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Unit 1

have been learning English          一直在学英语

a pen friend                              笔友

attitudes towards …                对……的态度

the more … the more            越 …… 越 …

native speakers                  当地人,本地人

as long as                      只要

get good marks                 得高分

a Senior High 1 student           高一年新生

CCTV Channel 4                央视 第四频道

one’s favorite subject / actor  最喜欢的科目 / 演员

the role model                   偶像,榜样人物

on Page 4                       第4页

a business manager               营销经理

have time for hobbies       有培养业余兴趣的时间

sports programme               体育节目

TV series                      电视剧

game shows                    游戏秀

talk shows                     脱口秀

get the world at one’s feet         世界在脚下

improve one’s lifestyle            改善生活方式

a couch potato          终日懒散在家看电视的人

a workaholic                   工作狂

at weekends                    周末

the main news at six o’clock       六点的重要新闻

a good play on BBC2     


the portable TV               随身携带手提电视

the stone wall                   石墙

the remote control               遥控器

go off                        (闹钟)响

the alarm clock                  闹钟

get changed                     换衣服

take up                     占据,占时间、空间

be filled with                   充满

urgent matters                  急待处理的事情

do one’s paperwork            写写东西

have time for fun                有时间娱乐

make money for sb.              为人赚钱

get bored                      觉得无聊

find painting very interesting       感觉画画很有趣

suffer from        因为……而感到身体不适、难受

shop with a friend                和朋友购物

take place                      发生

social situation                   社会形势

lose weight                       减肥

can’t stand sth./doing sth.      无法忍受(做)某事

hate doing sth.                   讨厌做某事

take turns to do sth               轮流做某事

win support from                 赢得某人支持

as soon as possible                尽快

meet the challenge                迎接挑战

make his father proud            使他的父亲骄傲

help with the cooking              帮忙做饭

welcome dinner                   欢迎宴会

in the center of                    在……中心

on the tube                       乘地铁

be crowded with                   挤满

spend some time in doing sth./on sth.  花时间做某事

at work                          在工作

the same …that             和……一样(同一个)

the same…as             和……一样(不同一个)

early in the morning                 清晨

late at night                        深夜

free of sickness                     没有疾病

make sure                         确定

look after                          照顾

play with sb.                      和某人一起玩

distance learning                    远程学习

It is my dream to do sth.        我的梦想是做某事

call me a movie fan                  称我为影迷

get the chance to do sth.             有机会做某事

a restaurant nearby                 附近的饭店

routine life                         日常生活

on the same course                  上同一门课

over the years                      这几年来

not…anymore                      不再……

write back                         回信

a love for fine tea                  对好茶的喜爱

think of                           考虑

as a result                         结果是

result from       (因……)发生;(随……)产生

result in                           造成;导致

come up with           想出,提出(观点,想法)

join sb in sth/doing sth.           加入某人做某事

serve tea                       上茶

wash down the food            (用水)咽下食物

in order to do sth.               为了……

play/have an important role/part in    


as well as              也,还 ;和 …… 一样好

do one’s business                    做生意

cheer up                           兴奋起来

make a difference to                 改变

feel bored with                  对……感到厌倦

ask for                           要求

It has something/nothing to do with    


reduce stress                       减轻压力

have a good diet                 有良好饮食习惯

make a decision                    作出决定

graduate from                     从某学校毕业

graduate in                       从某专业毕业

be prepared for                  准备好(做某事)

