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录入者:zhe 人气指数:次 发布时间:2017年11月04日



(120分钟 150)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)

第一节(5小题;每小题1. 5,满分7. 5)


1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.B. In a department store.

C. In the office.

2. Who did the woman want to call?

A. James.B. Drake.C. Daniel.

3. What do we know about Mike?

A. He is on vacation.B. He likes travelling.

C. He likes collecting postcards.

4. What is the relationship between Jim and Bob?

A. Classmates. B. Close friends. C. Brothers.

5. What day is it today?

A. Sunday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.

第二节(15小题;每小题1. 5,满分22. 5)



6. If possible, what will they do this weekend?

A. Go climbing.B. Go for a picnic.

C. Go skating.

7. How long will the weather last like this?

A. 2 months. B. 3 months. C. 4 months.


8. What does the man order?

A. Hot dogs and fries.B. Burgers and fries.

C. Sandwiches and sodas.

9. How much does the man give the woman as a tip?

A. Three dollars. B. Two dollars.

C. One dollar.


10. Why can’t the woman rent a bigger house right now?

A. Because she is very poor and don’t have money.

B. Because she has spent too much money on vacation.

C. Because she wants to save money to buy a big house.

11. What will the woman do at present?

A. Borrow some money from her friend.

B. Share a house with her friend’s mother.

C. Rent a smaller house by herself.

12. How much did the woman pay for the rent before?

A. About 200yuana month.

B. About 600yuana month.

C. About 900yuana month.


13. Why did the man make the appointment?

A. His neck has been hurting.

B. He’s going on a trip soon.

C. He needs to have an annual health examination.

14. What may be the time now?

A. 11:00 a. m.B. 11:30 a. m.C. 1:30 p. m.

15. What does the man say about his boss?

A. His boss is a woman.

B. His boss is very understanding.

C. His boss is on holiday.

16. What will the man do after his appointment?

A. Have lunch.B. Give a presentation.

C. Go to the bank.


17. How long does it take to fly to New York?

A. 6 hours. B. 7 hours. C. 8 hours.

18. What may some tourists do around 6:30 a. m. on the 2nd day?

A. Take a bus.B. Have breakfast.

C. Go jogging.

19. Where will the tourists go after breakfast on the 2nd day?

A. Central Park.B. Liberty Island.

C. The Empire State Building.

20. What will the tourists have for supper on the 2nd day?

A. Italian food.B. American food.

C. Chinese food.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40)




We know that hugs make us feel easy inside. And this feeling, it turns out, could actuallyward offstress and protect the immune(免疫)system, according to a new research from Carnegie Mellon University.

It’s a well-known fact that stress can weaken the immune system. In this study, the researchers sought to determine whether hugs-like social support more broadly—could protect individuals from the increased sensitivity to illness brought on by the particular stress that comes with interpersonal conflict.

“We know that people experiencing ongoing conflicts with others are less able to fight off cold viruses. We also know that people who report having social support are partly protected from the effects of stress on psychological states, such as depression and anxiety, ”the study’s lead author, psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, said in a statement. “We tested whether awareness of social support is equally effective in protecting us from sensitivity to infection caused by stress and also whether receiving hugs might partially account for those feeling of support and thus protect a person against infection. ”

In the experiment, over 400 healthy adults filled out a questionnaire about their perceived(感知)social support and also participated in a nightly phone interview for two weeks. They were asked the frequency they engaged in interpersonal conflicts and received hugs that day.

Then, the researchers exposed the participants to a common cold virus, and monitored them to assess signs of infection. They found that both perceived social support and more frequent hugs reduced the risk of infection associated with experiencing interpersonal conflict. Regardless of whether or not they experienced social conflicts, infected participants with greater perceived social support and more frequent hugs had less severe illness symptoms.

If you need any more reason to go wrap your arms around someone special, consider this:hugs also lower blood pressure, reduce fearsome around death and dying, improve heart health and decrease feeling of loneliness.

21. In Paragraph 1, the underlined words“ward off”can be replaced by.

A. produceB. increaseC. preventD. support

22. Dr. Sheldon Cohen’s experiment shows that.

A. hugs can hide serious illness symptoms

B. social conflicts can monitor signs of infection

C. social support can reduce the risk of having a cold

D. depression and anxiety result from less social support

23. The passage aims to convey that.

A. hugs can have protective effects

B. social support can cure diseases

C. interpersonal conflicts cause infections

D. stress can weaken our immune system

24. The passage is most likely to be found in.

A. a social science magazine

B. a commercial brochure

C. a medical report

D. an academic essay



Are you ready to take off? Launch into the adventure of a lifetime when you join the ranks of Space Camp where explorers train to live and work in space. This is your opportunity to command, navigate(航行)and contribute to an advanced space mission simulation(模拟).

