成“才”,其他三个选项的含义分别是: B.after在…后面,C.since自从,D.while当…时候,虽然,然而。所以选A。

【2014·湖南卷】26. You will never gain success________ you are fully devoted to your work.

A. when B. because C. after D. unless



试题分析:考查连词用法。A. when当…..时候;B. because因为;C. after在……之后;D. unless除非,引导条件状语从句。句意:你将永远不会获得成功,除非你完全投入到你的工作。故D正确。