to tell the truth                 坦白说;实话实说

accept and refuse invitations       接受和拒绝邀请

internet pages                      网页

literature extract              文学摘要,精选段落


 Unit 2

be famous for                     因……而闻名

express wishes                     表达愿望

choose … from                  从……当中选

separate from                      与……分离

land safely                         安全着陆

all over China                      遍及全中国

wave to the crowds                  向人群招手

be interested in                    对……感兴趣

take/lift off                         起飞

make up                           编造

fight for                           为……而战

lead the 1911 Revolution         领导1911年革命

agree with you                    同意你的观点

fight against                      与……做斗争

since then                        自从那时候起

look back(on sth)                 回首

be strict with sb                 对某人要求严格

at college                           在大学

express a keen interest in        对…表达浓厚兴趣

come to an end                     结束

the road to success               通往成功的道路

make fantastic/great progress      取得巨大的进步

on one’s own                      独自

raise money                        募捐

draw public attention to sth      吸引公众的注意力

come to understand                  渐渐明白

pull through                        度过难关

commit suicide                      自杀

react to                        对……做出反应

be/get involved in / with              参加,卷入

burn down                         烧毁

take part in                        参加

get on / along well with    与…相处得好,进展顺利

give up doing sth                    放弃……

out of control                      失控

in space                           在太空中

live a hard life                  过着艰苦的生活

carry out                          实行,实施

in the end                         最后

put up a tent                       搭帐篷

in my opinion                      在我看来

come to (oneself)              苏醒,恢复知觉

go through                        经历

get over; overcome                 克服

get together                       聚会

even though                       即使

figure out; work out              想出、弄明白

wake up sb.                        叫醒某人

begin with                        以…… 开始

far too busy                       太忙了

expect sb. to do sth               期待某人做某事

have an influence on sb / sth.         对……有影响

share sth with sb.                与某人分享某物

manage to do                     设法做成某事

warn sb. not to do sth         警告某人不要做某事

run away from; flee                逃离,逃避

grow up                          长大

enjoy equal rights                享受平等的权利

main character                   主角,主要人物

let out a parachute                 放开降落伞

receive a medical degree            获得医学学位

be linked with                     与……有关

promote medical research           推动医学研究

disabled people                    残疾人

charity work                     慈善工作

be treated with medicine           用药物治疗

an air crash                      飞机失事

primary and secondary school       中小学

as well as                        也,和

freedom of speech                 言论自由

human rights                    人权

have a hunger to do sth            渴望做某事


Unit 3

accept and refuse invitations       接受、拒绝邀请

laugh at sb/ sth                  嘲笑某人,某事

all over/ throughout the world     全世界

burn down                      烧毁,烧成平地

thousands of                    成千上万

decorate…with…                用……来装饰

take part in                     参加

operate on sb/ perform an operation on给某人做手术

put out the forest fire             扑灭森林大火

apply for the job                 申请工作

depend on sb/ sth ;             依靠/取决于…;

It /That (all) depends             看情况而定

on time/ in time                  准时/及时

go through                    通过;检查;经历;

be/ get married to sb              与某人结婚

be about to do sth               正要,将要做某事

even if/ even though              即使,尽管

ought to do / ought not to do     应该/不应该做某事

attend the reception              出席招待会

at the entrance to            …在通往……的入口

contribute sth to                 …贡献,捐献,

make contributions to

ask sb for sth                   向某人要求某物

agree on sth                  在某事上达成一致

at the end of the bed              在床尾     

in the end                       最后

put on clothes                    穿衣服

the Spring Festival               春节

National Day                    国庆节

take photos                      照相

complain about sth ;             抱怨某事 ;

complain that…                 抱怨+从句

carry on                        继续,坚持

collect information               收集信息

get relaxed                      轻松一下

be supposed to                   理应,应该…

cut into pieces                   砍成碎片

stay awake                      保持醒着

go to church                     做礼拜

the North Pole                   北极

school uniform                   校服

His birthday falls on May 1st.      … 降临,来临….