Space Camp is located at the U. S. Space&Rocket Center, the Official Visitor Center for NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The program encourages trainees to pursue science, technology, engineering and math disciplines through exciting, hands-on educational activities.

During the five-night program, trainees participate in two, one-hour simulated missions. Our trainers guide participants through the past, present and future of space exploration with the help of high-fidelity(高保真的)test articles or actual rockets and shuttles.

Visitors explore the first rocket that put an American in space—the real National Historic Landmark Saturnmoon rocket—and actual capsules early astronauts used during their missions:Trainees experience walking on the moon in the 1/6th gravity chair to feel what it’s like to work in a frictionless environment.

Space Camp trainees also climb the tallest mountain on the red planet with the Mars Climbing Wall and experience four times the gravity of Earth with the takeoff force of the Space Shot simulator. They get an astronaut’s view of Earth while watching amazing films in the IMAX Spacedome Theater and Digital Theater.

Space Camp begins on Sunday afternoon and graduation is on Friday morning. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremony.

There is no other camp like it!



·IMAX or Digital Movies

·Astronaut Simulators

·Rocket Construction

Check-in:Sunday, 2 p. m. —4 p. m.

Graduation:Friday, 9 a. m.

25. Whom is the Space Camp intended for?

A. Tourists.B. Students.

C. Astronauts. D. Scientists.

26. How long will the Space Camp last?

A. About a day. B. About three days.

C. About six days. D. About twelve days.

27. Space Shot simulator will let the trainees know.

A. the takeoff force of a rocket

B. the highest mountain on Mars

C. the history of space exploration

D. the feeling of being in the 1/6th gravity environment


Ode to Peace, an innovative play performed by nearly 1, 000 students and teachers from an art college in Dalian was staged at the Great Hall of the People on Tuesday.

It was loudly applauded by an audience of over 6, 000, including diplomats and overseas students. “We try to advocate the theme of our time while providing more practices to our students and teachers, ”said Wang Xianjun, chairman of the board of Dalian Art College, which organized the performance.

The play showed people’s desire for world peace by reawakening the memories of historical events.

It presented the trips of imperial envoy Zhang Qian to the Western regions that opened up the world-famous Silk Road, the voyage of Zheng He, who led trade expeditions to west Asia and east Africa and memories of World War.

The performance combined symphony, Chinese folk music, chorus and recitation, as well as colorful dances featuring Chinese drum and long sleeves, Indian dance, Spanish flamenco dance and Russia folk dance.

“I’m sure that our students and teachers will cherish this performance at the Great Hall. Definitely, they are the biggest beneficiaries, ”Wang said.

The Administrative Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District and the college sponsored the performance with support from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, China Friendship Art Exchange Association and the Administrative Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District.

“Art has no nationality. DAC’s practice in advocating Chinese culture through art could be acceptable, ”said Wang Heshan, general secretary of the art exchange association.

“We hope DAC can contribute more to non-governmental art exchange with people from other countries, ”he said.

28. Which is TRUE aboutOde to Peace?

A. It was organized by Great Hall of the People.

B. It advocated the theme of development.

C. It was a traditional performance.

D. It was highly thought of by the audience.

29. Which is NOT referred to in the performance?

A. The voyage of Zheng He.

B. The construction of the Great Hall.

C. Memories of World War.

D. Imperial envoy Zhang Qian to the Western regions.

30. What can we learn from Wang Heshan’s words?

A. DAC should learn from people in other countries.

B. Art plays an important part in cultural communication.

C. Art belongs to a certain nationality.

D. Non-governmental art is developing slowly.

31. The passage is mainly about.

A. New Silk Road

B. Peace and War

C.Ode to Peace

D. Introduction to Dalian Art College



With the press of a button, a person with severe spinal cord(脊柱)injury is able to walk again, thanks to the Walking Assistive Exoskeleton Robot(WAER).

Powered suits that could help paralyzed(瘫痪)people walk and others lift and carry heavy loads with ease have been a dream since late 19th century. But they can realize their dreams in the 21st century.

The 20-kilogram robot has four battery-powered motors that can run for up to three hours. Inventor Wu Chenghua, from Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute, says it has successfully been in tests on 12 patients. “We have learned from our research process that patients whose injuries are below the fourth chest joint(关节)are able to use our robot to stand, walk and sit down, ”he said.

Since walking contributes to muscle exercise, Wu says patients receive some additional benefits. “In the clinical process, we would check their bone mineral density(密度), and we found that the bone mineral densities of these patients had been improved. ”he said. Wu says his exoskeleton may be available for consumers by 2018.

