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录入者:13599169157 人气指数:次 发布时间:2017年11月13日


Ⅴ 原因状语从句引导词:because, as (_____), since (_____), now that (_____) considering that (_____)

(改错) Because the traffic was so heavy, so I was late for the morning class.

Ⅵ 结果状语从句引导词:so ... that ... (_____), such ...that ... (_____)

用so , such填空:

1) There were _______ many people in the room that we could not get in.

2) She is _______ lovely a girl that everyone in her class likes her.

3) She speaks English _______ fluently that all of us think sha comes form American.

4) He made _______ an excellent speech that every one admired him.

5) He has _______ poor furniture that others cannot find a place to sit.

我发现:so…that… 与such…that… 的区别


2)_______ +adj. +a/an +可数名词单数+ that+从句

3)_______ +adj./adv. +that+从句

4) _______ +a/an+adj.+单数可数名词+that+从句

5) _______ +adj. +复数名词/不可数名词+that+从句

Ⅶ目的状语从句引导词:so that(_____)=in order that=in order to _____=so as to _____,

for fear that (以免,以防,惟恐)等。

I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the early train
=I got up very early this morning _______ I could catch the early train.

=I got up very early this morning _________________ the early train.
=I got up very early this morning ________________ the early train..


引导词:as ( 象….一样, 正如 ), as if/as though ( 好象,宛如, 后从句一般用_____语气)

1) Do __________you are told to, or you'll be fired. (填空)

2) The old lady treats the boy as if he_________ (be) her own son.


1.同等的比较:asadj/adv 原级as, no lessadj/adv 原级than= as __________________ as

no moreadj/adv 原级than =neither … nor

You are as strong as he. 译__________________________

You are no less clever than he. 译.__________________________

She is no more beautiful than Mary. 译.__________________________

2. 不等的比较:not so/ (as)…as,… than…,

Tom is taller than Paul.

The work is not so easy as you think.

3. 其他句型:1) The + 比较级…, the + 比较级…

2) would rather do … than do (宁可… 而不…)

1)The _________ (happy) you are, the ____________(long) you live. (补全句子)

2)I would rather ________(watch) television than __________(go) to a movie.

4. 倍数的表达法:用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,用下面三个句型。

(1) Asia is four times as large as Europe. 结构:__________________________

(2) This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 结构:__________________________

(3) This street is four times the length of that street. 结构:__________________________


Part 1:完成句子:(运用九大状语从句)

1. She is such a crazy NMA fan _________ she downloads every match from the Internetnonstop.

2.____________ the weather is like tomorrow, I will set out for Hongkong.

3.Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice ___________ they know it to be valuable.

4. We had to wait another half an hour _________ we had already booked a table.

5. Much ______ I admire David as a poet, I don’t like him as a man.

6. He was about halfway through his meal ________ a familiar voice came to his ears.

7. You will succeed in the interview _________ you have confidence.

8. He found it difficult to read, _______ his eyesight was beginning to fail.

9. The old tower must be saved, ___________ it cost.

10. It will take us another five years __________ all the roads are repaired.


1. It won’t matter even he refuses.

2. Jim imagined that the whole world knew of his achievements, when in fact only a few people had heard of it.

3. Though the work was difficult, but we managed to finish it in time.

4. He was looking for the dictionary whenever he thought he might have put it.

5. It has been two and a half months ago since he left.

6. I have not missed a play or a concert when I was seventeen years old.

7. Next time that I plan to travel in London, I’m going to take a plane.

8. I’m not going to talk on the point any further, though it is neither important nor very interesting.

9. Much since I like all the books, I can’t afford to buy them.

10. Alice was waiting for the bus then she noticed a thief running out of a shop.

Part 2:

1. Don’t promise anything _____________you are one hundred percent sure.

2. In time of serious accidents, ___________ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.

3. The doctor advised me to live ______________ the air is fresh.

4._______________had got home than he fell asleep.

5. Take a notebook with you ______________ you want to put down some important information.

6. The test shows that Jack has a much quicker mind than any student in his class.

7. They wrote to the boss in order they could improve their working conditions.

8. He goes fishing wherever he has time, which is not often.

9. When you read a book, you’d better make a mark that you have any questions.

10. Ships are much more slower than planes that few people take them on business.

11. She has such little education that she is unfit for the job.
