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录入者:13599169157 人气指数:次 发布时间:2017年11月05日



1. 从属连词:that, whether, if

2. 连接代词:who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever

3. 连接副词:when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however


A主语部分是一个完整句子(句子完整句意也完整),需要that, 不可省略。

1)___________ he is to take charge of our factory is already an open secret.


1)_____________ the book will sell depends on its author.

2) _____________ we shall have our sports meet is still a question.

3)_______________I can pass the mid-term exam is not known yet.

C主语部分是一个不完整句子,(缺少____语or_____语or____语) 用what

1)______________you need is more practice.

2)______________she was afraid of was their taking her daughter abroad.

3)______________should be done has been done.

D主语是It,做_________主语 ,真正的主语在后面. 规则同ABC

1) It is great that I have students like you. ←→ ________ I have students like you is great.

2) It needs to be discussed __________ we can protect the grain from damp.


1) ___________ he told me has shocked me.

2) It worried her a bit ___________her hair was turning grey.

3) Has it been announced ___________the plane will take off?

4) __________ makes the school famous is that more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.

5)They have decided to pay a visit to China, but where they are to do so hasn’t been made clear yet. (改错)

6) That she wants to know is which city is the best choice for her vacation.(改错)

7) If he will be sent abroad remains to be discussed. (改错)

二、表语从句:是跟在_______ 动词后的句子,选词规则同主语从句一样。

1)Our decision is_____________ we should find some wood to make a boat.

2)The problem is _____________ we can get so much money.

3)I am not _____________ I used to be.

because,as if等也可以引导表语从句。

4) Our planet looks blue from space. This is ____ two thirds of the earth's surface is made up of vast oceans.

5) It looks___________ the curtain hasn't been washed following the instructions.


1) I wonder ___________ much this pair of shoes costs.

2) I have told you _____________ I didn’t want to see you again!

3) Nowadays consumers become more and more practical and buy only _______ they need.

4) You can only be sure of_______ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something ______ you might get in

the future.

5) You should keep those old jam bottles ----you never know ______ you might need them.

6) Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _______ it is rough or smooth.

7) I don’t believe he has ever read any of Shakespeare’s works orthat he has ever heard of him.


8) I thinkitvery important that we take part in the discussion.

9) Didn't I makeitclear to you that I was not coming?

10)The teacher said the monitor would see toitthat all the students got the message.


可做同位语的先行词常为一些体现一定内容的抽象的名词,:idea,plan,fact,theory,promise,hope,news,doubt,truth,information,suggestion,question,problem,reason,thought,belief,conclusion,result, possibility等名词

1) The news __________we have won the match excited us all.

2) I should like to know the reason _________ you changed the plan.

3) We must accept the possibility_________ we might be wrong.

4)There is no doubt _________ he is guilty. / There is doubt _________ he is guilty.


A) The suggestionthatthe boss made made every one angry. (____________从句)

The suggestionthatwe should do more exercise is made. (____________从句)

B) We expressed the hope__________ we had no homework. (____________从句)

We expressed the hope__________ they had expressed. (____________从句)

先判断句子是哪类从句, 再填空:

1. ____________ she was chosen made us very happy . (____________从句)

2. ____________ she will come depends on the weather . (____________从句)

3. I doubt ________ he is willing to help us ./ Do you doubt _______ he is an honest man ? (____________从句)

4. Don’t take __________ for granted ___________ everyone will agree to the plan . (____________从句)

5. He told me ________ he had come the day before and _________ he was going to stay here for a week . (____________从句)

6. All I ask is ___________ you should tell the truth . (____________从句)

7. You have no idea __________ worried I was ! (____________从句)

8. He gave us a suggestion __________ we should improve our listening ability . (____________从句)

9. ___________we can’t get seems better than __________we have. (____________从句)

10. ________ the doctor is uncertain about is _________ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

A. when B. how C. whether D. why(____________从句)(____________从句)