Meanwhile, baggage handlers at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport will soon start testing a similar robot, developed by the Japanese firm Cyberdyne. “The battery-powered robot weighs only 3 kilograms and it can lift a heavy object, the machine monitors the movement”, says Yoshiyuki Sankai, the developer and CEO of Cyberdyne.

“This robot suit monitors the signal from the human nerve(神经)system to support the waist’s movement, ”Sankai said. “It self-adjusts the level support to reduce the load on the human waist, light and smart. We believe that it will change the life of paralyzed people in many ways and have a promising future. ”

32. With the help of WAER, patients will probably.

A. recover from spinal cord injury

B. improve their bone mineral density

C. walk as fast as normal people

D. monitor their waist’s movement

33. What can we learn about the invention of Wu Chenghua from the passage?

A. It weighs 3 kilograms and can run for up to three hours.

B. It will soon get tested at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport.

C. It may be put into use for consumers by the year 2028.

D. It can be used by patients with injuries below the fourth chest joint.

34. How does Sankai feel about the future of the robot suits?

A. Optimistic. B. Worried.

C. Doubtful. D. Puzzled.

35. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. WAER is more advanced than the robot developed by Cyberdyne.

B. The dream to cure paralyzed people by robot has been realized.

C. Powered robot suits will soon replace baggage handlers at airports.

D. Two similar robot suits have been developed to help people.




“As easy as falling off a log”is often used to describe a job that does not take much effort. You might hear a student say to her friend that her spelling test was“as easy as falling off a log”.36It is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it.

37One is“easy as pie”. Nothing is easier than eating a piece of sweet, juicy pie unless it is a“piece of cake”.

“Piece of cake”is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do. A friend might tell you that his new job was a“piece of cake”.

Another expression is“as easy as shooting fish in a barrel”. It is hard to imagine why anyone would want to shoot fish in a barrel. But, clearly, fish in a barrel would be much easier to shoot than fish in a stream.38

Sometimes, things that come to us easily, also leave us just as easily. In fact, there is an expression—“easy come, easy go”—that recognizes this.39Easy come, easy go.

When life itself is easy, when you have no cares or problems, you are on“Easy Street”. Everyone wants to live on that imaginary street.

40It means to treat a person kindly or gently, especially in a situation where you might be expected to be angry with him. A wife might urge her husband to“go easy on”their son, because the boy did not mean to damage the car.

A. If you ever tried to walk on a fallen tree log, you can understand what the expression means.

B. You may win a lot of money in a lottery, then spend it all in a few days.

C. Every person has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions.

D. Another“easy”expression is to“go easy on a person”.

E. There are several other expressions that mean the same thing.

F. And one last expression, one that means do not worry or work too hard.

G. In fact, it would be as easy as“falling off a log”.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 完形填空(20小题;每小题1. 5,满分30)



A few years ago, on a flight I fortunately met with a psychologist, Daniel Gilbert. He was very humorous, and we talked a lot. I was completely41. He was interested in the questions that we42but we never have the opportunity to43.

Now Gilbert has written a bookStumbling on Happiness(《撞上幸福》). Reading it44me of that plane ride long ago. It is a45to read his book. Gilbert is charming and46. He has a rare47for making very complicated ideas come48.

Stumbling on Happinessis a book about a very simple49powerful idea. What distinguishes us from other animals is our ability to predict the future,50, our interest in predicting the future. We spend much time51what it would be like. Why? It is what allows us to52our life. It is by trying to apply some control over our futures53we attempt to be54. But by any objective measure, we are really55at that predictive function. We’re terrible at knowing how we will feel tomorrow, and even worse at56what will bring us happiness. Gilbert57to explain why we are so terrible. In making his case, Gilbert walks(陪同)us58a series of attracting facts about the way our minds work.

I suppose I really should go on at this point. But I think that might ruin the59of readingStumbling on Happiness. This is a story about the mysteries of our lives. If you have even the slightest60about the human condition, you ought to read it. Trust me.