voice one’s opinion           表达/说出你的观点

the blind/ the disabled             盲人/残疾人

social or religious occasion        社交或宗教场合

A/the couple                     一对/这对夫妇

last through the night             持续了整个晚上

Father Christmas                 圣诞老人  

on Christmas Eve                 在圣诞节前夕

put up the Christmas tree          竖起圣诞树

dress up as…                     打扮成…

in particular                     尤其,特别

a travel agency                   旅行社

increase the festival atmosphere  增加了节日的气氛

a variety of                  各种各样的



virtual reality                  虚拟现实

make suggestions               提出建议

make predictions               做预测

global warming                全球变暖

science fiction                  科幻小说

at the speed of                 以...速度

worry about                   担忧

in secret                      秘密地

go wrong                     (机器等)发生故障

find out                      找出

all sorts/kinds of               各种各样的

as if/as though                 好像,仿佛

a part of                      一部分

such as                        例如

because of                     因为

in the future                   在将来

in the early 1990s           在20世纪90年代早期

in the late 1980s            在20世纪80年代晚期

in the mid-1990s           在20世纪90年代中期

look for                       寻找

fancy doing                   喜欢某事

get in touch                   和...取得联系

hang on                      (电话用语)别挂断

be up to                      做,从事于

go to a disco                   去蹦迪

lots of/a lot of                  许多

go camping                   去野营

in the flesh                    本人亲身

in seconds                    在很短的时间内

go on an around the world tour    去环球旅行

surf the Internet               上网冲浪

leaning Tower of Pisa           比萨斜塔

be located on (in)              位于

go back                      回来

nuclear-free zone              无核区

as well as                    也,又

plenty of                     许多

make an arrangement           做安排

do the dishes                  洗餐具

do the washing                洗衣服

Sydney Opera House           悉尼大剧院

carry out                     贯彻,执行

make a web                  造网

make mistakes                犯错误

consist of                    由...组成

cut off                       切断,断绝

be known as                  被认为是

look forward to doing          渴望干某事

not any more                 不再

make decisions                做决定

keep up-to-date               使跟上时代

keep contact with              保持联系

chat on the Net                网络聊天



1. from one generation to another 一代又一代

2. add to                      增添,增加

3. manage to do                设法做到

4. be full of / be filled with       充满,富有

5. at the end of                 在……尽头/末

6. pick up                    拾起,开车接,学会

7. pay attention to              注意

8. in other words               换句话说

9. give a performance           表演,演出

10. sing to                     随着……一起唱

11. be impressed by             对……印象深刻  

12play a part in          在……起作用(扮演角色)

13. give a concert              举办音乐会

14 combine with                与……联合起来

15be famous for                因……出名

16be based on                  以……为根据

17react to                      对……反应  

18at times                     有时,不时

19 in some ways                在某些方面

20. back and forth               往返,来回

21. come out                   出版,发行,印刷

22. experiment with              用……做试验

23. be used to                   习惯于



an extract from a short story       短篇小说节选

paper art                       剪纸艺术

identify the paintings     识别绘画作品

develop the tradition of…       发展了……的传统

combining poetry with painting把诗歌和绘画相结合

promote Chinese art            推动了中国的艺术

across the painting, we can see…    通过这幅画, 我们可以看到……

at a high speed like a missile     以导弹那样的飞速

in black ink                      用墨

in a creative way              用一种创造的手法

during his early youth            早在他青年时期

change to                      变成

be fixed on                      盯在……上

show interest in               显示对……感兴趣

style of painting                  绘画风格

leave the audience guessing        留给观众去猜想

sell for                         卖(多少钱)

a typical example of ……         的典型范例

deep in thought                 沉入深思

be elegantly positioned           优雅地放在……

…with thick glasses on   鼻梁上架着深度眼镜的…

have bad eyesight               视力不好

sort of strange                  有点怪

Chinese character for double happiness双喜字

try out                         尝试

wave goodbye to sb.             向……挥手告别

cross out                        删去,注销

in the shape of                   以……形状

model … on …                   模仿……

at least                          至少

pay rent to …                    付给……房租

make noise                      吵闹,发出噪音

have no mercy                   毫不同情

dream up                       空想出,构思

hold one’s breath               屏住呼吸

work out the meaning of words 捉摸出文字的意思

wake sb. up                把某人吵醒

on an occasion                 在某种场合下

be related to …                与……有关

from an early age           从早年起

date back to                  追溯到

put up                       张贴;公布

bring good luck               带来好运气



set sail                      启航

according to                  根据,依据

get into trouble               陷入麻烦,陷入困境

make it to            即时到达 (arrive in time)   

in search of             寻找,寻找(try to find)

make a living from/by          以...谋生

watch out                注意,小心(=take care)

all at once       突然, (suddenly and unexpectedly)

