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录入者:hyl  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2017年12月21日


1.Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a larger one ___ it becomes available.

A. as soon as B. unless C. as far as D. until

2.___ they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.

A. As  B. While  C. Until D. Once

3.Tim is in good shape physically___ he doesn’t get much exercise.

A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as

4.____ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

A. However a serious problem

B. What a serious problem

C. However serious a problem

D. What serious a problem

5. How about camping this weekend, just for a change?

--OK, ___ you want.

A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever

6.you can’t borrow books from the school library ___ you get your student card.

A. before B. if C. while D. as

7.___ the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad.

A. When B. While C. As D. Since

8. ___ I’m willing to help, I do not have much time available.

A. While B. When C. Once D. Since

9.___ many Chinese women have receive higher education, there are still obstacles that prevent them from enjoying the same opportunities for education and employment as men.

A. Whether B. Because C. When D. Although

10. The landslide almost flattened the small town of Zhouqu, leaving 1248 dead and 496 missing. I wonder how long it will be ___ the people there get over the shock.

A. before B. when C. since D. after

11. The travelers encouraged each other to go on ___ difficulties they met.

A. however B. whatever C. no matter D. although

12.Jennifer, would you take a picture for us?

---Sorry, ___ I take pictures, they usually come out dull.

A.    before B. until C. when D. since

13.Why didn’t you apologize to her?

---She drove away ___ I could say a word.

A.before B. after C. until D unless

14.They suggest the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution.

-___, the idea is not very practical.

A. Sounds good as it B. As it sounds good C. As good it sounds D. Good as it sounds

15. ____ I appreciate the honor, I could not accept the position. I want to spend more time on my present program.

A. While B. Since C. Yet D. So

16.___ important we may regard school life to be, parents have a great influence on their children because they spend more time at home than in the classroom.

A. However B. Since C. Although D. As

17. No sooner ___ at the desk than the telephone rang.

A. had he sat down B. did he sit down

C. he had sat down D. he sat down

18.I was putting on my shirt___ my telephone rang.

A. while B. as C. when D. before

19. ___ she is out of job, Lucy has been considering going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. Now that B. Even though C. No matter how D. Except that

20. By the end of last term, I___ ten books.
A. had finished reading

B. have finish reading

C. had finish to read    D. finish read

21.___ I failed in English a third time, I had no doubt about my gift for foreign languages.

A. By the time B. Unless C. After

D. Until







1.状语从句主要是修饰主句中的动词,形容词和副词, 通常由从属连词引导, 按其意义和作用可分为时间, 地点, 条件, 原因, 让步, 目的, 结果, 方式, 比较等。请注意连接词的用法。


1) 常见连词有 after, as, before, once, since, till, (not) until, when, whenever (no matter when), while, as long as, as soon as 等。

As you look at yourself in a mirror, you’ll see an identical image of yourself.


When I got to the airport, I suddenly remembered that I had left the ticket behind.
Whenever we have difficulty, he’ll come to help us.




They arrived while we were having dinner.

While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.

Some people waste food while others haven’t enough.

While there is life, there is hope.



(as long as)   



Ill go to see you when you come back.



(as soon as)


He was about to tell us the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.

I had hardly left home when it began to rain.


Call me at once when anything goes wrong.






She usually walks when she might ride.








Why did you write with a pen when you know you should write in ink. 




(=since既然,considering that考虑到)






2.The minute, the moment, the time, every time, each time, the first/ last time , by the time…


The moment I saw it, I fell in love with it.






The first time I saw her, she was a school teacher.






I went to Beijing for the first time last year.



This is the first /second time that I have come here.







By the time he arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.



3. directly , immediately. instantly等表示时间的副词


He rushed upstairs immediately he heard a loud noise.



I fell asleep directly I went to bed.




no sooner …than



He had no sooner arrived than she started complaining.

No sooner had I opened the door than the telephone rang.






No sooner had he reached home than  it began to rain.



5. till/until

I’ll stay here till/until the rain stops.

He didn’t go home until /till he finished his homework.


Not until…


Not until he finished his homework did he went home.


It was not until… that…


It was not until he finished his homework that he went home.







I didn’t realize my mistake until he pointed it out.




Not until he pointed it out did I realize my mistake.




6. It will be + 一段时间+ before+一般现在时

It is/has been+一段时间+since 一般过去时


It will be a long time before it is possible to test the medicine on human patients.




It is 3 years _____he joined the army.

It was 10 o’clock ____ he arrived at his office.

It was at 10 o’clock ____ he arrived at his office.






Although, though, even though/if, weather …or, while(although), 疑问词+ever/no matter +疑问词












Late as it was, they kept on working.








Child as he is, he knows a lot.








A young man as he is, he is already a professor.








Much as I admire his father, I don’t like him.










Try as you might, you might fail as well.




Whatever I said at the meeting must be kept secret.

I’ll do it whether you like it or not.