41. A. attractedB. shocked

C. excited D. interested

42. A. talked about B. thought about

C. cared about D. worried about

43. A. findB. explore

C. understandD. answer

44. A. reminds B. informs

C. suggests D. thinks

45. A. step B. way

C. hobby D. pleasure

46. A. intelligent B. firm

C. funny D. active

47. A. interest B. gift

C. ability D. power

48. A. magic B. serious

C. alive D. good

49. A. and B. besides

C. or D. but

50. A. or rather B. in all

C. in addition D. or else

51. A. telling B. developing

C. imagining D. guessing

52. A. make B. protect C. thank D. shape

53. A. when B. that C. where D. what

54. A. relaxed B. peaceful

C. happy D. perfect

55. A. bad B. angry

C. slow D. disappointed

56. A. predicting B. knowing

C. realizing D. feeling

57. A. sets about B. sets off

C. sets out D. sets up

58. A. over B. to

C. on D. through

59. A. love B. experience

C. scene D. idea

60. A. curiosity B. hope

C. patience D. knowledge

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第二节(10小题;每小题1. 5,满分15)


Why send a greeting card when you can send a potato? That’s the reason behind one e-commerce site, which mails actual 61.(potato)with personalized messages from their customers for $ 8 to $10.PotatoParcel. comoffers customers the chance 62.(make)a friend laugh or lighten the mood. The company

63.(usual)offers their product in two sizes. For example, a“medium”potato, 64.can fit 100 characters, is first picked by the senders. And then the company writes their note directly on the potato skin 65.a special pen. After that the potato 66.(mail)to the receiver in a“tiny envelope”from the company in Texas. There’s no cash 67.(include)inside—it is just

68.actual potato with black writing. Past potato receivers have shared pictures of 69.own experiences with others on social media. “The

70.(good)thing I’ve received in the mail!”wrote one young woman, who got a potato from her boyfriend.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错(10小题;每小题1,满分10)







Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand of senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province are interviewed. They were asked what they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles:news, stories, popular science articles or articles about learning methods.

The survey shows that more than half of students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are our favorite. Only seven percents of the students are mostly interested in reading articles about learning methods. Therefore, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles double that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.










Dear sir or madam,



1~5. BACCB 6~10. CBBAB

11~15. BCCBA 16~20. BBCBA


21. C 词义猜测题。前句提到拥抱可以让我们感到放松, 所以拥抱可以阻止压力, 并保护免疫系统。ward off意为“阻止”。

22. C 细节理解题。根据第五段可知这项实验表明社交方面的支持及更频繁的拥抱可以减少疾病感染的危险。

23. A 目的意图题。本文主要介绍了一项新的研究结果——拥抱对身体健康有积极作用。

24. A 推理判断题。本文是关于社会环境与身体健康的关系的文章, 故应出现在社会科学杂志中。


25. B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的The program encourages trainees to pursue science, technology, engineering and math disciplines through exciting, hands-on educational activities. 和第五段中的Parents and family members are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremony. 可知the Space Camp是针对学生的。

26. C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的Space Camp begins on Sunday afternoon and graduation is on Friday morning. 可知the Space Camp持续约六天。

27. A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句. . . experience four times the gravity of Earth with the takeoff force of the Space Shot simulator. 可知Space Shot simulator可以让受训者感受火箭发射的力量。


28. D 细节理解题。根据第二段It was loudly applauded by an audience of over 6, 000. . . 一句可知, 表演得到观众一致好评。

29. B 细节理解题。根据第四段可知《和平颂》没有涉及人民大会堂的建设。

30. B 推理判断题。根据Wang Heshan所说可知, 艺术在文化交流中起着重要的作用。

31. C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了大连一所艺术学院的师生表演的《和平颂》及其意义。


32. B 细节理解题。根据第四段we found that the bone mineral densities of these patients had been improved可知在WAER的帮助下, 病人脊柱的矿物质密度得到提升。

33. D 细节理解题。根据第三段patients whose injuries are below the fourth chest joint are able to use our robot to stand, walk and sit down一句可知选D。

34. A 观点态度题。根据文章最后一句We believe that it will change the life of paralyzed people in many ways and have a promising future可知Sankai对于这种新的机器人充满欣喜和期望。optimistic乐观的。

35. D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了一种新的科技——助行走外骨骼机器人, 对人类有很大帮助, 故选D。

36. A It is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it. “比起待在原木上, 掉落下来更容易。”A项提及walk on a fallen tree log与之衔接。

37. E 根据下句One is“easy as pie”. 可知综述有很多表达方式, 此处为概括句, 介绍本段主要内容。

38. G 根据上句But, clearly, fish in a barrel would be much easier to shoot than fish in a stream. 可知此处的两个习语同义, 故选G。

39. B 根据上句In fact, there is an expression—“easy come, easy go”—that recognizes this. “事实上, 有个短语来证明这个事实——来得快, 去得也快。”B项中中得彩票然后挥霍与这一短语相照应。