pick up                  取,接载

deal with                  处理,涉及

fill out                    填写(=put in, fill in)

originate from              起源于,发源于

persuade sb to do sth        说服/ 劝服某人做某事

find out                    打听清楚,搞明白

up to                      一直到,等于

in the direction             朝……的方向

pick up                   搭载某人, 接某人

stop … from doing         阻止……做某事

on one hand                一方面

on the other hand           另一方面

be covered with             被…覆盖

in addition to               除了……之外(还有)

manage to do               设法完成某事

share with                  与人合用



take off                    起飞

upside down                颠倒地, 倒置地

turn up                     出现, 到场

in turn/take turns             轮流

break out                  (坏事)突然发生, 爆发

put … into prison            把(某人)关进监狱

on one’s way                在途中

break down                 损坏, 不能运转

run out of/ run out            用完, 耗尽

be worth doing                  值得做

make rapid progress              取得很快的进步

have difficulty (in) doing sth       做……有困难

at one time                      一度, 曾经

fail to do sth                    没做成某事

spend …(in) doing sth.           花(时间)做某事

go canoeing                    去划独木舟

dream of                       梦想,梦到

on the horizon                  在地平线上

as well as                    和…,也…,还有…

take up               开始从事;占据时间,空间

right now                     就在此刻

in order to                    为了(某一目的)

back out                  决定不履行(允诺的事)

get across                     使理解(某事)

stand by              坚持(某种)说法 ,袖手旁观

in preparation for              为……准备

carry on                      继续(做某事)

do trade with                  和(某人)进行贸易

reply to                       回答

go through with                完成



have a good impression of       对……有好的看法

work out      锻炼身体,做运动;计算出;设计出

be related to                    与……相关

be bad for                      对……不好

carry on doing                  继续做……

keep (sb. ) fit                   保持健康

cut the risk of                  减少 ……的风险

so what                        那又怎么样?

