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录入者:13599169157 人气指数:次 发布时间:2017年12月15日


一、句型:.的原因是The reasonwhy +___________句/for+____________is that+_________句

1)The reason __________ I didn’t attend the meeting was _________ I was ill.

2)The reason __________being absent for the meeting was _________ I was ill.

3) The reason __________ he gave for being late was ________ he forgot to use the clock.



1)____________ comes late should be punished, monitor included. (____________从句)

2) You can be __________________ you want to be.(____________从句)

3) You can vote for _________________ is suitable for the position. (____________从句)

4) You can vote for _________________ you like.

whoever还可以引导_________状语从句,译为_____________,可与no matter who互换

5) Whoever comes, tell them to go away. 译__________________________

6) I’m not opening the door, whoever you are. 译__________________________

三、whether /if 在名从中的作“是否”讲的用法总结:

1)Whetherthe 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. (____________从句, __________)

2) It's uncertainwhether/ifhe'll come this evening. (____________从句, __________)

3) The problem iswhetherwe finish the task on time. (____________从句,__________)

4) The problemwhether we’ll build another school hasn’t been settled. (____________从句, __________)

5) I wonderwhetheror not the news is true. (____________从句, __________)

6) It depends onwhetheryou want to do it or not. (____________从句, __________)

7) I wonderwhether/ifthe news is true. (____________从句, __________)

四、what 在名从中的用法总结:

1) ____________ troubles me most is that I don't know how to tell her the bad news. (____________从句)

2) The number of the students in our school is ten times _________ it was before liberation. (____________从句)

3) Tell us ____________ you saw and heard during your visit to that university. (____________从句)

Tell us everything______ you saw and heard during your visit to that university (____________从句)


4) They’ve done what they can to help her. ←→They’ve done _______ ________ they can to help her.

5) Our school is no longer what it used to be. ←→Our school is no longer ________ _________ it used to be.

6) What I want to remind you of is that you haven’t called your parents for a fortnight. ←→

______ ________ I want to remind you of is that you haven’t called your parents for a fortnight.


A) Afterwhat seemed like hourshe came out with a bitter smile.似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来

(2)表示“……的东西或事情”:He saves what he earns. 他赚多少,积蓄多少。

(3)表示“……的地方”:In 1492, Columbus reachedwhatis now called America.


(4)表示“……的人或的样子”:He is no longerwhathe was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。

(5)表示“……的数量或数目”:Our income is now doublewhatit was ten years ago.


(6)有时what 可用作限定词,其后修饰一个名词:

A) I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他了。

B) He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。



A)I spent what time I had with her. 我所有的时间都是与她一起度过的。

B) I spent what little time I had with her. 我仅有的一点时间都是与她一起度过的。


1. __________ we all know,________ China is rich in natural resources.

__________ we all know is ________ China is rich in natural resources.

2. ______ is known to us all, the 2008 O.G. was held in Beijing.

______ is known to us all is ________ the 2008 O.G. was held in Beijing.

_______ is known to us all ________ the 2008 O.G. was held in Beijing.

3. I was interested in _______ he talked about. / I was interested in the problems ______ he talked about.

4. This is ______________I disagree with. / This is ______________I disagree.

5. I think Mother would like to know __________I’ve been up to so far, so I decide to send her a quick note.

6. ______made his mother surprised was ______Tom Smith should have been fooled by such a simple trick.

7. __________ who is willing to attend the meeting will be given a book as a present.

8._____________ is willing to attend the meeting will be given a book as a present.

9. I don’t know the reason ______you were absent from the meeting, but I’m sure that someone will tell me the reason ______you haven’t told me.

10. Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? 译 ___________________________________


1. If the meeting will be held in our school is not known yet.

2. That worried her a bit that he couldn’t get in touch with her friend

3. The reason why I was late was because I missed the train.

4. ---I rang you at about ten, but there is no reply. ---Oh, that was probably why I was seeing the doctor.

5. The difficulty we now meet with is if we can persuade him to tell the truth.

6.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is what I disagree.

7.I like that in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

8. It depends on if it will be fine

9.All what she wants to know is whether her parents are still living a peaceful life.

10. Kate has donated everything what she can offer to the nearby Nursing Home.