40. D It means to treat a person kindly or gently, . . . 可知此处后文举例子说明首句, 即此处为概括大意句, 故答案:为D。

【文章大意】本文介绍了心理学家Daniel Gilbert及其著作《撞上幸福》。

41. A 逻辑判断题。他很幽默, 我们谈了很多。我被彻底吸引住了。

42. C 词语辨析题。他对于我们都关心的问题很感兴趣, 但是我们没有机会深入探讨。talk about谈论; think about考虑; care about在意, 关心; worry about担忧。

43. B 词语辨析题。explore探索, 深究。

44. A 习语搭配题。读这本书让我想起了那次乘坐飞机的经历。reminds sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事。inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事。

45. D 词语辨析题。读他的书是一种乐趣。pleasure有趣的事情。

46. C 词语辨析题。Gilbert富有魅力, 且有趣。funny有趣的。

47. B 词语辨析题。Gilbert有能力使复杂的想法变得活灵活现。have a gift for有……的天赋。

48. C 固定结构题。come alive活跃起来。

49. D 逻辑判断题。《撞上幸福》是一本非常简单但又观点有力的书。

50. A 词语辨析题。使我们区别于其他动物的是我们预知未来的能力, 更确切地说, 是我们对预知未来的兴趣。or rather更确切地说; in all总计; in addition此外; or else否则。

51. C 词语辨析题。我们花费许多时间想象未来会是什么样。

52. D 词语辨析题。shape our life塑造我们的人生。

53. B 句式结构题。本句是强调句, 强调方式状语by trying to apply some control over our futures。

54. C 词语辨析题。我们尝试快乐是通过控制我们的未来实现的。

55. A 词语辨析题。但是通过任何的客观手段, 我们确实不善于那种预测功能。be bad at不善于。

56. B 词语辨析题。在得知什么可以带给我们快乐的时候, 我们感觉会更糟。

57. C 词语辨析题。Gilbert展开解释为什么我们会感到糟糕。set out to do sth. 开始做某事。

58. D 词语辨析题。Gilbert陪着我们通过了解一系列有吸引力的事实, 以让我们了解我们的大脑工作的原理。through穿越, 通过。

59. B 词语辨析题。这样做会破坏我读《撞上幸福》这本书的体会。experience经验, 体会。

60. A 词语辨析题。如果你对人类境况有点好奇, 那么你就应该读一读这本书。


61. 【解析】potatoes。potato的复数形式应加es。

62. 【解析】to make。chance to do sth. 做某件事的机会。


不定式常用来修饰抽象名词:ability, chance, idea, fact, excuse, promise, answer, reply, attempt, belief, way, reason, moment, time等。例如:

Do you have the ability to read and write English?

I have a chance to go sight-seeing.

63. 【解析】usually。usually副词, 通常地。修饰谓语动词offer。

64. 【解析】which。引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词potato, 且在从句中作主语。

65. 【解析】with。用一种特别的笔直接在马铃薯皮上做记录。

66. 【解析】is mailed。之后马铃薯被邮寄给接收者。

67. 【解析】included。included作后置定语, 意为“包括在内”。

68. 【解析】an。信封里是一个真马铃薯。

69. 【解析】their。以往接收者会在媒体上分享他们自己的经历的照片。

70. 【解析】best。这是我收到的最好的邮件。


Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand of senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Provinceareinterviewed. They were asked


whatthey liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news,


stories, popular science articlesorarticles about learning methods.


The survey shows that more than half of ∧students like to read news most.


Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories areourfavorite. Only


sevenpercentsof the students aremostlyinterested in reading articles about

percent most

learning methods.Therefore, the number of students who enjoy reading popular


science articlesdoublethat of those who prefer reading articles about learning



1.【解析】第二句中的of去掉。当hundred, thousand等词前有具体数字时, 后不用介词of.

2.【解析】第二句中的are改为were。本文主要叙述了过去的一次调查的结果, 故此处应用一般过去时。


4.【解析】第三句中的or改为and。此处为并列关系, 不是选择关系。

5.【解析】第四句中的of后加the。此处the表特指, 特指接受调查的学生。


7.【解析】第六句中的mostly改为most。mostly主要的, 大部分的。此处应用most, 最。


9.【解析】第七句中的Therefore改为However。此处表转折。however可是, 然而。

10.【解析】第七句中的double改为doubles。主语由the number of修饰时, 谓语动词用第三人称单数; 当主语由a number of修饰时, 谓语动词用复数。


Dear sir or madam,

First of all, throwing rubbish out of car will surely spoil a city’s look which is supposed to be clean and tidy. What’s worse, it is very dangerous to throw rubbish out of cars when driving at a high speed, which may cause severe accidents or even death, as was reported in the news. Besides, it also adds to cleaners’difficulty in collecting them or worse still, threaten their life when collecting them.


Li Ming