pull out                 (火车)驶离车站;出站

pull up                     (车辆)停止,停车

public transport                 公共交通

air hostess                     空中小姐

go up by 30%                  上升30%

on average            平均来说;一般来说,通常

on (the) one hand;  on the other hand一方面……另一方面……

take place                      发生



out of work 失业

give away 泄露,送给

drop out     退学,退出

be determined to do 决定去做

dream up         空想出

achieve one’s goal     达到目标

be concerned about 关心

make sure 确定

turn one’s back on     不理睬

be pleased to do   高兴去做

be tired of 厌倦了

make a choice    作出选择

feel like 感觉像

be aware that/of 对……有意识

agrue about 就……争吵

be ashamed of     对……羞愧  

appeal to 呼吁,要求  

agree with 同意

have effect on 对……有影响

start with    从……开始

keep the balance of 保持平衡  

force sb. to do sth 强迫某人做某事  

play a role in 在……担任角色

change …into… 把…变成…

get a discount 得到折扣

pay cash     付现金

get good offers 得到好处  

reduce the price 降价

earn a good salary     赚高工资

lose money 亏钱



stand for 代表       

react to 对…作出反应

be made up of     由…组成

be remembered as   被纪念为

in detail   详细地   

have the distinction of 有……区别;特征

be responsible for   对……负责  

be in favor of 支持;喜爱

be against 反对

turn away   拒绝

turn up   出现

in public 公共地  

stand out   显眼  

be likely to 可能

for the purpose of     为了……  

hold the attention of      引起……的注意

make contributions to    为…做贡献

participate in     参与;参加

consist of 包括

get stuck in 陷入

according to 根据

jump out of 跳离

comment on 评论

in a way of 在某种意义上

as long as 只要;有…远



get used to   习惯于

give … a lift  给……搭车, 搭便车

see…off   给(某人)送行

forgive sb. for sth 原谅某人某事

be busy doing 忙于

be amazed to do 做……感到吃惊

avoid doing          避免; 避开; 逃避

have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难

notice sb. doing sth. 注意某人在做某事

sound like 听起来象……

invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地

Sth.be similar to sb 某事对某人很熟悉

insist on doing sth. 坚持主张干某事

a large number of    大量的

belong to 属于

be attached to     与……有联系/有关系

first of all 首先

be absorbed in 专心于……

owe…to     归功于; 由于

in exchange for 交换

look out 当心,小心

be proud of 以……为自豪

have a conversation with sb.     与…… 交谈

pass by 经过

hang on a second 稍等片刻

catch up with     赶上

laugh at 嘲笑

bring an end to 结束

as well 也

on the contrary 相反



in terms of              就…来说,从某个角度看

on one’s own                    单独地,独自地

be willing to do sth                 愿意做某事

be involved in               参与,与……有关联

compared with/to                  与……比较

accuse sb of sth                   指控某人某事

glare at                           怒视        

can’t help doing                   禁不住做某事

to be honest                       诚实的说

thanks to                        由于,多亏了。。

be popular with                   受某人欢迎的

be devoted to                    致力于, 献身于

tell sb off                         责备某人

fall behind                        落后,掉队

more and more                    越来

lose one’s way                     迷路

do some revision                   复习

except for                         除了

end up                      结果为,以……结束

as well                            也

lead a happy life                   过着幸福生活

the last straw                      最后的底线

talk sb into doing sth             劝服某人做某事

draw up                         起草

if anything                 如果有什么不同的话

figure out                        理解 ,计算出

in a hurry                        匆忙地

be allergic to                      对……过敏



set an example to                为某人树立榜样

take charge of                   控制

turn up                         出现,到达

make up                        编造

pay off                     取得成功;还清债务

keep up with                    跟上,赶上

work out                    解决,算出,估计出

instead of                      取代,代替

rather than                     而不是

above all                      首先,更重要的是

in case                        万一

due to                         由于

in addition                     此外,而且

leave behind               留下,将……拉在后面

speak up                       大声说出

give aid to                      帮助,援助

run across                      偶然碰到

be stuck in                    陷入

offer to do sth.          愿意或主动提出做某事

send off                           寄出

at all times                        一直,始终

make out                       假装;理解

take a deep breath                  做深呼吸

respond to                      对某事作出反应

apply for                         申请

go into details                 讨论,细谈

be on one’s feet                    站立

dream of                         梦想

as long as                         只要

go over                       仔细检查,了解



frankly speaking                  坦率讲

lay off (sb)/ (sb) be laid off          下岗

as if/as though                    好像,仿佛

dream of                         梦想

be vital to                        对…极重要

play tricks on sb.                  恶作剧,作弄

go up                            上涨,上升

be proud of                      因……而自豪

contribute to                 对……贡献,有助于

even though                     即使;纵然

to a certain extent                在某种程度上

catch up with                    赶上

fall behind                      落后

get together                     相聚,聚会

go over                         复习

put off                         推迟,拖延

add up to                       加起来共计

set off                          出发; 引爆                     

lack confidence of               在……缺少信心

be eager to do                   渴望做……

turn…into                      把……变成

put sb. in prison                 把…送进监狱

go against                      违背,违反

stand still                       静静站着

place importance to              把重点放在

acquire/gain knowledge           获取知识

to start with                    首先,第一

be accustomed/used to doing      习惯于

put forward                  建议,提出(计划等)

have/get access to               接近

in good mood                   心情好

participate in                   参与,参加

hand out                       分发,分配

due to                         因为,由于

aside from                     除……之外(还)

switch off                      关闭

life-long learning                 终生学习

get promoted                    得到晋升

distance learning                 远程学习

search for                       寻找,搜索

bring a lump to one’s throat         把…哽在喉

be related to                      与……有关

one’s mind goes blank             大脑一片空白

approve of                       赞成,赞许

come to one’s defence         保护某人,捍卫某人



knock over               (开车)把……撞倒                  

block out                  封闭

more …than                与其……不如                       

in this way                 用这样方法

break in to                  闯入,破门而入                      

such as                      像, 例如.

