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7 “众所周知“的句型:

_______ is known,China has been playing an important part in the world peace.

_______ is known that China has been playing an important part in the world peace.

_______ is known is that China has been playing an important part in the world peace.

8 way 做先行词的特殊用法:

1. I don’t like the waythat/in which/省略(常用you speak to her.

2. You should treat him (in) the waythatsuits him most.(不省)

A. that B. in which C./ D. why

9 situation, position, condition, point, question, case 等做先行词,用______________

1 He’s got himself into a situation _____________ he is likely to lose control.

2 I have reached a point in my life_________ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.

3 Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _____ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.

9 考查定语从句中的主谓一致:

1 She is one of the volunteers who __________ (have) been greatly praised by the government.

2 She is the only one of the volunteers who _________ (have) been greatly praised by …...


1 It was in 1949 __________ the PRC was founded.

2 It was 1949 __________ the PRC was founded.

3 It was in the shop _______________ the thief stole some cakes.

4 It was the shop _______________the thief stole some cakes.

5 Was it in the park _______ her mother works _______ he met my old friend?

Was it in the park _______ her mother describes _______ he met my old friend?

(A. that, where B. \, that C. \, where D. where, that)

6 ----Where did you meet Tom yesterday?

---- It was in the park __________ he was having a walk after supper. (where, that, which)

11 考查as/which的区别:

① ________ is often the case, he is absent. ②He saw the girl, ____________ he had hoped.

注意:用作关系代词,as 和which用法一样,但as 有“_____________”之意,which则没有此含义。

12. 考查准关系代词as在定语从句中的用法:

1such/so… as …such/so… that…的区别

A. ①They are such lovely children ______________ we love them very much.

②They are such lovely children_______________ we love very much.

B. ①Mr Smith is so good a teacher ________ we all respect him.

②Mr Smith is so good a teacher ________ we all respect.

2、the same … as…the same … that…的区别

This is the same bag that I lost yesterday. _______________________________________

This is the same bag as I lost yesterday. _________________________________________


1 Sales director is a position __________ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.

2 ①It was eleven o’clock _____ they went out of the cinema.

②It was at eleven o’clock _____ they went out of the cinema.

③ ---When did they move to London?

---It was in 2002 _____ they got married.

A. which B. that C. when D. on which

3 ①He still lives in the room __________ window faces to the east.

②He still lives in the room, the window ____________ faces to the east.

③He still lives in the room _____________ is in the north of the city.

④He still lives in the room __________ there is a beautiful table.

4 ①This is one of the most interesting films _________ shown last week.

②This is the very one of the most interesting films __________ shown last week.

( A. which was B. that was C. which were D. that were)

5 A lot of language learning, _______has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.

6 The air quality in the city, ________ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.

7 It is the third time that she has won the race, ____ has surprised us all.

8 A third example would be the following situation ___________ various quantities are sold at various prices.

9 About 200 Chinese businessmen left for Europe yesterday, ________they would sign a series of deals worth up to 15 billion US dollars.

10 We went to Mountain Tai last weekend, ___________, not surprisingly, was crowded with visitors.


1 Care of the soul is a gradual process when even the small details of life should be considered.

2 What surprised me was not what he said but the way which he said it.

3 The supermarket provides so cheap food that all its customers can afford.

4 Which has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.

5 Xiao Fang passed the mid-term examination, who made her parents very happy.

6 Tibet is a beautiful part of China, without where our country would be incomplete.

7 It is known is that Quanzhou has been playing an important part in the progress of Fujian.

8 As a coach,you should know clearly about the direction for which your team should develop.

9 Last week,we watched Beijing Opera,which style was unfamiliar to most of us.

10 Everyone has periods in their lives that everything seems very hard.
