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录入者:13599169157 人气指数:次 发布时间:2017年11月22日


I. 基本结构:

doing 表示①__________②____________

done 表示①__________②____________

to do 表示______________________

II. 作用:

1)作主语: 主动用___________,被动用being done , 形容词(形式主语)后接to do

①________________(look) after the patients is a nurse’s job.

②___________________ (blame) by his parents made him angry.

③It is very hard _________________(finish) the work in ten minutes.

It is adjof /forsb to do sth…

④ It was difficult______ me ____________(do) the work.

⑤It is not hard ________one____________(do) a bit of good.

⑥It’s kind _______you ___________(think) so much of us.

⑦It’s very nice_______ you ___________(be) so considerate.

Conclusion:adj(kind, good, polite, nice, careless, foolish, wrong, stupid, etc)修饰人 , 用_________

adj (difficult, possible, impossible, important, hard, etc) 修饰事,用________

例外:①It’suseless/no use________________ (complain) without taking any action.

②It’sno good_________________ (get) up too late.


①Their __________________(come) to help was a great encouragement to us.

②Mary’s _________________(cry) annoyed him.

③Mark’s __________________(kill) in the accident put the whole family into desperation.

2) 作定语:与修饰词之间, “正在做”用___________;“已经被 ”用________ , “正在被 ”用being done;


① Make less noise. There’s a ______________(sleep) child.

② We only sell ________________(use) books.

③ The building _______________(build)last month is our library.

=The building which/that _______________(build)last month is our library. (_________从句)

④The building _______________(build)now is our library.

=The building which/that ________________(build)now is our library.

⑤The building _______________(build)next month is our library.

=The building which/that_________________(build)next month is our library.

3) 作状语: 非谓语可做:伴随状原因状语时间状语,条件状语,目的状语

doing:动作有先后的情况下,主动用_____________, 被动用having been done。结果状语(自然的结果)

done:还可以是_______词,表_________ 。“正在被 ”用________________;

to do:结果状语(前面有only,表意料之外的结果)目的状语

①_____________(see )from the top of the tower, we can see a beautiful factory. (_____________状语)

_____________(see) from the top of the tower, the factory looks beautiful. (_____________状语)

②_____________(save) money, he has tried every means. (_____________状语)

③ I visited him only ____________(find) him out. (___________状语)

④_____________(give) more time, we could do it better. (_____________状语)

⑤_____________(lose)in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (_____________状语)

____________ (dress) in a while uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (_____________状语)

____________ (face) with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. (_____________状语)

⑥_____________(repair), the right side of the road is closed for the time being. (__________状语)

⑦_____________(write) the letter, John went to play basketball. (_____________状语)

⑧All night long he lay awake, _________ (think)how to drive the American invaders back home. (___________状语)

⑨The plane crashed in the air, _______________(kill) all the people on board. (___________状语)

⑩ _____________(not know) her address, I can’t write to her to express my gratitude to him. (___________状语)

常见的表示状态的过去分词(译):be faced with _____________ be devoted to_____________

be absorbed in _____________ be dressed in_____________ be stuck in_____________

be located in/at _____________ be addicted to________________ be seated _____________

be lost in thought _____________ be prepared to _____________ be determined to _____________

doing 或done作状语时,有时前面可以加上一个连词。连词than, as, once, if, unless, though, even if等之后,均可以接一个过去分词作状语,这时,分词的逻辑主语是分词的动作对象。

①I came across Jackwhilewaitingfor the bus.

Whenaskedabout his family, he made no answer.

③He opened his mouthas ifto saysomething.

④The research is so designed that once ___________(begin)nothing can be done to change it.
⑤the project didn’t go as ___________(plan), but it worked out well in the end.

⑥Though ____________(beat) by the opposite team, the players didn’t lose heart.
⑦ If carefully___________(do), the experiment will be successful.


1.(2014山东卷) It’s standard practice for a company like this one_____________ (employ) a security officer.

2. _____________(spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

3.Children,when __________________(accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.

4. ________________(understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.

5. There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, ___________(stare) at the night sky.

6. ____________ (free) ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.

7. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only __________ (find) it didn’t fit.

8. Can those ______________ (seat)at the back of the classroom hear me?

9. ________________ (know) basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.

10.The lady walked around the shops, _____________ (keep)an eye out for bargains.

11. The airport __________________(complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.

12. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, ______________ (send)supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.


1. Anyone, once testing positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.

2. I went back to get David and helped him to stood up.

3. The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world.

4. It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.

5. Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.

6. I was often a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV demands very little effort.

7. But then there is always more mysteries look into.

8. I got to the office earlier that day, caught the 7:30 train from Paddington

9. In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words using in daily conversations.

10. But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports.
