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录入者:hyl  人气指数: 次  发布时间:2017年12月21日

     Unit 16

一 词组翻译

1. 出现__________________________       2. 依靠__________________________

3. 支撑起________________________       4. 理解__________________________

5. 堵住__________________________       6. 从某种程度上说_____________________

7. 断绝关系___________________________  8. 以---命名__________________________

二. 单词填空

1. She had a____________________ all hope of ever seeing her brother again.

2. Oil can p________________ metal from rust.

3. We have a w________________ to the killing.

4. I was on the way when it _________________ to me that I had left my notebook home, so I had to fetch it.

5. They all b______________ out laughing at the expression on her face.

6. Learners can get d__________________ if an exercise is too difficult.

7. There are a queue of e____________ schoolchildren outside the theatre.

8. Metals e_____________ when they are heated.

9. He k_____________ out the challenger in the first round.

10. Have you f______________ out how much the holiday will cost?

三 翻译句子

1. 我把桌子上的杯子碰掉打碎了。(knock off)


2. 我会使用计算机,但若说到修理,我就一窍不通了。(come to)


3. 在宴会上, 通常开始的第一道菜是汤,最后一道是水果。(end up with)


4. 除非我给你电话,否则你不要来。(unless)


5. 自从我感冒以来已经三天了。(since)


6.  昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。(for)


7. 我一见到你,就知道你在生我的气。(the instant)


四 英译中

1. In a way, Pompeii is like a “time capsule”.

2. This student is named after a purple flower

3. Another man, lying on his side, looks as if he is trying to get up.

4. Suddenly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view—a bright star with twenty or more planets.

5. I came across an interesting name story when I visited my cousin in Henan Province.

6. Her father thought he was admirable, because he built bridges you can really count on

7.So they figured out a way to change it.

五 单选

1. (2008·孝感模拟)A good teacher would not let her students ________.

A.abandon   B.desert        C.abandoned  D.abandoning

2. He was in such a hurry that he almost ________ the old man.

A.knocked at  B.knocked over    C.knocked off  D.knocked on

3. (合肥一中检测)At minus 18 ℃, dumplings can be ________ for at least one month.

A. spared      B. protected   C. preserved   D. developed

4. (上饶市模拟)It ________ to me that I could turn to Mr. Wang and got the necessary data from him.

A. occurred        B. struck       C.    happened      D. took

5. (郑州质量预测)We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries ________ by chance.

A. occurred             B. were occurred    C. have occurred             D. would occur 

6. When she heard the news that she got the first prize,her voice trembled ________ excitement.

A.for    B.in  C.with   D.at

7. I've a lot of ________ her;she had four children and brought them up all on her own.

A.pride in             B.understanding of      C.sympathy for    D.mercy on

8. (成都)Don't put too many apples in that bag, or it will ________.

A. fail              B. explode       C. crack               D. burst

9. The discovery of these Caocao's tombs is of________ for studying the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

A.similarity           B.perseverance      C.significance            D.guidance

10. (南昌调研)Surely it doesn't matter where the student associations get their money from; what ________ is what they do with it.

A. counts          B. applies        C. stresses          D. functions

11. (扬州市调研)The sweater my sister knitted for me ________ twice the size it should have been. It had to be kept for later use.

A. ended up              B. brought up              C. came up                D. took up

12. The other boys used to ________ him because of his accent.

A. laugh          B. tease        C. trick  D. cheat

13. (湖北八校联考)________ you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents' help.

A. Even though             B. The moment        C. Provided that           D. Now that

14. (南昌模拟)—How can they inform Audrey of their project?

—________    they had her e­mail address.

       A.What if               B.Only if        C.If only              D.Now that

15. The lost car of Mr Lee was found ________ in the woods off the highway.

A. deserted           B. abandoned    C. quitted          D. rejected


六 选择填空(有两项为多余选项)


come into view,  knock over,  block out,  in a way,  split up,

name after,  come across,  hold up,  count on,  figure out,  put up with,  in particular


1.Have you heard that John and Anne have ___________________?

2.The bridge was ______________________the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

3.Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday __________________the cost.

4.The rain stopped and the sun ______________________.

5.Four great poles patterned with dragons ____________________ the hall.

6.The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to ___________________ its reality.

7.Over the years she had tried to ____________________ that part of her life.

8.Joe was ______________________ by a truck on his way home yesterday, but not seriously hurt.

9.It was in the supermarket where I purchased moon­cakes that I _______________________ our chemistry teacher.

10.I can't _________________________ her rudeness any more and leave the room.




Unit 16


1. come into view         2. count on      3. hold up            4. figue out

5. block out         6. to a certain extent           7. split up        8. name ---after


1. abandoned       2. reserve       3. witness        4. comes         5. burst

6. discouraged      7. eager         8. expand        9. knocked       10. figue


1. I’ve knocked the glass off the table and broken it.

2. I can use a computer, but when it comes to repairing them, I know nothing.

3. At the dinner we usually begin with soup and end up with fruit.

4. Don’t come unless I call you.

5. It’s three days since I caught a cold.

6. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.

7. I knew you were angry the instant I saw you.


1. 从某种程度上        2. 以紫色的花命名       3. 侧躺着      4. 进入视野中,出现

5. 偶然发现              6. 他父亲认为他值得尊敬,因为他修建的桥梁你可以完全放心。

7. 想出一个办法


1-5 CBCAA        6-10 CCDCA        11-15 ABDCB


1. split up       2. named after      3. counts on         4. come into view

5. hold up        6. figue out       7. block out           8. knocked over

9. came across     10. put up with