be /get caught in             被困于,被挂住                   

hold up                      举起,举着

come across               (偶然)遇到,找到                  

stand for             代表,象征,主张,支持.               put up with                 忍受,容忍

at that time                  在那时                             

burst into    突然……起来(尤指哭、笑、唱等

point to                     指向,指                               

leave an impression on         留下印象

17. feel sorrow and deep sympathy     感到悲痛和深切的同情

18. catch/take hold of              抓住

19. come as no surprise             一点都不奇怪                  

20. awaken one’s soul              唤醒灵魂

21. burst forth                    爆发                                 

22. refer to                       参阅,提及

23. regard as                      认为                                  

24. in history                      历史上

25. around the end of the first century AD   大约公元一世纪末

26. in their last hours of life  在他们生命的最后一刻      

27. in the light of               按照,根据,当作

28. in words/signs                  用语言/标志                       

29. in a flash                      马上,立刻

30. on one’s side                     在一(旁)边



burst out laughing                   突然大笑                         

as long as                             只要

withdraw money from a bank       从银行中提款            

overlook one’s opinion           忽略…的意见

yell at                             朝…大叫                                   

feel down                          情绪低落  

be/get stuck in                     陷入,困入                          

after all                           毕竟,终究

put on                      假装;穿上;增加                           

dress up                         盛装;打扮

make up                         编造;弥补                              

regardless of                      不管,不顾

result in                     造成,导致引起                          

talented people                  有才华的人

be involved in                与…有关,涉及                    

tie…to                            把…系在

set sail (for)                      出航;起程                          

devote….to                      把…奉献给

get rid of                       摆脱,处理掉                          

play around                       四处玩耍

pull faces                           做鬼脸                                

fool around                       胡闹,瞎弄

cash a cheque                      兑现支票                            

wait one’s turn/wait in line            排队等候

fall about laughing     笑个不停,笑得前仰后合          

push one’s way                   挤出一条路

on the scene                        在现场                               

a series of                    一系列,一连串

with concern                 担心地,关心地                      

busy oneself doing                使自己忙于

in for a surprise                   大吃一惊                          

have a collection (of)            有大量收藏

earn a scholarship               获得奖学金                      

make out                     理解;辨别出

turn sb. Off              使…失去兴趣/反感                     

due to                     因为,由于

in the presence of             当着…的面                      

make an attempt to do         试图;努力

no wonder                  难怪                                  

from time to time             不时地



Unit 18

leave sb. Breathless            令人窒息的

a variety of/ varieties of/ various kinds of  各种各样的

consistent views               一致的观点

change across time   随着时间而改变

be seen as 被视为……

adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应……

life-long commitment 终生的承诺

the human race   人类

die out   灭亡

more than 不仅仅,多于,非常

a casual glance   随意一瞥

be influenced by sth. 受……影响

require sb to do 要求某人做某事

inner beauty 内在美

physical beauty 外在美

every one in ten 每十个当中就有一个

in contemporary society 在现代社会

follow slimming diets   遵照节食瘦身饮食

in preparation for   为……做准备

rely on   依靠

a set of limited criteria   一套局限性的标准

in a wide range of … 各种各样的

be accompanied by   由…陪同

lose one’s sight   丧失视力,看不见

used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

fall in love with …   爱上……

dream of becoming famous 梦想着出名

be accessible to 容易理解的

be delivered with   充满

give sb. a thrill 使某人激动

heartbreaking stories 令人心碎的故事

refresh one’s memory 使某人想起

be keen on sth. / doing sth. 喜欢,热衷于……

have a tendency to do 往往会……

I have to admit that…   我得承认……

to be honest 老实说

turn up 出现,音量调高

turn down   音量调低,拒绝音量调低,拒绝

turn off   关掉,使……讨厌

turn on   打开

drive out of sight   驶出视线

in the hope that…   怀有……希望

in an instant 马上

one’s affection for sth. 对……的钟爱

be based on 以……为基础

be trapped in the castle 被关在城堡里

treat A as B   把A视为B

deal with the theme of ….   涉及……的主题

be transformed into sth.   被变成……

walk back and forth   来来回回走

raise one’s eyes 抬头

bend one’s head 低头

be evident to sb…   对某人而言显而易见

get lost in the forest 在森林里迷路

replace A with B   用B代替A

be in black and white   黑白的

judge a book by its cover 以貌取人

look in the mirror   照镜子

all things considered   通盘考虑后

recommend sth. to sb   推荐某物给某人

be sick and tired of sth 对……厌倦,厌烦

hang on a second 稍等

be fed up with… 厌倦……

bits and pieces   各种各样的零碎东西

right up your street 正是你所要的

be bored to death 无聊死了

loads and loads of 许多……

in a clever manner 以一种聪明的方式

the striking use of light   灯光的杰出使用

people of all ages   各个年龄段的人

can’t stand sth. 无法忍受……

in charge of 负责

a catalogue of films 电影目录

end the conversation 结束谈话

convey a message that…   表达……的信息

in the 1800s    在19世纪

someone in uniform 穿着制服的人

light up… 照亮

romantic emotions   浪漫的情感

announce the beginning of …   宣告……的开端

the Romantic movement 浪漫主义运动


unit 19

in the absence of / in one’s absence     由于


be adequate for sth. 足够满足……

enlarge your vocabulary   扩大你的词汇量

adjust A to B 调节A使其适应B

inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事

be dedicated to (doing) sth.   专注做某事

announce sth. to sb.   向某人宣布某事

catch on to sth.         学会某事

congratulate sb. on sth.   因某事祝贺某人

on purpose             故意

be unconscious of sth.      对某事未察觉

make a purchase         购买

There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事无意义

get ahead with sth.   成功做某事

be the case     正是事实

stand out     突显

take the form of    以…..形式出现

put sth. In       投入;花费

keep sth. in mind     牢记某事

hold the key to sth. 掌握着某事的关键

stop off in…         中途停留

keep to sth.   坚持;遵照

consist of   由……组成

regardless of   无论;不管

be aware of       意识到

have a look around 四处走走

help out 暂时帮忙

look sb. Up 拜访某人

speak for itself 不言自明

in a…manner/way      以…..的方式

differ from   和……不同

across/around/all over the world   全世界

provided/providing that…   只要;倘若

on condition that…   条件是

do sth. in advance   提前做某事

save up money                        攒钱

in advance                           提早

save sth. up                          储蓄

in the face of                   面对;面临

pass sth. on to…           把某物传递给……

make a full recovery                完全恢复

come across sth.                       偶遇

due to                               因为

go with…                      和……配套

in use                           在使用中

that is (to say)                    即;就是

admit doing sth.                承认做某事

head for 前往

be afraid of doing sth.   担心做某事

be afraid to do sth.   不敢做某事

all the way 全程

to one’s embarrassment   令某人尴尬的是


Unit 20

look into sth.   调查;展望

wonder about sth.   想知道某事

the former; the latter   前者;后者

do sth. for a living 做某事以谋生

base A on B  以B 为A的基础

be suitable for…   适合于……

a digital camera 数码相机

on a regular basis 定期

in detail   详细地

in progress 在进行中

get at sth.   取得;了解

do sth. in advance (of…) 提前(于……)做某事

to put it another way 换句话说

be set on in… 以……为背景

come out   出现;开花;出版;表现出来

take sth. over (from…)    (从……)接管过来

give sth. Away 捐赠;颁发;泄露

get on / along fine / well with….  和…相处融洽

be to do with…   和……有关

make up for / compensate for… 弥补

figure sth. Out 算出;理解;想出

take control 控制

do sth. on demand   一经要求做某事

in demand   有需求

the turning point   转折点

recommend (doing) sth.   推荐(做)某事

or rather   更确切地说

have sth. on one’s hands 手头有某事待处理

not to mention / let alone 更不用说

range from A to B 范围从A到B

replace A with B   用B取代A

be about to do sth.   即将做某事

cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人疾病

on earth   在地球上;究竟

in conclusion 总之

drop in 顺便拜访

get stuck in traffic jams 遭遇堵车

nowhere better than… 没有比……更好的地方

base sb. in / at sw. 把某人安置在某地

scores of… 很多……

line up   排成线




















































